For Immediate Release Received anonymously: The Animal Rights Militia has begun repaying the massive debt all animal lovers owe Goldman-Sachs. Goldman-Sachs went to court for injunctions, seeking relief from protests in Washington DC against their role in supporting Huntingdon Life Sciences through their investment in Fortress. They will soon realize that injunctions are useless against …
Category: Press Releases
Nov 24
20 Turkeys Liberated by the Animal Rights Militia Tires Also Slashed on Mobile Slaughterhouse
For Immediate Release Los Angeles: In an anonymous communique obtained by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office today, liberation activists with the Animal Rights Militia in Vermont claim to have liberated 20 turkeys, whose deaths were imminent. The group also claims to have slashed the tires of a mobile abattoir while a driver smoked …
Nov 23
Liberationist Group ‘Justice Department’ Increasingly Vocal on Animal Abuse, Three Communiques in the Last Week Detail Violent Agenda Against Vivisectors
For Immediate Release Los Angeles: In three separate anonymous communiques obtained by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office in the last week, liberation activists identifying themselves as members of the Justice Department have issued threats to vivisectors who torture and kill non-human animals. The Justice Department (JD) was founded in the United Kingdom by …
Nov 08
Justice Department Activists Issue Call to Arms Against Animal Abusers
For Immediate Release Received anonymously: For too long we have sat back, for too long we have let our past actions justify our lack of action; but stirred by the sentencing of the young SHAC activists, we are off our seats and at our doors. We are the past generation of animal liberationists, but we …
Oct 24
Activists Visit California Institute of Technology Vivisectors No Longer Able to Torture Primate Prisoners With Impunity
For Immediate Release Pasadena, CA: In an anonymous communique received by the Press Office today, animal rights activists claim to have broken into the laboratories at California Institute of Technology (CalTech). The sparsley-worded message states only that various documents were taken along with the codes for security doors at the facility. CalTech is the home …
Oct 02
Animal Liberationist William (BJ) Viehl Released from Prison
For Immediate Release William Viehl was released on September 23, 2010. Alex Hall is due to be released in December. William “BJ” Viehl and Alex Hall were arrested in March 2009 and accused of involvement in a raid on a Utah mink farm in August 2008 and an attempted raid at another farm. They were …
Sep 22
Animal Liberation Front Issues Communique for Washington Mink Liberation Largest Mink Release in Washington in Seven Years
For Immediate Release Granite Falls, WA: In a communique received yesterday by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office, the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) took credit for the release of 400 mink this month from Beck’s Fur farm in Granite Falls, Washington. The communique reads, in full: In the early hours September 9th 2010 the …
Sep 03
Vegan Prisoner Support Group Formed in Mexico: “Until the End”
– This prisoner support group supporting anti-civilization (animal and earth liberation) of Mexico was formed due to the urgent need to support our comrades who have fallen into the dungeons of the enemy. – With the expansion that has taken place in the fight for animal and earth liberation in Mexico, the state has implemented …
Aug 08
Warning: Green Scare Informant Offering Computer Security Advice Activists beware: FBI informant Darren Thurston now a “computer security” expert
Posted: 08 Aug 2010 Voice of the Voiceless by Peter Young Since Darren Thurston’s release from prison, the informant in the Green Scare A.L.F. / E.L.F. case has resurfaced as a computer security consultant. A warning to anyone who has received computer security services from someone going by hard_mac , or rad_boy : Your consultant …
Aug 07
Stop Huntington Animal Cruelty(SHAC) Releases Details on Deaths of Hundreds of Monkeys
[Huntingdon Life Sciences has been exposed in seven consecutive undercover investigations which exposed lab technicians simulating sex with the animals, punching beagle puppies and violating numerous animal welfare regulations. The company kills 500 dogs and other animals every day testing such products as oven cleaners, pesticides and pharmaceuticals. Before losing their NYSE listing several years …
Jul 28
Fire & Explosions Rock Oregon Mink Farm Twice-raided Ylipelto Mink Farm Destroyed
by Peter Young and the Press Office Astoria, Oregon: In an anonymous communique received by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office, animal liberation activists have taken credit for the destruction of Ylipelto Mink Farm in Astoria, Oregon. The farm has been the target of 2 previous raids by animal liberationists; the first occurred in …
Jul 23
Breaking News: FBI Makes Arrest in A.L.F. “Lone Wolf” Arsons Informant used in arrest of Walter Bond
by Peter Young News is emerging, but the FBI has arrested a man in connection with the A.L.F. arson at Sheepskin Factory in Denver, Colorado. Walter Bond, 34, was arrested by federal agents Thursday. The FBI alleges Bond admitted to an informant to setting two additional fires – one at Tandy Leather Factory, the other …
Jul 13
AETA 4 Case Dismissed
For Immediate Release By Will Potter A U.S. District Court has thrown out the indictment of four animal rights activists who were charged with violating the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, because the government did not clearly explain what, exactly, the protesters did. When Joseph Buddenberg, Maryam Khajavi, Nathan Pope and Adriana Stumpo were arrested in …
Jul 01
Nobody Talks, Everybody Walks
July 1, 2010 Recently, a trusted activist and ally in the So Cal community was coerced into the local police station to talk. The cops claimed (falsely) to have an arrest warrant, and convinced the activist to come down to the station – or face arrest. Agents and cops will say anything to terrorize people …
Jun 09
Arson Attack Closes Utah Leather Store, Mysterious break-in and arson reported at Tandy Leather Factory store in Salt Lake City
by Peter Young Simulposted with Voice of the Voiceless Sometime last week, the Tandy Leather Factory in Salt Lake City was the target of an apparent arson attack. This mysterious, (so far) unclaimed arson comes just weeks after at a similar unclaimed arson at the Sheepskin Factory store in Denver. The arson appears to have …