Update on Cara and Celeste (USA)

Cara and Celeste have a court date coming up next month on April 21st. Supporters are invited and wanted. The court hearing is at 1:15pm at the Northumberland Courthouse, 201 Market St, Sunbury, PA, USA. The defense is presenting a motion that argues that the state has insufficient evidence to continue the case, especially in …

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Circus “Canceled” in Bologna (Italy)

Received anonymously: ENGLISH: Imola, a city in the province of Bologna (IT), a group of activists have applied stickers, with the word “CANCELED”, on the large posters of the Madagascar circus that during the shows humiliates, exploits and mistreats the captive animals. The activists have also torn up all the smaller posters that were around …

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ALF Liberates 16 Hens (Europe)

Received anonymously: ENGLISH: LIBERATION OF 16 HENS IN EUROPE For them it’s a life or death question. This emergency convinced us that direct action is an absolute necessity of the antispecist’s fight. Facing the systemic violence which strikes against these beings made vulnerable, it’s time to organise us into independent groups of activists fighting alongside …

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6 Hunting Towers Destroyed in Retaliation for Murdered Bison (Poland)

Received anonymously: A local hunting club JODEŁKA is involved in extreme cruelty against a young female bison. She is shot in a leg and left to die. She suffers for 3 long weeks before passing away! This is criminal but police doesn’t do much to discover the guilty one. March 2025 After the case is …

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Last 2 Remaining Bobcat Fur Farms in the United States

The Larry Schultz bobcat farm is possibly the last bobcat fur farm still active in the U.S. The bobcat pens are 4 feet by 6 feet, with 2 foot by 4 foot nesting boxes, and kept 30 inches off the ground. The cages are constructed of mesh wire. There is a separate barn that is …

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Snitch Update: Lauren Weiner

Lauren Weiner (DOB: ~1986) of Pound Ridge, New York Update, March 2005: Lauren is currently residing in Burlington, VT, owns this business https://www.missweinerz.com/ Informant Status: Arrested on January 13, 2006, along with Eric McDavid and Zachary Jenson. She was charged with a single count of conspiracy to destroy by arson or explosives public and private …

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Siamese Fighting Fish Liberated (Austin, Texas, USA)

Received anonymously: Austin, Texas – On 3/20/25; SIAMESE FIGHTING FISH LIBERATED from PetSmart! Males and Females of all different species are hours away from dying due to being treated as objects where the employees don’t care about the animals’ well-being. About 30 individuals of these species are displayed front and center of the store. Each …

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Activists Sabotage Multiple Traps (Poznań, Poland)

Received anonymously: Animal right activists has glued multiple rat poison traps in the city park using mounting foam. This rendered them completely unusable. A single tube was enough to sabotage 7 traps.

Activists Attack Livestock Trucks (New South Wales, Australia)

Received anonymously: Greetings and salutations with love from the A.L.F. in so-called Australia Todays action involved some sabotage of a resting death truck trailer. Sitting in plain sight, unattended, how could we not? The recipe for this economic sabotage involved: The classic, trusted red spray paint Cutting of all wires and hoses Damage to connection …

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ALF Sabotage Castle Hosting a Hunt (Sweden)

Received anonymously: On the night of 6th march a castle in southern Sweden that organizes hunts & is owned by hunters was spraypainted. Expect us! / animal liberation front

17 Rodent Traps Destroyed by ALF (Stuttgart City, Germany)

Received anonymously: Last night we went on a mission to destroy some despicable poisonous rat traps in Stuttgart City. The rectangular boxes filled with rat poison are screwed to the ground and side walls of the buildings, so these innocent little creatures come there for a snack and die a slow and painful death. We …

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Another Meat Shop Destroyed by Fire (Wisconsin, USA)

Fire destroyed the barn and heavily damaged the butcher shop at the Siverling Century Farm on Hwy 40 northeast of Bloomer on Monday. Owner Jared Siverling went out to put bacon in the smoker at 5 a.m. and found the barn was engulfed in flames. He called 911 and the Bloomer Fire Department responded and …

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Fur Coat Vandalized with Chewing Gum (Copenhagen, Denmark)

Received anonymously: Fur vandalised by gum on 22 February in Copenhagen

Flesh Market Evacuated After Activists Drop Stink Bombs (Athens, Greece)

via: Greek indymedia. ENGLISH (translation): Taking responsibility for intervention-sabotage at the Varvakeio market on Ash Wednesday CONSUMING ANIMALS IS NOT ENTERTAINMENT. FUCK TRADITIONS AND MEAT-EATING. EATING ANIMALS IS NOT ENTERTAINMENT SHIT ON TRADITIONS AND MEAT-EATING Tradition, customs and traditions are an informal framework of values that are still observed in modern culture. In Greek tradition …

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ALF Destroys 50 Hunting Towers and Sabotages Hunting Shop (Finland)

Received anonymously: The last five months in Finland have been an emotional time for many hunters. During this period, a total of 50 hunting towers in southern Finland have been targeted by ALF activists. Towers have been sawed down, destroyed or toppled, and in addition to this, hunters’ equipment, such as trail cameras and other …

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