Received anonymously: A group of activists spray painted “meat is murder” and other messages on a KFC in Denmark. On the small piece of land they call “Denmark”, where less than 6 million humans live, over a hundred million chickens are enslaved and killed each year. They live miserable lives in factory farms, bred into …
Apr 02
5 Lambs Liberated for Easter (UK)
Received anonymously: As the nation celebrated Easter with a bloodbath of violence, roasting and tearing up the bodies of millions of innocent lambs, we fought back and saved the lives of five tiny lambs. Having checked out the spot already, we crept in the shadows past a farmhouse where the scumbag farmers were watching TV …
Mar 22
Vegan Graffiti
Dedicado a LXS ANIMALES NOCTURNXS… Que no descansan en la noche por que conspiran contra la ciudad que bajo la luna se vuelve vulnerable y nosotras escondidas y de negro sacamos los colmillos y afilamos nuestras garras atacando contra toda forma de dominación recordando con punzadas en el corazón que día a día nuestras compañeras …
Mar 22
New Zine: Developing Action Capacity
We’ve been sent quite a nice resource on how to develop into an action group which we believe is worth reading. below is a little excerpt as well as links to the zine on print form and on read only form. PRINT READY ZINE READ ONLY ZINE “We are not special. Our skills are not …
Mar 22
Butcher Shop Windows Smashed (Patras, Greece)
7th March, Patras, Greece. Originally published on Athens indymedia. ENGLISH (translation) Taking responsibility for an attack on a butcher’s shop [Patras] The struggle for anarchy must be multiform and anti-crisisism can only be an integral part of it. We understand anarchy also in the light of total liberation, we oppose all forms of power and …
Mar 20
13 Chickens Liberated by Frente de Liberacion Animal (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Via: ENGLISH (translation) We claim responsibility for this direct action. Our sisters cannot wait until the population wakes up, complicit to the monster machine that we want to destroy. Thirteen lives were liberates and are now safe, they will never have to shake out of fear whilst their oppressor cuts their throat and ignores …
Mar 19
Orfei Circus Sabotaged (Bologna, Italy)
Received anonymously: 17th March ENGLISH (translation): The Orfei Circus Traveling Jail has arrived in Imola (Bologna, Italy), with over 100 animals, including lions, tigers, giraffes, and horses forced to live in unnatural conditions for the sole purpose of entertaining the public. The Orfei Circus persists in exploiting these individuals. Faced with this cruel reality, an …
Mar 18
Rat Traps Sabotaged (Dorset, UK)
Each box was labelled as containing ‘rodenticide’ so we knew not to smash them up and risk scattering it, and not to just toss them into the bin where they could hurt other rats. We didn’t have the means to cut the wires and take all of them away to dismantle and burn so we …
Mar 17
ALF Liberate 9 Goats (Italy)
12th March, North Italy. {Editor’s note: The video contains some sections where animal flesh is displayed. The English translation includes the a poem that was submitted alongside the report. We are not professional translators and the poem might sound odd in English.] ENGLISH (translation) In a few days it will be Easter, and with this …
Mar 17
Game Farm Sabotaged, Deer and Wild Boar Liberated (Greece)
Originally published on Athens Indymedia. ENGLISH (translation): When others exchange recipes, we wear hoods. At dawn on Sunday we invaded the Vassiliadis and Kavouras ‘game farm’ in Megara. First we tore down the fence of the wild boar enclosure and then we opened the doors of the deer cage. We refuse the role of ‘liberator’ …
Mar 11
Activist Faces Prison for Exposing Zoophilia (Sweden)
Animal rights activists indicted in Sweden, accused of separately spreading a video clip in which a farmer openly talks about having sex with non human animals. The indictment is about something that happened in 2018 and two activists are accused of allegedly spreading the film clip. At the time, the farmer was a high-ranking person …
Mar 11
ALF Liberates 6 Dogs from Hunter’s Shed (Italy)
ENGLISH (TRANSLATION): Hunting is legalized murder that wreaks havoc among wildlife every year during the hunting season. However, there are other victims that both during the hunting season and at its end suffer the consequences: hunters’ dogs. Exploited as breeders, trained with electric collars and sticks, held in cages, treated as slaves, regarded not as …
Mar 11
Wildlife Traps and Cameras Destroyed (Bavaria, Germany)
According to reports in hunting media, two hunting areas near Würzburg in Bavaria have been vandalised by activists. At least three concrete pipe traps were destroyed, along with the wildlife cameras set up around them. Thilo Duschner, the hunter and owner of the traps and wildlife cameras, says the attack was no coincidence. He believes …