Tag: france

Activists Liberate 41 Hens, 4 Ducks, 2 Geese (Brittany, France)

Received anonymously: This night we went in different breedings and where birds are exploited for their eggs or their flesh. These farms are officially organic free range places where the individuals are supposedly happy until they are on-site gently slaughtered. The truce is well different: the hens were plucked, thousands of them in a dusty …

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Animal Liberation Activists Spray 30 Anti-Speciesist Tags (Rennes, France)

Received anonymously: ENG: “Animals are people”, “fish are sentient” or “meat = murder” are ideas with which we wanted to mark the minds. We denounced the exploitation of animals in all its forms in front of shops and on squares where the message would be visible. We are talking about the thousands of billions of …

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Animal Liberation Activists Spray 30 Anti-Speciesist Tags (Rennes, France)

Received anonymously: ENG: “Animals are people”, “fish are sentient” or “meat = murder” are ideas with which we wanted to mark the minds. We denounced the exploitation of animals in all its forms in front of shops and on squares where the message would be visible. We are talking about the thousands of billions of …

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Speciesism Graffiti in Paris (France)

Received anonymously: Here is some photos of graffitis done the 6 of may in Paris, Here are the graffs’ translations: “À spécisme général, animalisme radical” means “To general speciesism, radical animalism” (there should be no “e” at the end of “général”, it was misstyped..) “Spécisme = terrorism” means ” Speciesism = Terrorism” “L’élevage banalise les …

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Speciesism Graffiti in Paris (France)

Received anonymously: Here is some photos of graffitis done the 6 of may in Paris, Here are the graffs’ translations: “À spécisme général, animalisme radical” means “To general speciesism, radical animalism” (there should be no “e” at the end of “général”, it was misstyped..) “Spécisme = terrorism” means ” Speciesism = Terrorism” “L’élevage banalise les …

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Hunting Cabin Destroyed in Arson (France)

Originally published in Attaque: According to local newspapers, a hunting lodge was completely destroyed by arson. At about 4:30 pm, people walking up the Hérin road that connects in the fields Wallers-Arenberg to Bellaing called the fire department to report a fire. Six firemen from the Anzin fire station intervened to contain the fire, which only …

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Hunting Cabin Destroyed in Arson (France)

Originally published in Attaque: According to local newspapers, a hunting lodge was completely destroyed by arson. At about 4:30 pm, people walking up the Hérin road that connects in the fields Wallers-Arenberg to Bellaing called the fire department to report a fire. Six firemen from the Anzin fire station intervened to contain the fire, which only …

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ALF Trash Hunting Lodge (France)

Received anonymously: English: In the south of France, ALF members broke into a hunting lodge where animals are murdered, hung by their legs and butchered as if their lives were worthless. The premises were heavily damaged, furniture, beds, oven, water supply; we tagged on the walls inside and outside. We smashed the alcohol bottles… Yes, …

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ALF Trash Hunting Lodge (France)

Received anonymously: English: In the south of France, ALF members broke into a hunting lodge where animals are murdered, hung by their legs and butchered as if their lives were worthless. The premises were heavily damaged, furniture, beds, oven, water supply; we tagged on the walls inside and outside. We smashed the alcohol bottles… Yes, …

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16 Rainbow Trout Liberated (France)

Received anonymously: Liberation of 16 rainbow trouts 16 rainbow trouts obtained freedom on an April night. We were able to rescue them from their dirty pool where hundreds of them were surviving fattened to be eaten. We let them go in a river where they will finally be able to express their natural behaviors and …

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16 Rainbow Trout Liberated (France)

Received anonymously: Liberation of 16 rainbow trouts 16 rainbow trouts obtained freedom on an April night. We were able to rescue them from their dirty pool where hundreds of them were surviving fattened to be eaten. We let them go in a river where they will finally be able to express their natural behaviors and …

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30 Hunting Stands Destroyed (France)

8th April, La Hogette, France. According to local media, the hunting association in la Hogette (Calvados) has filed a complaint with the gerndarmerie due to thirty hunting stands being sawed down and destroyed in their grounds. They claim that the hunting stands are a safety measure in order to shoot downwards to kill wild boar. …

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30 Hunting Stands Destroyed (France)

8th April, La Hogette, France. According to local media, the hunting association in la Hogette (Calvados) has filed a complaint with the gerndarmerie due to thirty hunting stands being sawed down and destroyed in their grounds. They claim that the hunting stands are a safety measure in order to shoot downwards to kill wild boar. …

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53 Hunting Towers Destroyed (France)

Received anonymously: ENGLISH: A few nights before the last two hunts of the season on the Baville estate (in Essonne), a group of anarchist antispeciesists trespassed into the hunting grounds. This domain privatizes the forest: a wall surounds 40 hectares, a castle and a hunting lodge, La Thébaïde. The owners charge 450 euros per day …

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53 Hunting Towers Destroyed (France)

Received anonymously: ENGLISH: A few nights before the last two hunts of the season on the Baville estate (in Essonne), a group of anarchist antispeciesists trespassed into the hunting grounds. This domain privatizes the forest: a wall surounds 40 hectares, a castle and a hunting lodge, La Thébaïde. The owners charge 450 euros per day …

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