Tag: france

Four Goats Liberated from Farm in Brittany (France)

Received anonymously: A few nights ago, we infiltrated a goat farm in Brittany (France). There were hundred of them in this building, always in the dark and walking in their shit. We liberated four of them, maybe pregnant, and placed them in an antispeciesist sanctuary. They were exploited for dairy, so they have enormous and …

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22 Hunting Towers Destroyed (Brittany, France)

Received anonymously: We destroyed 22 hunting towers in the night between the 5th and the 6th of October. It took place in the Lanouée forest, in Brittany, France. Media: https://www.ouest-france.fr/bretagne/ploermel-56800/foret-de-lanouee-les-miradors-des-chasseurs-scies-et-saccages-6555547 Until all animals are free.