25 Hens Liberated from Egg Farm (UK)

Received anonymously: 14th October, somewhere cold and Northern. (UK?) Our night was quickly off to a great start when one of our cars showed up a whopping 45 minutes late due to some questionable navigation. After some hurried hellos we set off across multiple soggy fields towards our target, carrying a crate each. The dark …

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11 Hunting Towers Destroyed (Serbia)

Received anonymously: On night 18.-19. October 2024. few activist destroyed 11 hunting towers. That would be normal activity of our group if we didn’t find an “artwork”, in video we can see “special” hunting tower in which someone invested a lot of resources and time, we are sure someone will be really pissed when they …

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Chilean Activists Sentenced for Meat Packing Plant Arson

The Susaron case is the name given by the Chilean press to the arrest of 4 comrades accused of having set fire to trucks, the meat packing plant and the sales room of the Susaron butcher’s shop. This company is nationally known for producing important imports and exports of pork, beef and chicken. On September …

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Release of 700 mink from central Pa. fur farm called a domestic terroristic act

By John Beauge | Special to PennLive SUNBURY — ”Pure and simple it was a terroristic attack” is how the executive director of the Fur Commission USA describes the release of 700 mink from their cages at a Northumberland County farm. Because of a perimeter fence, few if any of the mink released early Saturday …

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Hundreds of Captive Mink Liberated Last Night From Pennsylvania’s Only Remaining Fur Farm

For Immediate Release October 19, 2024 Stahl Mink Farm Targeted Again After Thousands of Captive Mink Released in September 2023    Although an anonymous communique has yet to be received by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office, activists appear to have liberated hundreds more captive mink from Stahl Fur Farm in Pennsylvania early this …

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UPDATE Two jailed after second mink release as investigation continues

SUNBURY — Vandals struck a Sunbury mink farm for the second time in a little more than a year late Friday, releasing 500 to 900 mink. Unlike the previous incident, two people have been charged, according to Northumberland County District Attorney Mike O’Donnell. Police have charged Christopher Legere, 25, and Cara Mitrano, 27, both of …

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Animal liberation activist warns fur farmers that raids are inevitable

By Francis Scarcella fscarcella@dailyitem.com SUNBURY — An official with the North American Animal Liberation Press Office said he believed Saturday’s release of mink near Sunbury should not be a surprise to fur farms. Joseph Buddenberg, a press officer with the North American Animal Liberation Press Office, said he believed the farm was targeted for the …

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ALF Destroys Hunting Hide (Italy)

ENGLISH (translation): This is the time when hunting starts and the hunters (the shits) come out of the sewers to hide in these shacks from which they shoot Animals. VIGLIACCHI! VIGLIACCHI! VIGLIACCHI! We will always and by any means continue to oppose violence against Animals! A.L.F. ITALIAN (original): Questo e’ il periodo in cui inizia …

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40 Hens Liberated from Egg Farm (UK)

Received anonymously: With Sehid Waka in our memory and determined to keep him alive with our actions, we headed into the night armed with little more than animal carriers. Chicken farms are easy to access. You might need to squeeze through a window, or perhaps through the automated gates, but this time we simply opened …

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2 Hunting Towers Destroyed (Forest of Dean, UK)

Via: Act for Freedom! We made a choice to saw into 2 hunting towers in Staunton and the other NR St. Briavels, both in the Forest of Dean. This simple action was taken with the thoughts in our minds of pine martins in Germany and Switzerland that chew into brake cables whilst keeping warm and …

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Hares Liberated, Fences Cut (Lacroisille France)

According to local press, a group self-called “Lièvres Vénères Et Libres” reported having cut the fences of a hare breeder who sold 20ha of land to ATOSCA, who plans building the A69 road. They say that the hare breeding farm needs the fences up to contain the hares before road works can commence, as the …

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13 Hens Liberated from Egg Farm (Germany)

Received anonymously: A sanctuary offered us a home for 12 chicken. So in a cold september night we had a mission. Find a target,get the animals out and bring them to the sanctuary We packed our carriers and got in the car. Dressed in black, covered face and determination in the eyes of each of …

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12 Hunting Towers Destroyed (Mornas, France)

via: Attaque ENGLISH (translation): In Mornas (Vaucluse), hunters are wondering who is destroying their tree stands. These 1.50-2 m towers are erected in the wild to make hunting safer: the bullet is no longer fired horizontally, but towards the ground at an angle of 30 degrees. For several years now, the watchtowers of the sixty Mornas …

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National Hunting Federation Mailbox Filled with Manure by ALF (Italy)

Received anonymously: ENGLISH (translation): On the occasion of the ‘hunting opening in Italy we wanted to remind how cowardly and infamous human beings hiding behind the authorizations of a murderous state that trades the lives of animals to maintain power. Hunting is called a sport by those who practice it, but there is no sport …

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Hunting Tower Decommissioned (UK)

Received anonymously: A shooting tower used to massacre deer has been put out of action in Dorset, giving our wildlife the chance to run free for another day. These towers are often very easy to topple, and we urge everyone who sees one to take this simple action to save lives.