Communiqué from unknown activists Date: July 26, 2006 Institution targeted: Phenomenex (HLS Supplier) Received anonymously Farejolah Mahjoor who owns Phenomenex and his wife Fariba bought another multimillion dollar mansion with the blood money from Huntingdon Life Sciences. So we figured a housewarming gift was in order. Five razor blades representing the 500 animals cut open …
Jul 11
Moletov Cocktail Left for UCLA Vivisector Lynn Fairbanks
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: July 11, 2006 Institution targeted: UCLA Vivisector Lynn Fairbanks Received anonymously: On the night of June 30, we paid a visit to Lynn Fairbanks home at XXXX Roscomare Road in Belaire. Since she is rumored to have a cocktail every evening after a hard days work of breeding monkeys for …
Jun 06
35 Hens Liberated Delaware
Communiqué from unknown activists Date: June 6, 2006 Institution targeted: Delaware Egg Farm anonymous communique: “This past weekend 35 hens were liberated from a large battery cage egg facility in Delaware. In the middle of the night we simply entered the unlocked facility (after scouting several locations), removed one to two hens from many different …
May 01
Hundreds of Captive Mink Released From Minnesota Ranch
For Immediate Release May 01, 2006 Hundreds of Captive Mink Released From Minnesota Ranch Action by Animal Liberation Front in Support of Jailed Activist Peter Young Howard Lake, MN- In an anonymous communique received by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office last night, activists have taken credit for the release on Saturday of hundreds …
May 01
Huntingdon Life Sciences De-Listed From Pink Sheets
For Immediate Release: May 1, 2006 Huntingdon Life Sciences De-Listed From Pink Sheets Mysterious Full-Page Ad in New York Times Credits ALF New York, NY: The campaign to stop the killing at Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) notched another important victory against the notorious animal testing lab. Last week, HLS which traded on the Pink Sheets …
Apr 29
100’s of Mink Liberated from Latzig Mink Ranch
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: April 29, 2006 Institution targeted: Latzig Mink Ranch Recieved Anonymously By Activists in the USA: 29-04-06 “To all those who refuse to give in, In the early morning hours of April 29th, our small band of do- gooders made our way through muddy fields and wet forests to descend upon …
Apr 17
Bomb Threats Made at Four Red Lobster Restaurants
For Immediate Release April 17, 2006 Bomb Threats Made at Four Red Lobster Restaurants Continued Participation in Canadian Seal Slaughter Cited Los Angeles- An anonymous communiqué received by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office today states that four Red Lobster Restaurants received bomb threats on Saturday, April 8. Refusing to join a boycott against …
Apr 17
Bomb Threats Called into Red Lobster Franchises
Communiqué from: Animal Liberation Front Date: April 17, 2006 Institution targeted: Red Lobster Restaurants Received Anonymously: Dinner was ruined 4/8/06 for those who support the slaughter of innocent Canadian seals. Bomb threats were called into Red Lobster franchises in Monrovia, Lakewood, La Puente and Garden Grove. Consider getting your meal to go next time you …
Mar 25
120 Chickens Liberated in Litchfield CT
Communiqué from: Unclaimed Date: March 25, 2006 Institution targeted: Litchfield, CT Egg Farm anonymous communique: “On the night of March 25th we entered an egg laying chicken farm in Litchfield CT and rescued 120 chickens from a lifetime of suffering. The chickens are now living in peace and comfort in a sanctuary where they will …
Mar 11
Tristan & America Clothing Store, Montreal is Painted, Windows Etched for Fur
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: March 11, 2006 Institution targeted: Tristan & America Clothing Store, Montreal anonymous communique: “Last Saturday night, we paid a visit to the head office of Tristan & America in Montreal. Tristan & America is a scummy chain of clothing stores that profit from the torture and killing of rabbits for …
Feb 24
Former Animal Liberation Front Warrior Rodney Coronado Indicted for Making Speech
For Immediate Release February 24, 2006 Former Animal Liberation Front Warrior Rodney Coronado Indicted for Making Speech San Diego, CA- A former member of the Animal Liberation Front who served nearly 5 years in prison for animal liberation activities was indicted yesterday for giving a speech about his former actions. Under a law that …
Feb 14
VP of Roche, HLS Customer has House Window Smashed
Communiqué from Unidentified Activists Date: February 14, 2006 Institution targeted: Roche, HLS Customer received anonymously: “Recently we held a ‘smashing’ nighttime demonstration at the home of Kevin O’Leary, a senior Vice-President of HLS customer Roche in New Jersey, USA. We made lots of noise, smashed out a front window, and knocked around things on his …
Feb 07
For Immediate Release – February 7, 2006 Attention: Financial/Business LSRI DROPPED TO PINK SHEETS AS ACTIVIST’S TRIAL BEGINS IN NJ New York, NY- On the eve of a landmark free speech trial in Trenton, NJ, the campaign to Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC) notched an important victory against the beleaguered animal testing lab. Last week, …
Feb 02
Oxford University Threatened Over New Lab
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: February 2, 2006 Institution targeted: Oxford University From the United Kingdom This is just the beginning of our campaign of devastation against ANYONE linked in ANY way to Oxford University. Every individual and business that works for the University as a whole is now a major target of the ALF. …