For Immediate Release December 20, 2006 Activists Shrug Off New Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act Illegal Direct Action Appears to be on the Increase, Animals Benefit North America: Numerous anonymous communiques have been received by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office in the last week, including those mocking the new Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA) …
Dec 19
For Immediate Release December 19, 2006 POM WONDERFUL JUICE CONTAMINATED BY ANIMAL RIGHTS MILITIA Campaign Against Animal-Testing Company Escalates Los Angeles: A communiqué received by the North American Animal Liberation Press office claims that four hundred and eighty seven bottles of POM Wonderful Juice have been contaminated on the Eastern seaboard of the United States. …
Dec 19
Several Hundred Quail, Phesants, and Partridges Liberated
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: December 19, 2006 Institution targeted: Griggstown Quail Farm, NJ “Last night we gave an early Christmas present to around two hundred and fifty of our friends at the Griggstown Quail Farm in Princeton, NJ. After clipping through the fencing we cut out large sections of the canopy covering three pens, …
Dec 18
Dozens of New York Fur, Leather and Wool Shops Glued
Communiqué from Unknown activists Date: December 18, 2006 Institution targeted: New York Fur, Leather and Wool Shops received anonymously: Early morning monday December 18th, a group of indivuals went to the lower east side of manhattan and glued and tampered with the locks of every fur, leather, and wool store on orchard street between delancey …
Dec 14
487 Bottles of Pom Wonderful Juices were Tampered With
Communiqué from the Animal Rights Militia Date: December 14, 2006 Institution targeted: POM Juice received anonymously in a well coordinated action, 487 bottles of pom wonderful juices were tampered with along the Eastern seaboard in stores like wlld oats, d’agostino’s and food emporiums. those who drink the contaminated juice won’t die like the animals in …
Dec 10
Fur Store & Kentucky Fried Chicken Glued and Painted
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: December 10, 2006 Institution targeted: Fur Store, Kentucky Fried Chicken received anonymously: “Greetings from México. Two FLA (Frente de Liberación Animal) strikes very early this morning in Monterrey, Nuevo León. The first target was a big fur store, where all locks and doors were glued, threw paint bombs and wrote …
Dec 05
Hundreds of Animals Liberated by the Italian ALF
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: December 5, 2006 Institution targeted: Harlan Italy translated version of the communiqué issued by the Fronte Liberazione Animale (FLA). Some buildings may seem like they are impossible to raid, but only a few really are. Harlan Italy is one of these buildings – full of alarms and security cameras in …
Dec 02
Furs by Susan, Glass Etched, Window Broken
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: December 2, 2006 Institution targeted: Furs by Susan December 2, 2006 Furs by Susan, of Hanover, PA Larged etched glass display window destroyed by pellet gun fire. We will continue our assault on this death dealer until she learns to make her money on something other than murder. Dedicated to …
Nov 29
Antares Pharmaceuticals has 30 Windows Glass Etched
Communiqué from Unknown activists Date: November 29, 2006 Institution targeted: Huntingdon Life Sciences received anonymously: “On Monday morning employees at Antares Pharmaceuticals discovered that over 30 windows at their offices in Minnetonka, MN had been damaged by glass etching solution. This is the price companies pay for working with HLS. Cut all ties to HLS …
Nov 20
Long Island Massacre Suspended Last Year After Strike by Animal Liberation Front
For Immediate Release November 20, 2006 Activists Target Mayor of Lloyd Harbor After Deer Killing Resumes Long Island Massacre Suspended Last Year After Strike by Animal Liberation Front Lloyd Harbor, NY- The mayor of Lloyd Harbor, NY has again come under attack by animal liberation activists for his support of the annual deer slaughter there. …
Nov 13
Deer Killer Leland Hairr has Office Painted
Communiqué from unknown activists Date: November 13, 2006 Institution targeted: Lloyd Harbor (Long Island) Deer Massacre received anonymously This past Friday, EEA Inc. employees learned something about their boss, Leland Hairr. Written on his office building and parking spot with blood-red paint was “LELAND HAIRR IS A MURDERER.” As Mayor of Lloyd Harbor, Hairr has …
Nov 04
36 Turkeys Liberated
Communiqué from unknown activists Date: November 4, 2006 Institution targeted: Unnamed Turkey Farm anonymous communique: “Two nights previous, 36 turkeys were liberated from a large turkey farm in Virginia, USA. In a matter of fifteen minutes we were in the utterly unguarded property, loaded the lovely ladies into carrying cages, and were gone into the …
Nov 02
Santa Monica Police Raid Homes of Two Animal Liberation Press Officers
For Immediate Release November 2, 2006 Santa Monica Police Raid Homes of Two Animal Liberation Press Officers Police Refuse to Delineate Reason for Search Warrant; Similar Raid Last Year Resulted in Costly Lawsuit by Activists Los Angeles- Search warrants were served on the residences Tuesday of two North American Animal Liberation Press Officers by the …
Nov 01
Dean’s Farm (UK) has 6 Trucks Torched with Remote Incendiary Devices
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: November 1, 2006 Institution targeted: Dean’s Farm (UK) and Oxford University While the Government and Thames Valley Police have been busy doing the bidding of the vivisection industry by passing repressive laws and making peaceful protest impossible, the ALF has also been busy, recruiting and reorganising in Oxfordshire. On the …
Oct 12
HLS Contractor UPS Painted and Glued Twice
Communiqué from activists Date: October 12, 2006 Institution targeted: HLS Supplier UPS anonymous communique: Montreal, Canada Last week we paid a visit to a franchise of Mail Box etc and The UPS store which is own by UPS, United Parcel Service. UPS does business with Huntingdon life Sciences and we will not let them get …