Mink fur farms continue dramatic decline in capacity, market interest, and value, according to latest USDA annual survey

EIN Newsdesk Animal Wellness Action calls for government buy-out of small and declining, very inhumane and virally dangerous industry Mink farming is in a death spiral, with no recognizable domestic market for pelts. — Wayne Pacelle, president of Animal Wellness Action WASHINGTON DC, UNITED STATES, August 30, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ — The mink industry is experiencing …

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99 Hens Liberated from Egg Farm (Belgium)

Received anonymously: Animal Liberation Activists went into an intensive egg farm with layer hens kept in battery cages. This time they liberated 99 animals. All of them get new homes after recuperation and medical treatment. WE WON’T STOP – Until Every Cage Is Empty

99 Hens Liberated from Egg Farm (Belgium)

Received anonymously: Animal Liberation Activists went into an intensive egg farm with layer hens kept in battery cages. This time they liberated 99 animals. All of them get new homes after recuperation and medical treatment. WE WON’T STOP – Until Every Cage Is Empty

New Animal Liberation Prisoner: Hunt Saboteur Paul Allman

Paul Allman, a Hunt Saboteur from the group Stockport Monitors has been sentenced to 20 weeks of prison. He was sentenced last week, wrongly accused and convicted of assaulting 2 hunt supporters at the Wynnstay Hunt while in Cheshire, UK. Whilst Paul is appealing this decision and there is hope he could get out, we should …

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Hunt Saboteurs Liberate 17 Birds, Destroy Traps (Belgium)

Received anonymously: As hunt saboteurs we are constantly on the lookout for hidden animal traps. On one night we set out a route and managed to free 17 Birds on 2 locations, while destroying the crow traps and turning Larsen cages into frisbees. WE WON’T STOP – Until Every Cage Is Empty

Hunt Saboteurs Liberate 17 Birds, Destroy Traps (Belgium)

Received anonymously: As hunt saboteurs we are constantly on the lookout for hidden animal traps. On one night we set out a route and managed to free 17 Birds on 2 locations, while destroying the crow traps and turning Larsen cages into frisbees. WE WON’T STOP – Until Every Cage Is Empty

Activists Sabotage 10 Hunting Towers (Lower Saxony, Germany)

According to local pro-hunt press, at least ten hunting towers in Lower Saxony have been found vandalised in August. The activists would’ve used a saw to cut support beams and safety features in the towers, ensuring that anyone trying to shoot deer and wild boar would fall after climbing. The local newspaper says that setting …

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Activists Sabotage 10 Hunting Towers (Lower Saxony, Germany)

According to local pro-hunt press, at least ten hunting towers in Lower Saxony have been found vandalised in August. The activists would’ve used a saw to cut support beams and safety features in the towers, ensuring that anyone trying to shoot deer and wild boar would fall after climbing. The local newspaper says that setting …

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Open Rescue of More Than 175 Chickens (Czech Republic)

via: MichalKolesar ENGLISH: Patrols are at their places and report a clear area. Lukáš and I make our way through the tall nettles to the fence. The sky is cloudy, the heavy stench of the poultry house is in the air. The halls are quiet, only fans can be heard in some. In a few minutes …

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Open Rescue of More Than 175 Chickens (Czech Republic)

via: MichalKolesar ENGLISH: Patrols are at their places and report a clear area. Lukáš and I make our way through the tall nettles to the fence. The sky is cloudy, the heavy stench of the poultry house is in the air. The halls are quiet, only fans can be heard in some. In a few minutes …

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Hunter’s Vehicle Sabotaged (Catalunya/Spain)

According to local press, a hunter’s vehicle was vandalised during Sunday 20th of August in Lleida, Catalunya. Windscreen wipers were broken off, side mirrors smashed or broken and the windscreen window was also smashed. The activists left graffiti on the vehicle reading “Killing for the pleasure of killing” to send a message to the hunter. …

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Hunter’s Vehicle Sabotaged (Catalunya/Spain)

According to local press, a hunter’s vehicle was vandalised during Sunday 20th of August in Lleida, Catalunya. Windscreen wipers were broken off, side mirrors smashed or broken and the windscreen window was also smashed. The activists left graffiti on the vehicle reading “Killing for the pleasure of killing” to send a message to the hunter. …

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Every Fox Liberated from Minnesota Fur Farm (USA)

Received anonymously: this is a call to action. there are a small number of fox prisons left in the so called usa. we went to one owned by tim jahr at 21496 401st Avenue Arlington, MN 55307.we opened every fox cage. they were extremely scared at first but then one popped their beautiful little head …

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Every Fox Liberated from Minnesota Fur Farm (USA)

Received anonymously: this is a call to action. there are a small number of fox prisons left in the so called usa. we went to one owned by tim jahr at 21496 401st Avenue Arlington, MN 55307.we opened every fox cage. they were extremely scared at first but then one popped their beautiful little head …

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Wisconsin fur farm workers try to recapture 3,000 mink that activists claim to have released

Wausau Pilot and Review LINCOLN, Wis. (AP) — Workers at a fur farm in western Wisconsin are trying to recapture thousands of mink that were released last week, apparently during a raid by animal activists, authorities said.The Trempealeau County Sheriff’s Office said Wednesday that a hole was cut in a chain-link fence enclosure at Olsen …

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