Category: Essays

Maximal Action: An Essay by Maxim Plokhoi

Wherever you are, try to hear the birds singing. Endless twelve hours have passed too quickly. He lit a cigarette, looked around in the bus: faces, eyes… what do they express? Everything but fear. It is time to leave now. The early morning of July 21st, in the hotel room 430 was pretty calm. ‘I …

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Pandemic Culture by camille marino

Pandemic Culture by camille marino For purposes of this essay, I ask that the dozen or so people still concerned about Animal Liberation humor me and assume two facts: Covid-19 has killed 100s of 1000s of people and; and, Wearing a mask is an effective method of protecting oneself & others. I have no doubt …

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Change, Justice & Freedom: See you in the liberation

Vidula, December 16, 2020 See you in the liberation, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” I want change, justice, and freedom for the animals. Change, justice and freedom don’t come from being kind to the victimizers, and it doesn’t come from the taunts and jeers of the oppressors. Liberation comes from …

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The Pandemic’s Assault on Human Privilege (Liberation by any means necessary)

by Camille Marino March 29, 2020 That the human species is an utter plague to the natural order is indisputable. With carefree disregard, we devastate the planet and enslave our nonhuman brethren — the depth and scope of our crimes both unfathomable and incalculable. And every single one of us is stained by the genocide …

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On the Covid-19 Virus and Animal Liberation

  As of this writing, almost 2 million humans have been infected in the Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic, and well over 100,000 have died as a result. Even so, although the true numbers are unknown, only a fraction of a percent of all humans have been sickened, and less than 6% of those infected have died. …

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A Marxist response to the animal liberation and vegan movements

BY BRIAN W. MAJOR Greta Thunberg, a young environmental activist, has become a powerful icon in our popular culture. Time magazine named her the 2019 “person of the year.” Many governments and business leaders, including Trump, have lashed out at her activism, and even her personally. Concern regarding climate change and other environmental issues is clearly growing, particularly …

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How They Got In (Blast from the Past, Still Pertinent Today!)

By: Peter Young, former ALF operative Missing from much coverage on and communiques from the A.L.F.s most expertly planned break-ins and live liberations are any mention of how the activists gained entry. And perhaps for good reason: revealing the method of access for the FBI and the action’s target can provide clues to aid in …

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Steve Best and Gary Yourofsky: Love Does Not Conquer Hate!

What Savages We Must Be: Vegans Without Morality

What Savages We Must Be: Vegans Without Morality by Flower Bomb ~ New morals, Same governance ~ “Morality is common sense ideas that we can all agree on. We need to expand morality to include non-human animals.” -Logic commonly found in the vegan movement Most movements who attempt to make social change en masse rely …

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True Animal Liberation (from Walter Bond)

True Animal Liberation Animals are inherently better than human beings. To clarify, when I say ‘Animals’ this is merely shorthand for ‘all life upon the planet,minus us’. And by ‘inherently better’ I mean collectively, and most of the time individually, more important to the healthy functioning of the Planet than we are. Animals are far …

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Walter Bond: On Mono-Theism, Human Overpopulation and More

The first time I was ever caught for arson was in 1997 when I broke into and burnt a huge pentagram into the altar at the united methodist church, across the street from the police station, in Mason City, Iowa. I remember when I lit the pentagram how the butane flickered blue for a solid …

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Vegan Means Attack: Fomenting A Wildfire Against Speciesism and Moral Anthropocentrism

From The Anarchist Library My veganism exists as a nihilist confrontation against the existing moral fabric of anthropocentrism and speciesism. Here on this landmass called “america”, the moral justifications for consuming the flesh and secretions of non-human animals go hand in hand with the industrialization of their enslavement and reduction to commodity status. This is …

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Compassion Vs. Consumption (Latest Essay from Animal Liberation Prisoner Walter Bond)

From: WALTER EDMUND BOND (37096013) Date: 10/12/2018 9:19:23 AM Subject: Compassion Vs. Consumption Human greed and avarice has been killing the planet and this has been the case for a long time running. And now it has been ramped up to a fever pitch with the advent of the industrial revolution. Ever driven by a …

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New Publication: 18 Theses on Marxism and Animal Liberation

Dear comrades, dear colleagues and friends, we’re very happy to announce that our text “18 Theses on Marxism and Animal Liberation” is now published both online on facebook  ( and in PDF format ( It is the English translation of a text we first published in German in 2017. It aims at showing the common …

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Walter Bond (Animal Liberation Captive): Why I Am Straight Edge

I am Straight Edge because I hate drugs and alcohol. I don’t want to use them, I don’t want to be around other people who use them and I want nothing to do with drug culture, the bar scene, etc. What separates me from being simply drug free is that I actively stand against drug …

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