Category: Essays


THE ANIMAL LIBERATION FRONT IS THE ANIMALS TRUE GUARDIAN ANGEL By breaking into vivisection labs, fur farms, factoryfarms and breeders,the ALF document cruelty and neglect, damage the devices of torture, and whisk animals away from suffering and neglect to freedom and better lives. Unfortunately, our corrupt society considers these compassionate and courageous acts illegal, which forces ALF activists to hide behind ski-masks of anonymity. So through the years,many animal rights supporters have stepped forward to speak on behalf of the ALF so their message could be heard, and their reputation defended.

Don’t Confuse Rebellion with Terrorism

Camille Marino November 4, 2017 Traditional guerrilla warfare is a strategy. It is where a small group of combatants employs irregular tactics in an effort to effectively combat a larger, well-equipped military. When the US invaded Viet Nam, the northern villagers were unable to fight toe to toe with our armies. To skew the odds …

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Keep Fighting – Three Interviews with Britain’s Animal Liberation Front Press Officers

  Introduction   The Animal Liberation Front is the animals true guardian angel. By breaking into vivisection labs, fur farms, factory farms and breeders, the ALF document cruelty and neglect, damage the devices of torture, and whisk animals away from suffering and neglect to freedom and better lives. Unfortunately, our corrupt society considers these compassionate …

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8 Reasons Why Meat-eating Anarchists Need a Kick Up Their Anthropocentric Ass

All systems of oppression are supported by defensive attitudes, justifications, trivialization and denial. Sometimes these claims might be fair enough, but people more often than not simply react to feeling attacked and respond from a selfish position of self-preservation. Anarchism impoverished Anarchism is struggle against all forms of domination. It is a beautifully simple idea …

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Statement by Debbie Vincent the day before being released from prison…

“I am proud to know wonderful people around the world who continue to try to make a difference and I am inspired by their courage, compassion, hope and tenacity to challenge human-made violence, cruelty and oppression in an indifferent capitalist world that cause huge suffering to animals, human and the environment alike. All forms of …

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Hambach Forest, Germany: Letter from Debbie Vincent

Dear Defenders of Nature: Your actions against the destroyers of Hambach Forest are an inspiration. I know it has been a hard struggle over the cold winter. I send you love, respect and solidarity from within the walls of prison. Though they incarcerate my body, my heart, mind and soul will always be free. Being …

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Flashback Friday…! #FlashbackFriday: Animal Liberation Front – Highgate Rabbit Farm action – UK – January 2008

Starting in the 1990s, UK animal rights activists gained strength by banding together and strategically targeting elements of the vivisection industrial complex , such as government licensed businesses that breed animals for testing facilities. Campaigners successfully closed Oxford University Park Farm, Regal Rabbits, Sky Commercial Rabbit Farm, Shamrock farm, Consort Beagles, Hylyne Rabbits and Hillgrove …

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Essay # 3 Darwin

“If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the principal difference between a dog and a man.” Mark Twain “I would rather see the portrait of a dog that I know, than all the allegorical paintings they can show me in the world.” Samuel Johnson …

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The Dysfunctional Relationship Between Society and Species

  Let’s run on the premise that this celestial rock we reside on, is the only living planet within the observable universe.  Which means we are just a speck in the universe and we are all that we have.  Which is more of a reason, why we should care about the planet we live on.  …

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Gather Made Great, Pro-Animal Music

Jon Hochschartner Exploring the vegan straight edge lifestyle.  I’m not a huge fan of vegan straight edge, a sub-genre of hardcore-punk music. I came to it, originally, as a sort of sociologist. Many of the animal activists I looked up to, who got their start in the 1990s, were inspired by this cacophony. I wanted …

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Darwin: An Animal Welfare Advocate

“If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the principal difference between a dog and a man.” -Mark Twain “I would rather see the portrait of a dog that I know, than all the allegorical paintings they can show me in the world.” -Samuel Johnson …

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Flashback Friday…

#FlashbackFriday ALF Action – July 1989 – Texas Tech University The FBI classified the ALF as a domestic terrorism group in 1989. If that was meant to slow liberation actions down, it didn’t. On July fourth of that year, four activists launched a daring raid on the Texas Tech laboratories of physiologist John Orem in …

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A Statement from Animal Liberation Prisoner Water Bond: “Five Years Ago on October 13, 2011”

In a Corrlink’s email, Walter Bond recently commented on his sentencing 5 years ago on October 13, 2011 in Federal District Court, Salt Lake City, Utah: WALTER EDMUND BOND (37096013) 9/26/2016 3:53:00 PM A Reminder I remember October 13th, 2011 well. I had already been in county jail for a year and a half and …

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A letter from Animal Liberation prisoner Debbie Vincent…

What is scary in this world is oppression and injustice, when people hurt people, animals and nature. What is beautiful in this world is resistance, when people say ‘enough is enough’ and act. Oppression and injustice are everywhere, but so is resistance. Because some people know that if you fight you might lose, but if …

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Animal Liberationist Kevin Johnson on AETA- A Personal Challenge

For those cheering CCR’s challenge to the AETA, let’s challenge our own comfort By Kevin Johnson Three years ago, my friend Tyler and I crept onto a squalid and cramped fur farm in northern Illinois and released two thousand mink from their cages to save their lives. Approximately a year later, a man in Fresno, …

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