Author's posts
Jul 12
Animal Liberation Front Targets Supplier of Huntingdon Life Sciences; Bachem Offices Have Windows Smashed in California
For Immediate Release July 12, 2005 Animal Liberation Front Targets Supplier of Huntingdon Life Sciences; Bachem Offices Have Windows Smashed in California San Carlos , CA: In an anonymous communique received by the Animal Liberation Press Office yesterday, the Animal Liberation Front(ALF) has taken credit for a brazen attack on Bachem offices in California. Bachem, …
Jul 10
Bachem/Peninsula Laboratories Office Painted, Windows Broken
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: July 10, 2005 Institution targeted: received anonymously: “Recently, members of the Animal Liberation Front paid a visit to Bachem/Peninsula Laboratories (305 Old Country Road, San Carlos, CA 94070), a well-known associate of Huntingdon Life Sciences. Left in our wake were spraypainted messages, busted windows, and broken glass to deliver our …
Jul 09
Wachovia Securities/ HLS Office Painted
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: July 9, 2005 Institution targeted: Wachovia Securities/ HLS received anonymously: As promised, the ALF have returned to Wachovia Securities to drive a message home to Robert Ingram and GlaxoSmithKline their support of HLS must discontinue. On Wednesday night 7/6/05, the storefront of Wachovia’s Port Jefferson office was spray painted with …
Jun 29
GlaxoSmithKline Investor Wachovia Securities Attacked by ALF; Investors in HLS Customers Continue to be Targeted
For Immediate Release June 29, 2005 GlaxoSmithKline Investor Wachovia Securities Attacked by ALF; Investors in HLS Customers Continue to be Targeted Long Island, NY: In an anonymous communique received yesterday, the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) claims to have attacked GlaxoSmithKline(GSK) investor Wachovia Securities as retaliation for GSK’s continued support of Huntingdon Life Sciences(HLS). HLS is …
Jun 28
Wachovia Securities, HLS Supporter has Offices Painted, Windows Broken
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: June 28, 2005 Institution targeted: Wachovia Securities, HLS Supporter received anonymously: Acts of property destruction occured at offices of Wachovia Securties on Long Island, Friday, 6/24. Gallons of red paint and thinner were strewn across the the building at (office #1 see below) with a paint filled and recharged fire …
Jun 02
Future Primate Facility Scuttled After Animal Liberation Front Attack
For Immediate Release June 2, 2005 Future Primate Facility Scuttled After Animal Liberation Front Attack Quakertown, PA: Less than one week after the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) visited a Pennsylvania plant nursery whose owner was planning to convert it into a primate importing center, plans for the conversion were scuttled. Owner Michael Hsu said he’s …
Jun 01
Huntingdon Laboratories Client Executive Quits
For Immediate Release June 1, 2005 Huntingdon Laboratories Client Executive Quits Monrovia, CA: Mitchell Lardner has quit Sumitomo Corporation of America, a notorious client of the animal-testing laboratory Huntington Life Sciences (HLS), according to a letter mailed to the Animal Liberation Press Office last month. Lardner’s home and office had been targeted by both protests …
Jun 01
Animal Liberation Front Raids Future Primate Facility
For Immediate Release June 1, 2005 Animal Liberation Front Raids Future Primate Facility Quakertown, PA: The Animal Liberation Front (ALF) visited a Pennsylvania plant nursery whose owner is planning to turn it into a breeding facility of non-human primates to be sold to animal experimenters. Owner Michael Hsu admits to tens of thousands of dollars …
May 28
New Vivisection Supplier Houses Painted, Cars Stripped
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: May 28, 2005 Institution targeted: PeonyLand Nursery “Last night (Thursday) we went to the home and business of Michael Hsu, Chao Hsu, and Susan Hsu. They live at xxx Church Rd. in Richland, PA (suburbs of Philadelphia). These three are attempting to open a primate holding prison in Richland (PA) …
May 01
ALF Liberates12 Ducklings from Factory Farm in California
For Immediate Release March 1, 2005 ALF Liberates12 Ducklings from Factory Farm in California Tranquility, CA- On Sunday morning, members of the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) liberated 12 ducklings from Woodland Farms, where they were being raised so their flesh could be sold for human consumption. A communiqué received by the North American Animal Liberation …
Apr 28
Chief Patent Counsel at Forest Labs Targeted By Animal Activists
For Immediate Release April 28, 2005 Chief Patent Counsel at Forest Labs Targeted By Animal Activists Long Island, NY: On April 17 th , the underground Animal Liberation Front (ALF) issued a communiqué in which they take credit for vandalizing the automobile of Chuck Ryan, Chief Patent Counsel for Forest Laboratories. Forest Labs is headquartered …
Apr 26
Animal Liberation Front Liberates 21 Mice from Louisiana State University
For Immediate Release April 26, 2005 Animal Liberation Front Liberates 21 Mice from Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, LA: Twenty-one mice were spirited to freedom from the laboratories of Louisiana State University (LSU) in the early morning hours of April 22. Members of the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) took credit for the raid in a …
Apr 25
Flora Sadeghi, the CFO of Phenomenex has House and Cars Painted
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: April 25, 2005 Institution targeted: Phenomenex “On behalf of all the lab animals tortured at HLS, garage doors and 3 cars including a brand new jag were spray painted at the home of an HLS Supplier, Flora Sadeghi, the CFO of Phenomenex in Torrance,CA. They supply animal torture equipment to …
Apr 25
For Immediate Release April 25, 2005 DR. STEVE BEST HAS BEEN BANNED FROM THE UK Dr. Steve Best, Press Officer and determined American activist and liberationist, has been banned from entering the United Kingdom by the British Home Office for the purpose of speaking at the Newchurch Victory Gathering on Saturday September the 3rd in …
Apr 25
Huntingdon Laboratories Supplier Attacked by Animal Liberation Front
For Immediate Release April 25, 2005 Huntingdon Laboratories Supplier Attacked by Animal Liberation Front Torrance, CA: The Animal Liberation Front (ALF) issued a communiqué April 21st in which it claims to have attacked a supplier for Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS), a laboratory notorious for animal cruelty violations. The home and automobiles of Flora Sadeghi, CFO …