Hundreds of Captive Mink Released From Minnesota Ranch

For Immediate Release
May 01, 2006

Hundreds of Captive Mink Released From Minnesota Ranch
Action by Animal Liberation Front in Support of Jailed Activist Peter Young

Howard Lake, MN- In an anonymous communique received by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office last night, activists have taken credit for the release on Saturday of hundreds of captive mink imprisoned on a ranch in Minnesota.

According to the communique, “In the early morning hours of April 29th, our small band of do-gooders made our way through muddy fields and wet forests to descend upon Latzig Mink Ranch in Howard Lake, MN. It has been ten years since the A.L.F. last visited this farm, and it has been too long since there has been a liberation.”

Stating their support for jailed ALF prisoner Peter Young, the communique went on to say “This is the second A.L.F. liberation in the midwest done in absolute solidarity with Peter Young, whose unparalleled bravery and determination serves as an inspiration to us all.”

Imprisoned in cages for life, fur-bearing animals are forced to endure the intensive confinement of only a few square feet of cage, compared to the miles of territory these animals would enjoy in the wild – their natural state. While reports from the fur industry have surfaced that liberations were harmful to the animals, the ALF has a long history of successfully releasing animals into the wild from fur farms. In addition to liberating the wild animals destined to a certain, painful and agonizing death, another goal of the ALF is to cause economic harm to fur farms, which was achieved in this case by destroying breeding information, impossible to replace. Dozens of fur farming operations have seen economic ruin since “Operation Bite Back” began by the ALF in the 1990s.

“While some of the wild mink may be recaptured or killed in their escape, at least they have been given a chance at what everyone deserves, a chance to live free” stated Jerry Vlasak, a Press Officer with the Animal Liberation Press Office.