Tag: Ireland

ALF Liberates Tortured Dog (Ireland)

Received anonymously: Earlier this year, the Ulster Brigade of the Animal Liberation Front of Ireland liberated a German Shepherd from a life of hell. For years, this beautiful big German Shepherd dog had been chained to an iron block and was living in a small pen, covered in his own faeces and his food thrown …

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Animal Rights Militia, Ulster Brigade Smashes Hunt Vehicle Windscreen (Annaghmore, Ireland)

Received anonymously: The Ulster Brigade of the Animal Rights Militia paid visit to a fox hunting group who were terrorising the countryside of Annaghmore, County Armagh. (11/11/23) The group in question are notoriously hostile towards any opposition to their presence. They are known for having zero control over their hounds and there have been several …

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Animal Rights Militia, Ulster Brigade Smashes Hunt Vehicle Windscreen (Annaghmore, Ireland)

Received anonymously: The Ulster Brigade of the Animal Rights Militia paid visit to a fox hunting group who were terrorising the countryside of Annaghmore, County Armagh. (11/11/23) The group in question are notoriously hostile towards any opposition to their presence. They are known for having zero control over their hounds and there have been several …

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ALF Destroys Hunting Stand, Vandalizes Subway Restaurant in Dublin (Ireland)

Received anonymously: In Dublin we destroyed a hunting seat. Now instead of being an instrument of death and cruelty it can be a home for woodlice, birds, squirrels, and all the wild beings that live in the area. We have also continued our campaign of vandalism over the last few months against the advertisement of …

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ALF Destroys Hunting Stand, Vandalizes Subway Restaurant in Dublin (Ireland)

Received anonymously: In Dublin we destroyed a hunting seat. Now instead of being an instrument of death and cruelty it can be a home for woodlice, birds, squirrels, and all the wild beings that live in the area. We have also continued our campaign of vandalism over the last few months against the advertisement of …

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ALF Sabotage Fast Food Advertisements in Dublin (Ireland)

Received anonymously: Over several nights many advertising signs were vandalised in Dublin. Advertisement plays a key role in animal exploitation so these signs were turned into anti-speciesist advertisement. Not only does fast play one of the biggest parts in animal genocide it contributes massively to climate change and deforestation of rainforests which is home for …

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ALF Sabotage Fast Food Advertisements in Dublin (Ireland)

Received anonymously: Over several nights many advertising signs were vandalised in Dublin. Advertisement plays a key role in animal exploitation so these signs were turned into anti-speciesist advertisement. Not only does fast play one of the biggest parts in animal genocide it contributes massively to climate change and deforestation of rainforests which is home for …

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Animal Rights Militia Threatens Force to Stop Badger Cull (Ireland)

Received anonymously: Today, the 24th March 2022, Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, along with the fascist DUP’s Agriculture Minister, Edwin Poots, announced that they have green lit the proposed badger cull. This comes just days after the headline news in the United Kingdom of yet another group of researches finding that the culling …

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Animal Rights Militia Threatens Force to Stop Badger Cull (Ireland)

Received anonymously: Today, the 24th March 2022, Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, along with the fascist DUP’s Agriculture Minister, Edwin Poots, announced that they have green lit the proposed badger cull. This comes just days after the headline news in the United Kingdom of yet another group of researches finding that the culling …

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New Website Documents the Animal Liberation Movement in Ireland

The Humanity Trigger (https://www.thehumanitytrigger.com/) is a brand new website exploring the last 200 years of direct action for animals in Ireland , 1822 – 2022. This year, 2022, is 200 years since the World’s first ever State law protecting (some) animals from (some) abuse was passed , pushed through by Galwayman Richard Martin MP, who …

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Ireland Bans Fur Farming

Patreon The Irish Parliament has voted to ban fur farming. The ban takes effect in 2022. There are approximately 120,000 mink on three farms in counties Laois, Donegal and Kerry. This ban will save the lives of countless animals.  

Three Hunting Towers Destroyed by ALF in Ireland

Received anonymously: With the animals onlooking, the joy over seeing these towers collapse was like nothing else. All shooters are bastards. ALF.

Three Hunting Towers Destroyed by ALF in Ireland

Received anonymously: With the animals onlooking, the joy over seeing these towers collapse was like nothing else. All shooters are bastards. ALF.

Magpies Liberated, Trap Destroyed (Ireland)

Received anonymously: The Daoine Maithe were out in the East of Ireland today, they found two tortured magpies bleeding from their beaks inside a Larsen trap, freed them and they flew off. Trap disposed of. AHAB.

Magpies Liberated, Trap Destroyed (Ireland)

Received anonymously: The Daoine Maithe were out in the East of Ireland today, they found two tortured magpies bleeding from their beaks inside a Larsen trap, freed them and they flew off. Trap disposed of. AHAB.