Activists Destroy Multiple Hunting Towers (North Rhine Westphalia, Germany)

According to hunting media, several hunting towers and seats were destroyed between November 2022 and March 2023 in the region of Attendon, North Rhine Westphalia. Seven towers were completely destroyed and multiple others were damages in what the hunting media describe as “mischievous and hidden manners”. They say that those seats and towers that were …

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ALF Targets Butcher Shop in Southern Sweden

Received anonymously:⁠ ⁠ In the middle of February a butcher shop was visited in southern Sweden, the province skåne, and where spraypainted with meat is murder, the Alf logo and some lines drawn alongside the facade just to make as much trouble for the animal abusers as possible. ⁠ ⁠ Unfortunately no pictures were taken. …

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ALF Targets Butcher Shop in Southern Sweden

Received anonymously:⁠ ⁠ In the middle of February a butcher shop was visited in southern Sweden, the province skåne, and where spraypainted with meat is murder, the Alf logo and some lines drawn alongside the facade just to make as much trouble for the animal abusers as possible. ⁠ ⁠ Unfortunately no pictures were taken. …

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Flaco the Owl Escapes New York City Prison

Animal liberationists stand with Flaco, the Eurasian eagle owl who recently found his way to freedom from the New York City animal prison in Central Park almost two weeks ago. Flaco has gotten to fly free and feel the sun on his back and the wind in his wings for the first time since he …

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3 Hunting Towers Destroyed (Belgium)

Received anonymously: Under the cover of night 2 huntsabbers snuck into the forrest and approached the hunt towers. These hunttowers were used to primarily shoot roe deer and sources said these we’re making lot’s of victims. For freedom – For justice – For peace

3 Hunting Towers Destroyed (Belgium)

Received anonymously: Under the cover of night 2 huntsabbers snuck into the forrest and approached the hunt towers. These hunttowers were used to primarily shoot roe deer and sources said these we’re making lot’s of victims. For freedom – For justice – For peace

ALF Sabotages 6 Hunting Towers (Netherlands)

Received anonymously: Netherlands the A.L.F. sabotages 6 hunting towers and saves Wildlife

ALF Sabotages 6 Hunting Towers (Netherlands)

Received anonymously: Netherlands the A.L.F. sabotages 6 hunting towers and saves Wildlife

Night Owls #3: Autumn Offensive

Download pamphlet: Print – Tabloid [For a Risograph] Download action posters:  Print – Tabloid Diversity of tactics is a concept that has been used to break the hegemony of non-violence in social movements. The term can be understood as a shared principle that advocates respect and solidarity across different approaches with the aim of breaking down moralistic and …

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International Animal Rights Conference 2023

We want to inform you about the International Animal Rights Conference 2023, which will be held from September 7th to 10th in Luxembourg and simultaneously also online. The conference’s goal is to present and discuss current animal rights positions, connect animal rights activists from many different countries, and develop strategies for the struggle to end …

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Support Animal Liberation Prisoner Mel Broughton

Mel has been held on remand at Peterborough Prison since November. His conditions have improved, after a difficult start with little to no medication or vegan food available. Mel is receiving regular letters, but keeping in touch with news from the outside world is a great way to support and keep him busy. He really …

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Another Hunting Tower Set Ablaze in Germany (Longkamp)

According to local press, unknown people set on fire a hunting tower in the middle of a meadow in Longkamp, using the darkness of the night as a disguise. The damage was valued at 1500 EUR. This is the second time in nine months that a tower is set alight near Longkamp. The police says …

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Another Hunting Tower Set Ablaze in Germany (Longkamp)

According to local press, unknown people set on fire a hunting tower in the middle of a meadow in Longkamp, using the darkness of the night as a disguise. The damage was valued at 1500 EUR. This is the second time in nine months that a tower is set alight near Longkamp. The police says …

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Hunting Tower Set on Fire (Darmstadt Germany)

According to local hunting press, on the night of the 6th of December a hunting hide in Darmstadt was found on fire by the local hunter. The hunter and owner of the hide says that he estimates the costs at around 800 EUR and insists that “hunting hides don’t spontaneously combust”. The police is begging …

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Hunting Tower Set on Fire (Darmstadt Germany)

According to local hunting press, on the night of the 6th of December a hunting hide in Darmstadt was found on fire by the local hunter. The hunter and owner of the hide says that he estimates the costs at around 800 EUR and insists that “hunting hides don’t spontaneously combust”. The police is begging …

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