Communiqué from unknown activists Date: October 6, 2008 Institution targeted: UCLA Vivisection Received anonymously UCLA shame on you. With primates being the closest genetic relative that human beings have, that is they share over 90% of our genetic makeup, it is very reasonable to assume that in addition to DNA and similar molecules they also …
Oct 06
Three Cars Paint Stripped in UCLA Vivisector’s Driveway
Communiqué from Students and Workers for the Liberation of UCLA Primates Date: October 6, 2008 Institution targeted: UCLA Vivisector Received anonymously Thought we’d shout out a big screw you to bill 2296 so we paint stripped three cars in the driveway of UCLA vivisector Baldwin Way at XXX XXXXX Street in Santa Monica. A kid …
Oct 06
UC Berkeley Vivisectors, Theunissen and Freeman Targeted by Feminists For Animal Liberation
Communiqué from Feminists For Animal Liberation Date: October 6, 2008 Institution targeted: UC Berkeley Vivisectors Received anonymously This is a delayed report. We were inspired by the recent passage of the 2296 bill and the raid of an anarchist infoshop in Oakland. As the vivisectors revel in their false safety, know this. This law changes …
Oct 04
Breeder of Fighting Cocks Has Windows Hit with Acid
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: October 4, 2008 Institution targeted: Mexico, Fighting Cock Breeder Received anonymously On the night of October 3, the Mexican A.L.F. again visited the home of a breeder of fighting cocks; if this bastard thinks that having a window open at his house will stop us, he is wrong. Windows at …
Oct 03
Burger King and McDonalds Painted, Window Smashed
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: October 3, 2008 Institution targeted: Mexican Restaurants Received anonymously The Frente de Liberación Animal (Vegan Brigades) claims the painting of walls at a Burger King and McDonalds during the October 2 march in Mexico City, as well as complicity with groups and individuals sympathetic to direct action and economic sabotage …
Oct 01
HLS’s FEDEX Package was Sabotaged
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: October 1, 2008 Institution targeted: Huntingdon Life Sciences Received anonymously A shipment sent to HLS via FEDEX was opened destroyed then resealed and sent at HLS’s expense. No matter how large or small the amount may be. we will continue to damage HLS financially until they stop the torture of …
Sep 27
Burger King Painted and Attacked
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: September 27, 2008 Institution targeted: Mexican Burger King Received anonymously On September 27 the Frente de Liberación Animal carried out a direct attack on the multinational fast ‘food’ chain Burger King. Several slogans were painted on their windows, walls, light timers, signs, posters and other things as our radical response …
Sep 26
KFC Painted
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: September 26, 2008 Institution targeted: Mexico, KFC Received anonymously September 26: On the day indicated the Mexican ALF decided to again visit an old enemy, sabotaging it as usual; this time the walls of a KFC did not survive the many paints around the entire establishment, from the highway they …
Sep 23
Another UCLA Van Burns; Primate Vivisectors Becoming a Financial Liability
For Immediate Release September 23, 2008 Another UCLA Van Goes Up In Flames; ALF Takes Credit Second Van to be Burned Recently; Three Others Stolen This Summer to Protest Primate Experiments In an anonymous communiqué received by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office, the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) claims to have set ablaze another …
Sep 22
10,000 Captive Mink Liberated in Utah; Sixth Mink Liberation This Season
For Immediate Release September 22, 2008 Ten-Thousand Captive Mink Released in Utah Animal Liberationists Raid Sixth Fur Farm Since April Davis County, Utah – According to a communique received by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office, 10,000 captive mink were released Saturday night in Kaysville, Utah. The raid is the second in Utah this …
Sep 22
DHL Shipping Painted for Connection to HLS
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: September 28, 2008 Institution targeted: HLS Supplier DHL Shipping Received anonymously September 28: Without doubt partners of HLS have had different headaches which they caused themselves; well if they had cut ties with that laboratory of animal extermination the FLA would not have gone out to act. One of the …
Sep 21
10,000 Mink Liberated in Utah
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: September 22, 2008 Institution targeted: Utah Mink Farm received anonymously September 21, 2008 Three members of the Animal Liberation Front entered a massive mink prison in Kaysville, Utah last night. On releasing about 10,000 mink we found and destroyed all breeding records. We also vandalized the trucks and various forms …
Sep 21
25 Meat Shops Glued, A.L.F México
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: September 21, 2008 Institution targeted: Mexico, 25 Meat Shops Received anonymously On a cold and cloudy night, we again visited meat markets in Mexico State; this time 25 establishments were glued. We exist and we are alive so that they won’t be forgetten. A.L.F México Spanish: En una larga noche …
Sep 19
Incendiary Device Left Under UCLA Van
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: September 19, 2008 Institution targeted: Primate Vivisectors at UCLA Received anonymously Summer break is over. UCLA is still needlessly torturing animals. New classes, expensive books, oh, and burning vans. That’s right we are back to work. An incindiary device was left under a van in Acton, CA in the first …