anonymous report (translation): On August 8 we got access to the bullring in a village in Aragon, Spain, to point out (just before the patronage festivals were celebrated) that ‘IF THERE IS A VICTIM IT’S NOT A PARTY’. We also spray-painted ‘STOP THE TORTURE’ and ‘ANIMAL LIBERATION’. Spanish: El día 8 de agosto conseguimos acceder …
Aug 08
When Does Animal Rights Activism Become Extremism?
San Francisco Weekly By Jeremy LybargerWednesday, Aug 5 2015 On July 28, the FBI arrested Joseph Buddenberg and Nicole Kissane, two Oakland-based animal rights activists accused of releasing thousands of mink from fur farms during multiple cross-country sprees in 2013. The couple were also charged with vandalizing property owned by the meat and fur industries, …
Aug 01
Chilean Butcher Shops Sabotaged by ALF
anonymous report (translation by Earth First! Journal): “…with simple materials we sabotaged the locks so that the owners of this so-called ‘job’ can have it clear in their heads that there are subjects that do not want and do not respect the commercialization of humiliation, suffering and death of animals.” –Javier Recabarren affiliate cell of …
Aug 01
Chilean Butcher Shops Sabotaged by ALF
anonymous report (translation by Earth First! Journal): “…with simple materials we sabotaged the locks so that the owners of this so-called ‘job’ can have it clear in their heads that there are subjects that do not want and do not respect the commercialization of humiliation, suffering and death of animals.” –Javier Recabarren affiliate cell of …
Jul 31
4 Rabbits Rescued in London
Jul 30
Zoo Exhibits and Enclosures Damaged in Athens, Georgia
According to local media reports, during the night of July 22-23 exhibits and enclosures were damaged at the Bear Hollow Zoo in Athens, Georgia. Viewing windows were broken, locks, fencing and aviary netting was cut, and “Free the Animals” and other animal liberation messages were painted. (photo: Athens Banner-Herald) The damage allowed several animals to …
Jul 30
Zoo Exhibits and Enclosures Damaged in Athens, Georgia
According to local media reports, during the night of July 22-23 exhibits and enclosures were damaged at the Bear Hollow Zoo in Athens, Georgia. Viewing windows were broken, locks, fencing and aviary netting was cut, and “Free the Animals” and other animal liberation messages were painted. (photo: Athens Banner-Herald) The damage allowed several animals to …
Jul 29
4 Chickens Rescued in Czech Republic
report from (click here for more photos from the rescue): “Open rescue XXVIII (July 2016) & Support Osman Evcan A cold night, rain and thundering far away. Totally wet sitting nearby the enclosure and waiting until the patrol comes. It’s safe. We can go. We know this place, so the rescue is done quickly. …
Jul 28
150 Male Chicks Rescued in Australia
reported by Aussie Farms (click here for video from the rescue): “On 19 July 2016, Animal Liberation NSW and Aussie Farms released the first-ever Australian footage of male chicks being ground-up alive as waste products of the egg industry ( Two days later in an action organised by Aussie Farms, around 100 activists converged on …
Jul 25
4 More Hunting Towers Destroyed in Alsace-Lorraine (France)
Received anonymously: In North-East France Alsace-Lorraine region, 4 more Hunting towers have been destroyed raising the total this month to 8 towers. Graffiti on them showed ALF signs. Join by individual or collective actions NOW to save some animals from the hunt. French: Dans le nord-est de la France, en région Alsace Lorraine, 4 nouveaux …
Jul 25
4 More Hunting Towers Destroyed in Alsace-Lorraine (France)
Received anonymously: In North-East France Alsace-Lorraine region, 4 more Hunting towers have been destroyed raising the total this month to 8 towers. Graffiti on them showed ALF signs. Join by individual or collective actions NOW to save some animals from the hunt. French: Dans le nord-est de la France, en région Alsace Lorraine, 4 nouveaux …