Equestrian Club Sabotage in Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Received anonymously (translation):

In few places is domination as visible as it is in the use of horses for riding… they take an animal born to be free and subject him or her to human control to be humiliated, handled and stripped of their independence; the horse loses his whole life, his interests, now a human is his owner.

The Club Hipico y de Pato in Buenos Aires is a clear example of this; they use horses for their detestable games, so we decided to mess with them a bit. One night we visited this place, with a little fire to warm the air and burned two trailers which they used to transport horses, and with a hammer to nail our anger in this place and broke as many windows as possible.

This time we burned the trailers and broke many expensive windows, next time, what will happen?
We hope that this visit has been costly to them, and that they know that it can be even worse.
With this action we remember with anger and sadness those horses that we saw in confinement, filling us with energy to continue destroying.

En pocos lugares la dominacion se hace tan visible como en el uso de caballos para equitacion, montar o el fin que sea, toman un animal nacido para ser libre, lo somenten al control humano para ser humillad@, manejad@ y despojad@ de su independencia, pierde toda su vida, sus intereses, ahora un@ human@ es su dueñ@.
el club hipico y de pato de buenos aires es un claro ejemplo de esto, utilizan caballos para sus juegos despresiables, por eso decidimos molestarl@s un poco, entonces una noche decidimos ir a visitar ese lugar, un poquito de fuego para calentar el ambiente y quemar dos trailers con el que llevan estos caballos un martillo para clavar nuestra ira en ese lugar y de paso romper la mayor cantidad de vidrios posibles.
Esta vez le quemamos los trailers y les rompimos muchos costosos vidrios, la proxima vez ¿que sera?
esperamos que esta visita les haya sido costosa, y que sepan que puede serlo aun mucho mas.
Con esta accion recordamos a esos caballos que con ira y tristeza vimos en ese encierro, cargandonos de energia para seguir destruyendo.