Received anonymously: “Assassins,” “Torture will never be culture” and other anti-bullfighting slogans were painted on the bullring in the town of Olite during the night of September 15-16.
Sep 21
Badger Traps Destroyed, Calf Liberated (UK)
Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: Last night whilst out in the Cheshire cull zone we came across a calf chained in a small crate pen on a farm known to be involved in the Badger Cull, they were isolated and alone and instantly tried to suckle on sab’s fingers in desperation for their mother. As badgers …
Sep 21
Badger Traps Destroyed, Calf Liberated (UK)
Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: Last night whilst out in the Cheshire cull zone we came across a calf chained in a small crate pen on a farm known to be involved in the Badger Cull, they were isolated and alone and instantly tried to suckle on sab’s fingers in desperation for their mother. As badgers …
Sep 21
Open Rescue of Hens (Czech Republic)
report from (click here for more photos from the rescue): Open rescue XLIV (August 2018) & Institute of Anxious We had to divide this rescue into two actions. Girls from Institut úzkosti (Institute of Anxious) found new homes for twenty hens. So we went to take them. When I was taking the eleventh hen, our rescue …
Sep 20
ALF Rescues Family of Dogs from Abusive Home (Italy)
According to an anonymous report on, the ALF rescued a pair of dogs and two newborn puppies who were living in horrible conditions at a house in Mantua. Italian: Nel pieno centro di un piccolo paese del Mantovano, proprio davanti la Chiesa, una discutibile persona deteneva in una casa semi diroccata, una coppia di cani …
Sep 20
ALF Rescues Family of Dogs from Abusive Home (Italy)
According to an anonymous report on, the ALF rescued a pair of dogs and two newborn puppies who were living in horrible conditions at a house in Mantua. Italian: Nel pieno centro di un piccolo paese del Mantovano, proprio davanti la Chiesa, una discutibile persona deteneva in una casa semi diroccata, una coppia di cani …
Sep 20
Data breach sees farm names end up in hands of animal rights activists
Farmers Weekly An accountancy firm waited two months to inform clients of a data breach that eventually saw farmers’ names and addresses end up in the hands of animal rights activists. The breach occurred after accountants and financial planners Old Mill uploaded a mailing list containing 7,363 names and addresses to its webspace. Although not …
Sep 19
Chicken Liberation (UK)
Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: Activists at a Chicken Save pleaded with slaughterhouse staff to get a sick chicken off the livestock truck. Security wanted to cooperate but the manager had other plans. He tricked activists into thinking the request would be met but in actual fact the police were alerted. So, the activists sought other …
Sep 18
Hunting Towers Sabotaged (Germany)
Received anonymously from Barrikade: (translation) In August, in the region of Winterthur, we made two hunting towers unusable, and corrected a ‘Hunt, Protect Hunting’ banner with, ‘Hunting is Murder – ALF’. We are motivated to sabotage the bloody activity of hunting and thus to prevent the killing of the forest dwellers. If all the hunting towers …
Sep 17
Mink Farm in Italy Destroyed by Fire (Rio San Martino)
Received anonymously: On the night of September 12, fire destroyed an office and warehouse at a mink farm in Rio San Martino (Scorzé). No animals were harmed. The farmer estimated damages at 300,000 Euros. A van at the farm was set on fire in July 2017, and thousands of mink were freed from cages at the …
Sep 17
Mink Farm in Italy Destroyed by Fire (Rio San Martino)
On the night of September 12, fire destroyed an office and warehouse at a mink farm in Rio San Martino (Scorzé). No animals were harmed. The farmer estimated damages at 300,000 Euros. A van at the farm was set on fire in July 2017, and thousands of mink were freed from cages at the farm in …
Sep 15
How It Was Done – The A.L.F. raid at Worldwide Primates
10 Years Ago: In September 2008, the Animal Liberation Front freed monkeys from cages at the Worldwide Primates holding/breeding facility in Miami. It was an action that was never covered by the news media. Read the original claim of responsibility here. Smash HLS has received, anonymously, the following story about the raid. We are publishing it …
Sep 15
Fur Farm in Hjo, Sweden Closes After Raid
Three weeks after thousands of mink were released from cages at his fur farm in Hjo, Sweden, Knut Indebetou has decided to close the farm. “It’s not worth the effort,” he explained. Indebetou has been the target of activists for several years. (In Swedish)
Sep 13
Badger Traps Sabotaged (UK)
Received anonymously: Underground Badger Syndicate @Anarcho_Badger Sep 13 CAGE TRAPS DON’T WORK TOO WELL IF THEY ARE FLAT. Two found, how many more to go? Funny that the poor old farmer with an enormous pick up was just sitting on the other side of the hedge. Want to help us fuel up? #StopTheCull