Category: Communiqués

Graffiti, Wheatpasting, Banner Drop in Support of Captive Bear (Italy)

Received anonymously: Free the bears! the wild bears of Trentino, Italy, are again under attack from the local administration, especially from the local governor Maurizio Fugatti, following a deadly attack on a human: the bear “JJ4” (nicknamed Gaia), a mother of three cubs, has been accused and captured and is awaiting her execution in captivity. …

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Semi-Truck Vandalized at Ohio Mink Farm (USA)

Via news report ( In February of this year, two females were seen vandalizing a semi at a mink farm in Mercer County (In all liklihood, Schmidt Fur Farm, 1038 State Highway 119, Fort Recovery, Ohio 45846). There were mink releases at farms in Massillon, Ohio, and two in Michigan in that same time frame.

Sabotage in Support of Campaign Against Fur Retailer Max Mara (France)

Received anonymously: (ENGLISH) On a large boulevard, we came across this burned vehicle. We decided to use it as a display panel to send a message in support of the anti-Fourrure pressure campaign targeting Max Mara. We have tagged the following message “Max Mara Torture des Renards” which will be seen by hundreds of people …

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Lobsters Liberated from Supermarket (Denmark)

Received anonymously: Activists have liberated 2 lobsters, who were kept alive in a tank in a supermarket for humans to buy, kill, and eat. The lobsters were known to be from Danish oceans, so the activists brought them back to their home.

Hunting Trailer Destroyed by Arson (Germany)

According to local media, a hunting trailer nearby Urbar was found on fire on the night of the 28th of April. With twenty firefighters present, all they could do is to ensure the fire wouldn’t spread beyond the trailer, as the hunting hut placed on top was completely ablaze. They ruled out “magical spontaneous combustion” …

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Hunting Traps Destroyed, Platforms Damaged (UK)

Received anonymously: Nice spring night out and about in rural Derbyshire, UK and decommissioned large mammal trap, 4 Fenn traps and 2 shooting platform ladders

ALF Targets Coldiretti Again (Italy)

Received anonymously: second action against Coldiretti responsible for policies to increase hunting activity, the consumption of animal products and the opposition to the transition to plant food, which with the support of the right-wing government is increasing its oppressive power over non-human animals. These actions want to bring attention to the fact that the oppressors …

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Activists Destroy Hunting Towers, Steal Cameras (North Rhine Westphalia, Germany)

According to local media, on the 19th of March at around 4am unknown activists blew up a hunting tower in Wegberg-Rödgen. Witnesses heard a very loud bang and reported to authorities who are investigating but have no leads on the identity of the perpetrators.   Received anonymously: End of march, two towers destroyed by a …

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ALF Sabotage Coldiretti (Italy)

Alf attacked Coldiretti in North of Italy. Coldiretti is one of the major responsable of the hunting policy and the fight of boars and other wild animals. Also involved in all meat productions EDITOR’S NOTE: Coldiretti is the main Italian farming association lobbying the government. They run many campaigns, and lately they have been very …

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Activists Destroy Multiple Hunting Towers (North Rhine Westphalia, Germany)

According to hunting media, several hunting towers and seats were destroyed between November 2022 and March 2023 in the region of Attendon, North Rhine Westphalia. Seven towers were completely destroyed and multiple others were damages in what the hunting media describe as “mischievous and hidden manners”. They say that those seats and towers that were …

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ALF Targets Butcher Shop in Southern Sweden

Received anonymously:⁠ ⁠ In the middle of February a butcher shop was visited in southern Sweden, the province skåne, and where spraypainted with meat is murder, the Alf logo and some lines drawn alongside the facade just to make as much trouble for the animal abusers as possible. ⁠ ⁠ Unfortunately no pictures were taken. …

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3 Hunting Towers Destroyed (Belgium)

Received anonymously: Under the cover of night 2 huntsabbers snuck into the forrest and approached the hunt towers. These hunttowers were used to primarily shoot roe deer and sources said these we’re making lot’s of victims. For freedom – For justice – For peace

ALF Sabotages 6 Hunting Towers (Netherlands)

Received anonymously: Netherlands the A.L.F. sabotages 6 hunting towers and saves Wildlife

Another Hunting Tower Set Ablaze in Germany (Longkamp)

According to local press, unknown people set on fire a hunting tower in the middle of a meadow in Longkamp, using the darkness of the night as a disguise. The damage was valued at 1500 EUR. This is the second time in nine months that a tower is set alight near Longkamp. The police says …

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Hunting Tower Set on Fire (Darmstadt Germany)

According to local hunting press, on the night of the 6th of December a hunting hide in Darmstadt was found on fire by the local hunter. The hunter and owner of the hide says that he estimates the costs at around 800 EUR and insists that “hunting hides don’t spontaneously combust”. The police is begging …

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