Category: International Communiqués

(More) Butcher Shop Windows Smashed in France

Received anonymously: Windows were broken and slogans painted on two butcher shops in downtown Brest during the night of October 2.

Rabbit Liberated from Farm in Sweden

Received anonymously: We saved a rabbit from a farm where they breed these beautiful individuals only for their meat. It’s unacceptable. We managed to save this cute little rabbit. She is now in safe hands and will be living a life where she will be loved and not exploited. DEFEND ANIMALS

Message Delivered to Fur Company Executive (Sweden)

Received anonymously: Få din bror att avgå Svensk Mink. Djurplågar bröder lever inte länge. = Get your brother to leave Swedish Mink, animal abusing brothers don’t live long

Arson Destroys Slaughterhouse in France

Received anonymously: A fire heavily damaged a slaughterhouse in Haut-Valromey (Ain) during the night of September 27-28. Several vehicles on site were also destroyed. The remains of several incendiary devices were found.

Rabbit Rescued in Sweden

Received anonymously: Rabbit rescued from a farm breeding them for meat in Sweden. We will never give up!

Fur Shop in Stockholm Has Locks Glued (3 Times This Month!)

Received anonymously: Esther and The case factory (Stockholm) have had their locks glued 3 times this month. The case factory sell some cases with mink fur, but now it seems like they are gone. I hope this will be the last time they get attacked, it’s their choice Esther still sells jackets, vests and shoes …

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Anti-Vivisection Graffiti at University of Fribourg (Switzerland)

Windows were broken and walls were tagged with the message “Resist Vivisection” at the University of Fribourg early on September 24.

6 Hunting Towers Sabotaged (Sweden)

Received anonymously: As the moose hunting season soon arrives in Sweden we decided to make it difficult for the hunter scum. We sabotaged 6 towers and left messages on them. On some of the sabotaged towers our message was very visible from the road were cars pass by. An already demolished tower which we found …

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6 Hens Liberated (Sweden)

received anonymously: These chickens were living in a filthy shed, being used for eggs and meat. With no access to the outdoors. 6 of the hens were taken to a sanctuary. Örebro, Sweden.

92 Chickens Liberated in Belgium

Reported by 269 Libération Animale – Belgique: 17TH DIRECT ACTION BY 269 LIBÉRATION ANIMALE LED TONIGHT ! Tonight, about 30 antispeciesist activists have entered on site of a poultry slaughterhouse. 92 individuals have been exfiltrated and saved, they are currently carried to private sanctuaries. #DirectActionsSaveLives

Dozens of Circus Posters Defaced or Destroyed (Italy)

According to a report on, dozens of circus posters were taken down or redecorated in Bergamo.

Windows Smashed at Cheese, Butcher Shops in France

Received anonymously: Early on the morning of September 18, windows were broken at a butcher shop in Saint-Julien-en-Genevois, and at a cheese shop and a butcher shop in Saint-Arnoult-en-Yvelines. “Stop speciesism” and “Stop Repression” were painted on the walls.

Bullring in Olite, Spain Painted with Slogans

Received anonymously: “Assassins,” “Torture will never be culture” and other anti-bullfighting slogans were painted on the bullring in the town of Olite during the night of September 15-16.

Badger Traps Destroyed, Calf Liberated (UK)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: Last night whilst out in the Cheshire cull zone we came across a calf chained in a small crate pen on a farm known to be involved in the Badger Cull, they were isolated and alone and instantly tried to suckle on sab’s fingers in desperation for their mother. As badgers …

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Open Rescue of Hens (Czech Republic)

report from (click here for more photos from the rescue): Open rescue XLIV (August 2018) & Institute of Anxious We had to divide this rescue into two actions. Girls from Institut úzkosti (Institute of Anxious) found new homes for twenty hens. So we went to take them. When I was taking the eleventh hen, our rescue …

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