Author's posts

Butcher Shops Vandalized Near Paris (France)

Received anonymously (translation): On the night of January 13 to 14, I tagged facades of butchers, destroyed windows (but being alone, in the heat of the action it was hard to take a picture because I was making a lot of noise with the hammer), tagged restaurants … All this while being alone in the …

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Threat Against Members of the Association of Milk Producers (Chile)

Received anonymously (translation): Threat against members of the Association of Milk Producers We make our goals freely known and put into action various propaganda in Temuco, while in the night we made the streets in La Araucanía a little disordered. Then we came back here to Valdivia, and we continued making propaganda – anti-speciesist this …

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ALF/ELF Team Up in Santiago, Chile

Received anonymously (translation): Actions for land and animals during ‘Black December’ Damn! The naughty pixies of the Earth Liberation Front and the Animal Liberation Front visited two regions and left their undesirable noises using the secret potion against the exploiters of the earth and animals. We claim: A noise bomb against a construction company, and …

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Hunting Hut Vandalized (Picardy, France)

Received anonymously (translation): Hunter’s hut in Crillon, Picardy, France French: Cabane de chasseur saccagée à Crillon en Picardie, France

Hunting Hut Vandalized (Picardy, France)

Received anonymously (translation): Hunter’s hut in Crillon, Picardy, France French: Cabane de chasseur saccagée à Crillon en Picardie, France

Three Chickens Liberated from Slaughterhouse (UK)

Received anonymously, from Unoffensive Animal: 10th January, North UK 3 chickens liberated from a slaughterhouse in the north of England.

ALF Liberates Turkey from Slaughterhouse (UK)

Received anonymously: ALF liberate ex breeding ‘stock’ turkey from a slaughterhouse, whisked away to a life of freedom away from harm.

ALF Liberates Turkey from Slaughterhouse (UK)

Received anonymously: ALF liberate ex breeding ‘stock’ turkey from a slaughterhouse, whisked away to a life of freedom away from harm.

ALF Liberates Ten Chickens (UK)

Received anonymously: On New Year’s Day the ALF entered a chicken facility in the north of England and liberated 10 chickens from a life of suffering and misery. The ALF started 2018 the same way they want to end it, with animal liberation. Get active. Take action. Empty all cages.

Four Baby Chickens Liberated (Phillipines)

Received anonymously: December 30, 2017 Philippines 4 baby chicks liberated from a dirty and rusty cage at poultry keeper’s property. They are now under the care of compassionate hearts and will not be raised for human consumption ever again.

Four Baby Chickens Liberated (Phillipines)

Received anonymously: December 30, 2017 Philippines 4 baby chicks liberated from a dirty and rusty cage at poultry keeper’s property. They are now under the care of compassionate hearts and will not be raised for human consumption ever again.

ALF Vandalizes Hunting Cabin (Lagosanto, Italy)

Received anonymously: On the night of December 29-30, the ALF attacked a lodge belonging to the hunting federation in Lagosanto. Doors, windows, tables, cabinets, kitchen appliances, toilets and bathroom fixtures were damaged. “Murderers”, “Stop the Hunt” and other messages were painted. The president of the federation told local news media, “When I arrived the front …

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ALF Vandalizes Hunting Cabins (Italy)

According to an anonymous report on, four hunting cabins in Bolgare (Bergamo) were vandalized during the night of November 18-19. The action was signed by the Animal Liberation Front.

ALF Burns Fishing Boat and Nets (Brazil)

According to an anonymous report on, ALF activists sabotaged an illegal fishing boat off the coast of São Paulo on the night of December 28. The nets and the boat were set on fire.

ALF Burns Fishing Boat and Nets (Brazil)

According to an anonymous report on, ALF activists sabotaged an illegal fishing boat off the coast of São Paulo on the night of December 28. The nets and the boat were set on fire.