Received anonymously: The elves have been busy, delivering mayhem wherever we go. On a cold night in December and armed with boltcutters, we entered a duck egg laying farm and took six birds with us. The place was grim, it stunk more than many other bird farms we have been to and we hated leaving …
Tag: uk
Nov 25
2 Meat Trucks Burned in Memory of Lobo (Lincolnshire, UK)
Received anonymously: On the night of the anniversary of the death of Lobo, Elefteria Hambi, we set alight two meat trucks parked on the road next to a slaughterhouse in Lincolnshire. We placed a small bottle of gasoline next to the front tyre and used fire starter paste to create a quick fuse that would …
Oct 05
Butcher’s Windows Smashed (Malvern, UK)
According to local media, Barnards Green Butcher shop in Malvern had their windows smashed at midnight on the 27th of September. The action caused a local stir, with Facebook comments reading “they are closed, are there no real butchers left?”. Later, the butchers confirmed it was not closed and that they had to board up …
Aug 18
Turkey Farm Fences Torn Down, Fox Trap Destroyed (UK)
Received anonymously: We have been paying attention to a particular scummy farmer who among other abuses likes to murder turkeys and sell their corpses for Christmas. They also, like many farmers, love to trap and shoot foxes. It doesn’t seem to matter how many mammal traps they find broken into pieces and strewn across the …
Aug 07
Egg Farm Raided in West Midlands (UK)
Received anonymously: On the 30th of July, acting on a local’s tip off, we headed to a barn in West Midlands containing the most horrific chicken egg cages we had seen in over a decade. It seems the owner disagreed with the ban of conventional cages back in 2012 and decided to keep a small …
Jun 24
Underground Badger Syndicate Liberates Mutilated Bird, Sabotages Hunt (UK)
{editor’s note: Over the past month, UBS has been reporting on their actions against a shoot that mutilated a bird used as a decoy in a trap. We have compiled the reports below} Via Underground Badger Syndicate FB: When the wild things come at night Instagram: @undergroundbadgersyndicate 21st May, UK THE GENDER REVEAL …
May 20
12 Poison Traps Destroyed (Midlands, UK)
Received anonymously: we stole and smashed twelve poison boxes in a service station in Midlands. All were baited with both poison blocks and poisoned wheat. Sadly, we also found two tiny mice that after having eaten the poison sought shelter in the trap and died because of it. Fuck pest control. Smash poison traps!
Apr 02
5 Lambs Liberated for Easter (UK)
Received anonymously: As the nation celebrated Easter with a bloodbath of violence, roasting and tearing up the bodies of millions of innocent lambs, we fought back and saved the lives of five tiny lambs. Having checked out the spot already, we crept in the shadows past a farmhouse where the scumbag farmers were watching TV …
Mar 18
Rat Traps Sabotaged (Dorset, UK)
Each box was labelled as containing ‘rodenticide’ so we knew not to smash them up and risk scattering it, and not to just toss them into the bin where they could hurt other rats. We didn’t have the means to cut the wires and take all of them away to dismantle and burn so we …
Mar 03
Dairy Farm Sabotaged (Leicestershire, UK)
Received anonymously: it is no longer enough to liberate animals from abuse whilst causing the scum that abuse them no bother. for that reason, we fucked up a dairy parlour as much as we could and hope the farmer had an absolute nightmare of a morning when they woke up. every single one of the …
Feb 13
Underground Badger Syndicate Destroys 20 Mole Traps (UK)
originally published on @undergroundbadgersyndicate NO MORE HIBERNATION, UBS IS BACK! After the main intensive cull dies off, Underground Badger Syndicate goes into semi-hibernation, like badgers, and spends less time out and more time grunting indoors to survive the winter. We’ve had enough now and are ready to make hunters upset with our antics, and as …
Feb 04
16 Chickens Liberated in Solidarity with Marius Mason (UK)
Received anonymously: The countryside is littered with farms, most of them easily accessible. We’d scouted this place a few night before and knew the layout. We crept past the farmers house, with the lights still on, and headed quickly to the chicken sheds. Thousands of laying hens in tiny metal cages locked away from fresh …
Jan 22
10 Chickens Liberated from Egg Farm (UK)
Received anonymously: Under the dark blanket of the night we broke into a caged chicken egg farm and took ten chickens away from the bars and into freedom. Thousands were left behind in a dystopian barn, imprisoned to produce profits for a farmer who sees them as nothing else but stock. Those ten chickens …