Tag: denmark

ALF Liberates 12 Chickens (Denmark)

Received anonymously: We’ve all heard the story of backyard chickens, about how ethical it is, and how it can be a great way to teach children about animals. This is a lie! It’s always exploitation of the chickens, and they often murder them as well. A small school in Denmark was spreading the same lies, …

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ALF Liberates 5 Chickens (Denmark)

Received anonymously: The ALF has liberated 5 hens from a miserable live in an organic factory farm in Denmark. When entering the farm, the first thing we saw was several dead hens lying on the floor. Let there as trash to be removed later. Few meters from them were thousands of hens crammed in a …

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Copenhagen Restaurant Sabotaged (Denmark)

Received anonymously: A restaurant in Copenhagen called “Beef” (Bøf) was covered in messages and red paint. This disgusting speciesist place has pieces of animal corpses hanging as decorations. Even their name says how speciesists they are. We must fight speciesist everywhere we see it. Do whatever you can in the fight for total liberation. No …

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ALF Targets Denmark Butcher

Received anonymously: Butcher spray painted by ALF. Messages like “meat if murder”, “murder” and “go vegan” were left all over a butcher in Denmark.

McDonald’s Restaurant Sabotaged (Copenhagen, Denmark)

Received anonymously: A new McDonald’s has opened in Copenhagen in December, and since then they have been the target of many protests and disruptions. They have also faced more direct consequences of their murderous actions, as documented in this material. This video shows three different occasions where activists toss red paint on their store and …

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Fur Store in Denmark Twice Sabotaged (See video)

Received anonymously: Red paint tossed on fur store along with message “Fur is murder”. Within a short period, a fur store in Denmark has been hit twice by activists tossing red paint and spraying/writing “fur is murder” on their wall. It’s easy to make it difficult for animal abusers to profit of abuse and murder. …

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Locks Glued at Several Cafes in Copenhagen (Denmark)

Received anonymously: Activists had been in contact with the largest coffee chain in Denmark last year about switching to plant based milk as default, and after applying pressure to the company, they agreed they’d try out plant based by default in Copenhagen from January 2024. They lied. Because of this, activists put super glue in …

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Locks Glued at Several Cafes in Copenhagen (Denmark)

Received anonymously: Activists had been in contact with the largest coffee chain in Denmark last year about switching to plant based milk as default, and after applying pressure to the company, they agreed they’d try out plant based by default in Copenhagen from January 2024. They lied. Because of this, activists put super glue in …

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Activists Liberate Two Puppies From Abusive Breeder (Copenhagen, Denmark)

Received anonymously: Neighbors to a person who has a small puppy mill in their home, had countless times contacted police and animal shelters to get help, since they witnessed extreme abuse of dogs, but to no surprise, these entities were of no help. The “breeder” would leave the dogs on their balcony in high temperature …

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Activists Liberate Two Puppies From Abusive Breeder (Copenhagen, Denmark)

Received anonymously: Neighbors to a person who has a small puppy mill in their home, had countless times contacted police and animal shelters to get help, since they witnessed extreme abuse of dogs, but to no surprise, these entities were of no help. The “breeder” would leave the dogs on their balcony in high temperature …

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ALF Destroys 20,000 Eggs at Hatchery (Denmark)

Received anonymously: A few nights ago the ALF attacked one of the largest hatcheries for the egg industry in Denmark. A well coordinated attack by activists on one of the largest hatcheries for the egg industry in Denmark. Over 20,000 fertilized eggs where kept in a cooling room, which prevents the eggs from developing into …

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Lobsters Liberated from Supermarket (Denmark)

Received anonymously: Activists have liberated 2 lobsters, who were kept alive in a tank in a supermarket for humans to buy, kill, and eat. The lobsters were known to be from Danish oceans, so the activists brought them back to their home.

Lobsters Liberated from Supermarket (Denmark)

Received anonymously: Activists have liberated 2 lobsters, who were kept alive in a tank in a supermarket for humans to buy, kill, and eat. The lobsters were known to be from Danish oceans, so the activists brought them back to their home.

Thousands of Hen’s Eggs Destroyed, Machinery Sabotaged (Denmark)

Received anonymously: Activists went to a farm to invesitgate and document the conditions of egg laying hens. After witnessing the horrendous conditions the animals live under, they discovered a storage of eggs on the farm. The machines for packing eggs were sabotaged and the storage of thousands of eggs was completely destroyed.

Thousands of Hen’s Eggs Destroyed, Machinery Sabotaged (Denmark)

Received anonymously: Activists went to a farm to invesitgate and document the conditions of egg laying hens. After witnessing the horrendous conditions the animals live under, they discovered a storage of eggs on the farm. The machines for packing eggs were sabotaged and the storage of thousands of eggs was completely destroyed.