Tag: chile

2 Rabbits Liberated from Slaughterhouse (Chile)

Received anonymously: July 2024, territory dominated by the Chilean state. Two rabbits rescued from a clandestine slaughterhouse. Anti-speciesist individuals headed to a clandestine slaughterhouse during the early hours of the morning to carry out a rescue. When we arrived at the entrance of the place we found dogs that were being used to hunt rabbits …

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Butcher Shops and Church Locks Glued in Solidarity with Sebastian Oversluij (Santiago, Chile)

ENGLISH (translation, via darknights): The last days of December in the midst of the consumerist frenzy for the end of the year celebrations, we, some anarchic individualities, decided to act in memory of our comrade Sebastian Oversluij, 10 years after his death, who was killed by the guard of a bank branch in Pudahuel, when he …

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Butcher Shops and Church Locks Glued in Solidarity with Sebastian Oversluij (Santiago, Chile)

ENGLISH (translation, via darknights): The last days of December in the midst of the consumerist frenzy for the end of the year celebrations, we, some anarchic individualities, decided to act in memory of our comrade Sebastian Oversluij, 10 years after his death, who was killed by the guard of a bank branch in Pudahuel, when he …

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20 Snares Sabotaged (Santiago, Chile)

Received anonymously: ENGLISH (translation) Walking in the countryside near Lampa we found homemade traps for hares, with a metal stick buried underground holding a metal wire to catch wild species. We did not hesitate to dig them out and break them. There were 20 in total, they were rendered completely useless and taken away from …

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20 Snares Sabotaged (Santiago, Chile)

Received anonymously: ENGLISH (translation) Walking in the countryside near Lampa we found homemade traps for hares, with a metal stick buried underground holding a metal wire to catch wild species. We did not hesitate to dig them out and break them. There were 20 in total, they were rendered completely useless and taken away from …

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Arson at Cordillera Slaughterhouse and Meat Packing Plant (Chile)

Received anonymously: ENGLISH (translated): ADJUDICATION OF ARSON ATTACK ON THE SLAUGHTERHOUSE AND MEAT PACKING PLANT CORDILLERA OF DINACAR HOLDING. PUENTE ALTO, CHILE. On the night of Saturday, September 30, we successfully attacked the Cordillera slaughterhouse and meat packing plant, setting fire to part of its infrastructure and logistics, aiming to cause as much damage as …

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Arson at Cordillera Slaughterhouse and Meat Packing Plant (Chile)

Received anonymously: ENGLISH (translated): ADJUDICATION OF ARSON ATTACK ON THE SLAUGHTERHOUSE AND MEAT PACKING PLANT CORDILLERA OF DINACAR HOLDING. PUENTE ALTO, CHILE. On the night of Saturday, September 30, we successfully attacked the Cordillera slaughterhouse and meat packing plant, setting fire to part of its infrastructure and logistics, aiming to cause as much damage as …

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Locks Sabotaged at Animal Abuse Establishments (Santiago, Chile)

via: https://es-contrainfo.espiv.net ENGLISH (translation) As individuals and as an affinity group we decided to destroy and permanently lock padlocks and other keyholes guarding establishments that sell animal products, an industry that profits with the death and exploitation of non human animals. We also decided to glue locks in churches. The sabotage occurred around central Santiago. Because …

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Locks Sabotaged at Animal Abuse Establishments (Santiago, Chile)

via: https://es-contrainfo.espiv.net ENGLISH (translation) As individuals and as an affinity group we decided to destroy and permanently lock padlocks and other keyholes guarding establishments that sell animal products, an industry that profits with the death and exploitation of non human animals. We also decided to glue locks in churches. The sabotage occurred around central Santiago. Because …

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Wheatpaste and Spraypaint in Solidarity with Chilean Prisoners (Mexico)

Received anonymously: ENGLISH (translation) From the territory dominated by the mexican state. We join the call to action for solidarity after the kidnap of four antispeciesist comrades in Chile by the state. They have been stolen from their freedom after being accused of arson on trucks and fridges against the Susaron meat packing plant the …

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Wheatpaste and Spraypaint in Solidarity with Chilean Prisoners (Mexico)

Received anonymously: ENGLISH (translation) From the territory dominated by the mexican state. We join the call to action for solidarity after the kidnap of four antispeciesist comrades in Chile by the state. They have been stolen from their freedom after being accused of arson on trucks and fridges against the Susaron meat packing plant the …

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Who are they and how did the antispeciesists accused of burning butcher trucks in Quilicura fall?

By Nicolás Parra Tapia, Felipe Díaz Montero and Camilo Suazo. Friday 04 November 2022 | 14:04 BBCL (Chile) Translation to English by GoogleTranslate. Read it in Spanish here. One by one, the detectives picked up the crumbs that the group that attacked a meat distribution center in Quilicura left on the road as they fled. …

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Grupo de Respuesta Animal Burns Meat Packing Plant (Chile)

Received anonymously: Most of all I regret my restraint, because regardless of the damage we caused to those businesses, if those farms are still open, if even one animal was left behind, then it wasn’t enough. I do not intend to rid myself of the consequences of these acts by begging for mercy or appealing …

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Grupo de Respuesta Animal Burns Meat Packing Plant (Chile)

Received anonymously: Most of all I regret my restraint, because regardless of the damage we caused to those businesses, if those farms are still open, if even one animal was left behind, then it wasn’t enough. I do not intend to rid myself of the consequences of these acts by begging for mercy or appealing …

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Six Meat Trucks, Walk-In Fridge Destroyed at Butchers (Santiago, Chile)

Received anonymously: At dawn, hooded people arrived at a butcher shop belonging to the Susaron chain, in Quilicura. Once there, they threw Molotov cocktails against their trucks and infrastructure. The result of the action was the burning of 6 vehicles and part of the refrigerator of the animal exploitation area. Pamphlets found in the place …

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