via: Dark Nights. On the occasion of the celebration of the great slaughter, there was an awakening of our reflexes to a ritual that takes place at regular intervals validating the rules of hierarchy of species where animals are inferior and are species to be exploited. By striking at butchers we strike at the institutions and …
Tag: butcher
Mar 14
ALF Targets Butcher Shop in Southern Sweden
Received anonymously: In the middle of February a butcher shop was visited in southern Sweden, the province skåne, and where spraypainted with meat is murder, the Alf logo and some lines drawn alongside the facade just to make as much trouble for the animal abusers as possible. Unfortunately no pictures were taken. …
Mar 14
ALF Targets Butcher Shop in Southern Sweden
Received anonymously: In the middle of February a butcher shop was visited in southern Sweden, the province skåne, and where spraypainted with meat is murder, the Alf logo and some lines drawn alongside the facade just to make as much trouble for the animal abusers as possible. Unfortunately no pictures were taken. …
Jan 07
Butcher Targeted by ALF Closes Forever (Stuttgart, Germany)
On the 29th of December, Luz butcher shop in Stuttgart, Germany, announced that they were non longer going to carry on open, four days after the third attack by the ALF. We were alerted of the news by an anonymous member of the cell that targeted that butcher shop, who sent us this text: “4 …
Jan 07
Butcher Targeted by ALF Closes Forever (Stuttgart, Germany)
On the 29th of December, Luz butcher shop in Stuttgart, Germany, announced that they were non longer going to carry on open, four days after the third attack by the ALF. We were alerted of the news by an anonymous member of the cell that targeted that butcher shop, who sent us this text: “4 …
Sep 26
Six Meat Trucks, Walk-In Fridge Destroyed at Butchers (Santiago, Chile)
Received anonymously: At dawn, hooded people arrived at a butcher shop belonging to the Susaron chain, in Quilicura. Once there, they threw Molotov cocktails against their trucks and infrastructure. The result of the action was the burning of 6 vehicles and part of the refrigerator of the animal exploitation area. Pamphlets found in the place …
Sep 26
Six Meat Trucks, Walk-In Fridge Destroyed at Butchers (Santiago, Chile)
Received anonymously: At dawn, hooded people arrived at a butcher shop belonging to the Susaron chain, in Quilicura. Once there, they threw Molotov cocktails against their trucks and infrastructure. The result of the action was the burning of 6 vehicles and part of the refrigerator of the animal exploitation area. Pamphlets found in the place …
Sep 25
Activist Smashes Butchery, Poisons Animal Flesh (Portland, Oregon, USA)
Received anonymously: I went out at night and smashed the windows of a butchery Laurelhurst Market. I climbed inside and poured rat poison on the animal carcasses in their walkin and deep freezer. I then emailed them telling them that their animal carcasses were poisoned. If they continue anyways, I hope it hurts.
Sep 25
Activist Smashes Butchery, Poisons Animal Flesh (Portland, Oregon, USA)
Received anonymously: I went out at night and smashed the windows of a butchery Laurelhurst Market. I climbed inside and poured rat poison on the animal carcasses in their walkin and deep freezer. I then emailed them telling them that their animal carcasses were poisoned. If they continue anyways, I hope it hurts.
Jul 13
ALF Sabotage at Butcher and Ice Cream Parlor (UK)
According to local media, Sandy Park Butchers and Tarr’s Ice Cream Parlour were attacked by the ALF, smashing the windows of both shops as well as spray painting “ALF” and “GO VEGAN”. Mr Tarr told the local papers he had to stop production for the day and open a lot later as they had to …
Jul 13
ALF Sabotage at Butcher and Ice Cream Parlor (UK)
According to local media, Sandy Park Butchers and Tarr’s Ice Cream Parlour were attacked by the ALF, smashing the windows of both shops as well as spray painting “ALF” and “GO VEGAN”. Mr Tarr told the local papers he had to stop production for the day and open a lot later as they had to …