Via: @anarcoveganismo.arg ENGLISH (translation): Antispeciesist activists vandalise speciesist propaganda. Speciesist adverts are normalised and forced into a society that sees the bodies of our animal siblings as products. Antispeciesism is justice. SPANISH (original): Activistas Antiespecistas vandalizan la propaganda especista. Que esta normalizada e instalada en esta sociedad que ve a los cuerpos de nuestrxs hermanxs …
Tag: animal liberation
May 06
Goat Liberated Before Slaughter (Italy)
Received anonymously: ENG (translation): We called him Igor and he is a billy goat who was locked up in poor conditions in a pen waiting to be sacrificed according to the Islamic ‘halal’ ritual at the end of Ramadan. But someone decided that Igor would not become food and rescued him from his unjust imprisonment …
May 06
Duck Hunters Targeted by ALF (Victoria, Australia)
Received anonymously: ALF Locks Hunters Out of Wetlands and Spray Paints Rifle Club The campaign against hunters continues in so-called Australia. The ALF has visited Lake Colac and Reedy Lake before the weekend to lock gates and prevent vehicles from entering the wetland. The Colac Rifle Club was also visited, and spray painted for their …
Apr 16
ALF Harasses Hunters (Victoria, Australia)
Received anonymously: Sunday morning the A.L.F visited Lake Colac in Victoria, so-called Australia to let hunters know they aren’t welcome to shoot innocent animals on these wetlands. We put a lock and chain on a gate at one of the entrances into the wetlands preventing hunters getting into the wetlands and preventing the hunters who …
Apr 15
ALF Liberates 11 Hens from Egg Farm (Bavaria)
Received anonymously: We came in the dark so these innocent animals would see the light the next morning. They did. We have already been in the exact same egg farm 4 times before and liberated 36 hens from this place in total in 2023. We never claimed these actions until now because we hope the …
Apr 15
ALF Disrupts Hunters’ Sleep (Victoria, Australia)
Received anonymously: Earlier this year Jacinta Allen’s office was paid a visit by the A.L.F for her decision to go against her own governments recommendation to ban duck shooting. This is likely due to her personal ties with hunters, and the fair share of hunter population in her electorate. The A.L.F vowed to show up …
Apr 09
73 Pullets Liberated by ALF (Victoria, Australia)
Received anonymously: Here we are again, another so-called free range egg farm entered by the A.L.F, taking with us 73 pullets. These little babies will no longer serve humans for profit. Instead, they will find the gentle side to human hands, surrounded by compassion and love. Until every cage is empty, keep liberating. The A.L.F …
Apr 03
ALF LIberates 33 Rabbits, 6 Doves, 3 Hens (Italy)
Received anonymously: ENGLISH (translation): 26 March 2024, Northern Italy Liberated: 33 rabbits, 6 doves, 3 hens. On a full moon night, we crossed mountain paths to reach the innocent and oblivious victims of this sick society convinced that animals are objects to be exploited. Fuck them all: the only law we follow is based on …
Apr 02
KFC Sabotaged with Paint (Denmark)
Received anonymously: A group of activists spray painted “meat is murder” and other messages on a KFC in Denmark. On the small piece of land they call “Denmark”, where less than 6 million humans live, over a hundred million chickens are enslaved and killed each year. They live miserable lives in factory farms, bred into …
Apr 02
5 Lambs Liberated for Easter (UK)
Received anonymously: As the nation celebrated Easter with a bloodbath of violence, roasting and tearing up the bodies of millions of innocent lambs, we fought back and saved the lives of five tiny lambs. Having checked out the spot already, we crept in the shadows past a farmhouse where the scumbag farmers were watching TV …
Mar 20
13 Chickens Liberated by Frente de Liberacion Animal (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Via: ENGLISH (translation) We claim responsibility for this direct action. Our sisters cannot wait until the population wakes up, complicit to the monster machine that we want to destroy. Thirteen lives were liberates and are now safe, they will never have to shake out of fear whilst their oppressor cuts their throat and ignores …
Mar 19
Orfei Circus Sabotaged (Bologna, Italy)
Received anonymously: 17th March ENGLISH (translation): The Orfei Circus Traveling Jail has arrived in Imola (Bologna, Italy), with over 100 animals, including lions, tigers, giraffes, and horses forced to live in unnatural conditions for the sole purpose of entertaining the public. The Orfei Circus persists in exploiting these individuals. Faced with this cruel reality, an …