Received anonymously: I destroyed two rat poison traps, just on my way home. Be active everywhere!
Tag: animal liberation
May 21
Fish Killers Get Tires Slashed (Argentina)
Received anonymously: ENGLISH (translation): A cold afternoon in Argentina, in a beach far away from the city where nobody really goes off-season we saw an amateur fishing person as the single, lone human on the beach. The only vehicle parked there was theirs, and they spent a very long time fishing, showing a great passion …
May 20
12 Poison Traps Destroyed (Midlands, UK)
Received anonymously: we stole and smashed twelve poison boxes in a service station in Midlands. All were baited with both poison blocks and poisoned wheat. Sadly, we also found two tiny mice that after having eaten the poison sought shelter in the trap and died because of it. Fuck pest control. Smash poison traps!
May 19
Dog Liberated by ALF (South America)
Received anonymously: The liberation of Locky Activists find themselves in a sadly normalized situation: a puppy is locked in a house under reconstruction: “For several weeks, the dog was seen behind the gate of this house without water or food. After some research, a neighbour told the activists that he took care of the dog …
May 18
June is the Beginning of “Fur Farm Raiding Season”
Historically, June is the beginning of “fur farm raiding season”, when mink born in March mature to a state where they can be liberated into the wild. Since 1995, there have been at least 116 raids on fur farms across the United States. At least 43 of the raided farms have closed forever. Fur farm …
May 18
Jorney Mink Ranch in Alliance, OH
The Jorney Mink Ranch in Alliance, OH was raided three times by the Animal Liberation Front. In total, 11,000 wild mink were liberated from their cages at this now-former wildlife prison. We now feel confident to say that the Jorney Mink Ranch (pictured here) and the B.J. Hoffman Fur Farm, both large farms in Ohio, …
May 08
Chickens Liberated (Argentina)
via: @anarcoveganismo.arg ENGLISH (translation): Driving I saw chickens in cages and I didn’t hesitate to try and rescue them. Unfortunately I couldn’t save them all. The cages were tiny and full of weeks old manure. There were people in the house, the light was on and a pick up truck was parked by the door, …
May 06
Hunt Saboteur Attempts to Steal Hunter’s Rifle, Takes Ammunition Instead (Germany)
According to local media, the police are investigating an attempted robbery after an unknown person tried to steal a hunter’s weapon. Cops say an unknown perpetrator attempted to snatch the rifle of a hunter commissioned by the town to hunt rabbits in the cementery on Firdaty 19th April. This led to a scuffle between the …
May 06
Anti-Speciesist Propaganda (Argentina)
Via: @anarcoveganismo.arg ENGLISH (translation): Antispeciesist activists vandalise speciesist propaganda. Speciesist adverts are normalised and forced into a society that sees the bodies of our animal siblings as products. Antispeciesism is justice. SPANISH (original): Activistas Antiespecistas vandalizan la propaganda especista. Que esta normalizada e instalada en esta sociedad que ve a los cuerpos de nuestrxs hermanxs …
May 06
Goat Liberated Before Slaughter (Italy)
Received anonymously: ENG (translation): We called him Igor and he is a billy goat who was locked up in poor conditions in a pen waiting to be sacrificed according to the Islamic ‘halal’ ritual at the end of Ramadan. But someone decided that Igor would not become food and rescued him from his unjust imprisonment …
May 06
Duck Hunters Targeted by ALF (Victoria, Australia)
Received anonymously: ALF Locks Hunters Out of Wetlands and Spray Paints Rifle Club The campaign against hunters continues in so-called Australia. The ALF has visited Lake Colac and Reedy Lake before the weekend to lock gates and prevent vehicles from entering the wetland. The Colac Rifle Club was also visited, and spray painted for their …
Apr 16
ALF Harasses Hunters (Victoria, Australia)
Received anonymously: Sunday morning the A.L.F visited Lake Colac in Victoria, so-called Australia to let hunters know they aren’t welcome to shoot innocent animals on these wetlands. We put a lock and chain on a gate at one of the entrances into the wetlands preventing hunters getting into the wetlands and preventing the hunters who …
Apr 15
ALF Liberates 11 Hens from Egg Farm (Bavaria)
Received anonymously: We came in the dark so these innocent animals would see the light the next morning. They did. We have already been in the exact same egg farm 4 times before and liberated 36 hens from this place in total in 2023. We never claimed these actions until now because we hope the …