Tag: animal liberation

36 Hens Liberated, Inspired by T&S Rabbits Campaign (UK)

Received anonymously: This week saw 202 rabbits saved as a result of the campaign against T&S rabbit farm, something that proved without a doubt that what we as activists do makes a difference, something that inspires us all to do more. Last night saw 36 hens saved, as we took that feeling of inspiration and …

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More Hunting Towers Sabotaged (Czech Republic)


More Hunting Towers Sabotaged (Czech Republic)


ALF Liberates 12 Chickens (Germany)

Received anonymously: August 23 in the night the A.L.F. B.Nl. and special guest from USA saves 12 chickens in Germany .direct action in 30 seconds can save lives …love is liberation .Until Every Cage Is Empty .

ALF Liberates 12 Chickens (Germany)

Received anonymously: August 23 in the night the A.L.F. B.Nl. and special guest from USA saves 12 chickens in Germany .direct action in 30 seconds can save lives …love is liberation .Until Every Cage Is Empty .

‘Don’t Fund Slavery’: Ominous Graffiti Shows Up Leading To Malta’s Dolphin Park ‘Prison’

By Sasha Vella Lovin Malta Ominous graffiti has appeared leading up to Malta’s only marine park in Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq. The freshly-painted and stencilled graffiti was spotted by a resident who sent the photos to Lovin Malta, showing the blunt and controversial messaging. “50 metres to dolphin prison,” one graffiti reads, with another telling people “don’t fund …

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ALF Liberates 47 Hens (Netherlands)

Received anonymously: Netherlands The A.L.F. saves 47 brown hens from an intensive farm .

ALF Liberates 47 Hens (Netherlands)

Received anonymously: Netherlands The A.L.F. saves 47 brown hens from an intensive farm .

ALF Liberates 65 Hens (Luxembourg)

Received anonymously: Luxembourg 15 08 22 the A.L.F saves 65 hens from the intensive farm

ALF Liberates 65 Hens (Luxembourg)

Received anonymously: Luxembourg 15 08 22 the A.L.F saves 65 hens from the intensive farm

Animal Liberation Activists Spray 30 Anti-Speciesist Tags (Rennes, France)

Received anonymously: ENG: “Animals are people”, “fish are sentient” or “meat = murder” are ideas with which we wanted to mark the minds. We denounced the exploitation of animals in all its forms in front of shops and on squares where the message would be visible. We are talking about the thousands of billions of …

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Animal Liberation Activists Spray 30 Anti-Speciesist Tags (Rennes, France)

Received anonymously: ENG: “Animals are people”, “fish are sentient” or “meat = murder” are ideas with which we wanted to mark the minds. We denounced the exploitation of animals in all its forms in front of shops and on squares where the message would be visible. We are talking about the thousands of billions of …

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ALF Sabotage T and S Rabbits (Midlands, UK)

Received anonymously: NO PEACE FOR BUNNY KILLERS On 3rd August 2022 the ALF paid a visit to two of rabbit killing scum Phil Kerry’s sites. We wanted to send a message to Phil that his life will be made a misery for as long as he continues to imprison and kill rabbits. At his Granby …

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ALF Sabotage T and S Rabbits (Midlands, UK)

Received anonymously: NO PEACE FOR BUNNY KILLERS On 3rd August 2022 the ALF paid a visit to two of rabbit killing scum Phil Kerry’s sites. We wanted to send a message to Phil that his life will be made a misery for as long as he continues to imprison and kill rabbits. At his Granby …

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ALF Destroys More Hunting Towers (Czech Republic)

Received anonymously: We destroyed the hunting towers again! We know that is not punishment enough for murdering our non-human brothers and sisters! Stop hunting!