Unoffensive Animal got the chance to speak to Sindre, a Swedish animal liberation activist, locked up in prison indefinitely for actions against a mink farmer. (More information on Sindres case, and how to write to him here) Sindre, could you to tell us something about yourself, a brief background? I am 22 years old and …
Aug 12
26 Turkeys Liberated (Midlands, UK)
Received anonymously: MIDNIGHT TURKEY RAID. It’s always worth having a sneak around at night. After a visit to a farm we knew sold turkeys for Christmas, we managed to locate were the babies they’d be murdering come December were. Young and curious they slept on a filthy concrete floor with little bedding in a barn …
Aug 11
ALF Liberates Hen (Argentina)
Via: @anarcoveganismo.arg ENGLISH (translation): Activists from the Animal Liberation Front rescued a chicken from an egg farm during a recky mission. We were not expecting this liberation, the hen is completely mutilated. She has a severed wing and the back is cut. Now she is somewhere where she will live the rest of her life …
Aug 09
Fire Destroys Butcher Shop in Starbuck, Minnesota (USA)
Starbuck, MN – A fire ripped through a Minnesota meat processing business on July 6, leaving much of the building destroyed. The butcher shop was closed at the time of the fire, so no one was injured. Photos showed the ruin left behind by the massive blaze, with at least one-half of the building completely …
Aug 07
Department Urban Fauna (Athens, Greece) Wheatpasted for Animal Confinement
VIA: Athens Indymedia ENGLISH (TRANSLATION): Posters at the offices of the Department of Urban Fauna of the Municipality of Athens against the confinement of animals in the National Garden On Wednesday 18/7 we held an intervention with posters at the offices of the Department of Urban Fauna of the Municipality of Athens in Aeolou, which …
Aug 07
Bullfighting Arena Defaced (France)
Via: Attaque. ENG (translation): Anti-corrida tags blossomed on the walls of the Orthez bullring, while a call to protest was launched on social networks ahead of the festive bullfight on Sunday July 28. Anti-corrida tags were sprayed in the Orthez bullring on the night of Monday July 22 to Tuesday July 23, according to La …
Aug 07
Egg Farm Raided in West Midlands (UK)
Received anonymously: On the 30th of July, acting on a local’s tip off, we headed to a barn in West Midlands containing the most horrific chicken egg cages we had seen in over a decade. It seems the owner disagreed with the ban of conventional cages back in 2012 and decided to keep a small …
Aug 05
Saboteurs Destroy Fishing Net (Argentina)
ENGLISH (translation) From a coastal place in Buenos Aires Argentina. We seek any chance possible to attack animal exploitation and its perpetuators. We do not care if the exploiters are rich or if they have little resources, we do not see the difference. In this case we found some private nets owned by a horrible …
Aug 04
Anti-Hunting Stencils Painted (Sweden)
Received anonymously: Some anarchists painted walls around in Dalarna, so-called Sweden, with anti-hunting messages. “Zero vision” for hunting (“NOLLVISION)” means that we do not tolerate any hunters in the forests, and that we will actively fight all forms of hunting, and protect all non-human animals. By any means necessary. UNTIL ALL ARE FREE (”NULLVISJON” is …
Aug 01
Columbia Bans Bullfighting
The President of Colombia has ended an important era for the country. Gustavo Petro signed a law banning bullfighting. The politician said: “We cannot tell the world that killing living, sentient beings for entertainment is culture.” The use of animals for human needs has been a norm for centuries. Elephants transport heavy logs in Asia, horses carried …
Jul 30
Operation Ginger: 6 Chickens Liberated from Farm (Argentina)
via: @anarcoveganismo.arg ENGLISH (translation): In a corner of the territory occupied by the oppressive state of Argentina. In solidarity with the 269la activists who blocked a slaughterhouse in Switzerland and did not manage to liberate any lives, four anarchist and antispeciesist activists liberated six hens from a farm. After working out the surrounding area …
Jul 18
Another Speciesist Banner Defaced (Denmark)
VIA: @vegan_activism_dk ENGLISH (translation): No thank you to animal cruelty propaganda. Thanks to the anonymous activists that fixed this marketing mural. DANISH (original): Nej tak til propaganda fra dyremishandlingsindustrien. Tak til de anonyme aktivister for at fikse dette ulækre propagandamaleri!
Jul 18
ALF Smashes Animal Abuser Jacinta Allan’s Office (Victoria, Australia)
Received anonymously: With the closing of the duck shooting season occurring early June, the ALF thought Jacinta Allan’s office deserved a closing message after the bloodshed she allowed to take place this year. Having been targeted twice this year already, the third time we came back with heavier equipment. The words “Heartless”, “Gutless” and “Spineless” …