Norwegian Whaling Ship Sunk

Communiqué from Agenda 21 activists Date: August 30, 2007 Institution targeted: Norwegian Whaling Ship Received anonymously Svolvaer, Lofoten Islands, Norway On the night of august 30th we decided to celebrate the end of commercial whaling in Iceland by removing a large section of cooling pipe in the engine room of the norwegian whaler “Willassen Senior”. …

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Animal Rights Militia Tampers with HLS Customer Novartis’s Products

Communiqué from Animal Rights Militia Date: August 28 , 2007 Institution targeted: HLS Customer Novartis Pharmaceuticals Received anonymously Over the last 5 days over 250 tubes and bottles of Novartis’s Anti-Septic product Savlon have been tampered with in the North of England in stores such as Superdrug, Boots and other well known stores. We don’t …

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500 Mink Liberated from Berkshire Furs, in Hinsdale, Massachusetts

Communiqué from ALF activists Date: August 15, 2007 Institution targeted: Berkshire Fur Farm According to media reports, as many as 500 mink were released from their cages at Berkshire Furs, in Hinsdale, Massachusetts, early in the morning of August 14. A police officer told local media, “Whoever did it had a plan. They knew what …

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East Coast Fishermen Have 8 Boats Destroyed

Communiqué from ALF activists Date: August 8, 2007 Institution targeted: East Coast Fishermen Received anonymously On the night of August 5, the ALF commenced Operation White Marlin. The White Marlin Open is the biggest sport fishing tournament in the world. Killers from all over the world competed to slaughter the lives of our brothers and …

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Eliot Spindel, Vivisector at the Oregon National Primate Research Center Gets House Painted

Communiqué from ALF activists Date: August 2, 2007 Institution targeted: Oregon Health Sciences Vivisector Received anonymously Recently, Eliot Spindel, vivisector at the Oregon National Primate Research Center earned a visit from the vegan vigilantes called the ALF. His mansion at xxxx Sunbrook Drive in Lake Oswego Oregon, was given a makeover. Eliot was awarded this …

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Warning Issued to Oregon Health Sciences Vivisector

For Immediate Release August 2, 2007 Warning Issued to Oregon Health Sciences Vivisector Stop Killing Infant Primates and Wasting Millions on Uselss Smoking Research Lake Oswego, OR- In an anonymous communique received by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office, activists claim to have visited the home of Oregon Health Sciences primate vivisector Eliot Spindel, …

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UCLA Vivisector Again Targeted for Animal Abuse

For Immediate Release July 30, 2007 UCLA Vivisector Again Targeted for Animal Abuse Activists May Have Mailed Package to Arthur Rosenbaum Los Angeles- UCLA primate vivisector Arthur Rosenbaum has again been targeted by activists protesting animal cruelty. In a communique received by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office, activists claim to have mailed “an …

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Spray Paint and Broken Windows Greet Cruelest of Restaurateurs

For Immediate Release July 14, 2007 Austin Activist Taking Veal and Foie Gras Purveyors to Task Spray Paint and Broken Windows Greet Cruelest of Restaurateurs Austin, TX- At least one Austin activist is taking a hands-on approach to holding restaurateurs serving veal and foie gras responsible for the unfathomable cruelty they perpetuate. At least seven …

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Lagrange Capital Management Hacked for Dealing with HLS

Communiqué from ALF activists Date: July 13, 2007 Institution targeted: HLS Investor LaGrange Capital Management Received anonymously Over 300 associates of Lagrange Capital Management have had their access deleted from the Lagrange website, your password wasnt hard to guess Grange, times up, sell your shares in Huntingdon Life Sciences. email grange at: Animal Liberation …

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UCLA Vivisector Has Neighborhood Evacuated Twice in Four Days

For Immediate Release July 10, 2007 UCLA Vivisector Has Neighborhood Evacuated Twice in Four Days Bomb Threat and Suspicious Device Further Highlight Useless and Cruel Experiments on Non-human Primates by Arthur Rosenbaum Los Angeles- Twice in four days the neighborhood of UCLA Primate Vivisector Arthur Rosenbaum was evacuated, first for a bomb threat and again …

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7 Restaurants that Serve Foie Gras and Veal Painted

Communiqué from ALF activists Date: July 8, 2007 Institution targeted: Foie Gras and Veal Purveyors According to media reports, seven restaurants that serve foie gras and/or veal were vandalized in Austin, Texas late on July 2. Slogans were spray-painted on the following restaurants: Aquarelle, Eddie V’s Edgewater Grille, Fleming’s, Restaurant Jezebel, Ruth’s Chris Steak House, …

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Ellyn Brown of NYSE House Painted for Dealing with HLS

Communiqué from ALF activists Date: July 5, 2007 Institution targeted: New York Stock Exchange Received anonymously Several ALF members spraypainted the home of Ellyn Brown, who sits on the board of the NYSE, with slogans that read, “NYSE Puppy Killers” and “Drop HLS” Just days later, a banner was dropped across her front gate that …

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John Frederick Richardson of Abbot Laboratories, HLS Customer Gets House Painted

Communiqué from Unknown activists Date: June 29, 2007 Institution targeted: Abbot Laboratories, HLS Customer Received anonymously John Frederick Richardson, the director for Abbot Labs, a customer of Huntingdon Life Sciences received a new paint job on his door and stoop at his xxxx P street NE, washington DC house. Red is really your color John! …

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UCLA Primate Vivisector Arthur Rosenbaum’s Car Set on Fire

Communiqué from Animal Liberation Brigade Date: June 27, 2007 Institution targeted: UCLA Primate Vivisector Received anonymously 130am on the twenty forth of june: 1 gallon of fuel was placed and set a light under the right front corner of Arthur Rosenbaums large white shiney BMW. He and his wife Sandy, living at XXX Loring avenue …

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Linda’s Fashions and Fur Salon Painted and Glass Door Broken

Communiqué from ALF activists Date: June 14, 2007 Institution targeted: Linda’s Fashions and Fur Salons Received anonymously On 6/14/2007 at approximately 4:30am, Linda’s Fashions and Fur Salons, at 903 Old Scalp Avenue, Johnstown, PA, was visited under cover of night by masked activists. The letters ALF were spraypainted on the building, and a cinderblock was …

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