FLA-CVN Mexico Paints Mexican Restaurants

Communiqué from ALF activists
Date: February 4, 2008
Institution targeted: Mexican Restaurants

Received anonymously

On February 1, the speciest and filthy carnivores woke to find all the windows and walls of two (one meat and the other seafood) restaurants completely covered by paint, ‘Meat = Murder’ was the mark of the Animal Liberation Front – Commando Green Black (FLA-CVN) together with other cells. We have been attacking those who get rich at the expense of pain, agony and suffering of their fellow beings.

These actions are carried out by a collective of radical activists in the FLA, in response to so much torture of our brothers and sisters. This fight is by and for the animals, we avenge and liberate them.
We will not abandon the trenches of the underground; we will keep moving forward.
Until all are free!
FLA-CVN Mexico

Original Spanish:
Vandalismo a restaurantes

El 1 dia de febrero, los especistas y mierda carnivora desperto y encontro todos los vidrios y las paredes de 2 (uno de carne y otro de mariscos) restaurantes totalmente pintados, Carne = Asesinato ha sido la consignia que como Frente de Liberacion Animal-Comando Verde Negro (FLA-CVN) junto a otras celulas, hemos estado atacando comercios que se enriquesen a costa del dolor, agonia y sufrimiento de sus semejantes.

Estas acciones llebadas acabo por activistas radicales conglomerados en el FLA, ha sido en respuesta a tanta y tanta tortura hacia nuestr=s herman=s, esta lucha es por y para los animales, venguemoslos y liberemoslos.
No dejaremos nuestras trincheras desde la clandestinidad y las llevaremos a un grado mas alto.
Hasta que todos sean libres!
FLA-CVN Mexico