ALF Hacks Branfere (France) Zoo Website

The website of the Branféré zoo ( has been hacked by the Animal Liberation Front.

ALF Smashes Butcher’s Windows in Sweden

Received anonymously: Butcher shop in Sweden has been attacked with butyric acid twice in the past month, the windows have been smashed and A.L.F tagged. Below you can see the disgusting shop owner mourning his murder shop.

ALF Sweden Destroys Hunting Towers

Received anonymously: Many hunting towers have been destroyed in both the east and west of the Swedish woods during this winter/spring. The nature and all life is under attack – join the fight against this tyranny before it’s to late! For Total Liberation ALF Sweden

Circovety Circus Painted

Communiqué from ALF activists Date: April 24, 2008 Institution targeted: Circovety Circus (Mexico) Received anonymously In spite of the security circuses have nowadays due to their fear of receiving a visit from the Frente de Liberación Animal, we will not stop since one of our principles is to fight all forms of slavery and exploitation …

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Dozens of Circus Posters Destroyed (Germany)

Received anonymously: April 2017, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany: about 50 posters and banners of circus paul busch damaged and/or destroyed. busch is earning money in exploiting animals. sadly we haven’t destroyed all the posters. animal abuse in circus and every other case is not welcome in freiburg. we’ll fight and we will continue until every …

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Butchers Trade Organization Gets Website Hack (France)

As reported by la Terre d’abord, the website of the trade organization for butchers in Aisne,, has been hacked by the ALF.

Animal Rights Prisoner Debbie Vincent Released!

Debbie was released from prison in April 2017, but she will remain on strict license conditions (probation) until 2020. In April 2014, Debbie was sentenced to six years in prison for “conspiracy to blackmail,” in relation to the campaign to close down the notorious animal testing lab Huntingdon Life Sciences. Prior to sentencing, Debbie said: …

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3 Mice, Rabbit Liberated from Circus in Barcelona (Spain)

reported by activists in Barcelona: Three mice and one rabbit freed from circus. (probably used for magicians tricks) In the early hours of the morning we got them out and they are now living a dignified life in peace. NO TO ANIMAL EXPLOITATION…..ALF IS WATCHING YOU.

3 Mice, Rabbit Liberated from Circus in Barcelona (Spain)

reported by activists in Barcelona: Three mice and one rabbit freed from circus. (probably used for magicians tricks) In the early hours of the morning we got them out and they are now living a dignified life in peace. NO TO ANIMAL EXPLOITATION…..ALF IS WATCHING YOU.

Bullfighting Festival Sabotaged in Vila Franca de Xira (Portugal)

Received anonymously: “Torture, shame, blood” and other anti-bullfighting slogans were painted on the walls of a bullring, and red paint was splashed on a bullfighting monument, in Vila Franca de Xira during the night of April 8-9. A bullfighting festival was held in the town on April 9.

Bullfighting Festival Sabotaged in Vila Franca de Xira (Portugal)

Received anonymously: “Torture, shame, blood” and other anti-bullfighting slogans were painted on the walls of a bullring, and red paint was splashed on a bullfighting monument, in Vila Franca de Xira during the night of April 8-9. A bullfighting festival was held in the town on April 9.

Butcher, Offices Sabotaged in Bern (Switzerland)

According to an anonymous report on A butcher shop in Bern and an office of Proviande, the Swiss Meat Industry Association, were attacked between April 5 and 7. The entrances were made inaccessible and messages were painted.

ALF Sabotages Meat Market in Santiago (Chile)

Received anonymously, from (translation): In the early morning of Monday, April 3, in Santiago, Chile, a cell of the Animal Liberation Front sabotaged a Ñuñoa meat market located between Simón Bolívar and Conventry streets. The windows were smashed and the padlocks were glued to prevent their normal functioning. This exhibition center of corpses operates …

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Hambach Forest, Germany: Letter from Debbie Vincent

Dear Defenders of Nature: Your actions against the destroyers of Hambach Forest are an inspiration. I know it has been a hard struggle over the cold winter. I send you love, respect and solidarity from within the walls of prison. Though they incarcerate my body, my heart, mind and soul will always be free. Being …

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How To Go Vegan: The Ultimate Step by Step Guide

By Joey Bruno Deciding to adopt a vegan lifestyle can be a daunting and seemingly challenging task. One may think they need to give up all the foods that they love, cut ties with all their non-vegan friends/family, and drive a Prius. This is simply not the case. Veganism comes in many different forms, but …

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