ALF Vandalizes Hunters’ Vehicles in UK

Received anonymously: UK. whilst out checking game bird units in the west of England we found 2 shooters cars parked up whilst they were out murdering other living creatures, on their return they would have found 8 slashed tyres and 2 smashed in windscreens, we are everywhere scum waiting for our chance.ALF

Betting Shop Sabotage by Chilean ALF

Anonymous report, from (translation by Earth First! Journal): Santiago, Chile. During the dawn of May 5, we arrived at the grimy Teletrak agency to seal all their locks and main entrance with liquid steel glue. We are disgusted to see the consumption and alienation in these dens, where despicable beings see horses as tools …

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ALF Rescues 4 Rabbits (UK)

Received anonymously: 4 rabbits rescued from terrible conditions from a shed at the bottom of the garden. After much care and vet treatment all these beautiful creatures are now happy in their new homes. To reinforce the message animal abuse will not be tolerated we returned and covered their car in paint stripper and left …

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Hundreds of Captive Mink Freed in Latvia Raids

Received anonymously: 400 cages were opened and animals released in a break-in at the Baltic Devon Mink farm in Iecava on the night of May 2-3. According to media reports, the perimeter alarm sounded but the intruders were gone before security guards arrived at the scene. There was a similar raid on April 28-29 at …

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Hundreds of Captive Mink Freed in Latvia Raids

Received anonymously: 400 cages were opened and animals released in a break-in at the Baltic Devon Mink farm in Iecava on the night of May 2-3. According to media reports, the perimeter alarm sounded but the intruders were gone before security guards arrived at the scene. There was a similar raid on April 28-29 at …

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Write to Animal Liberation Prisoner Joseph Buddenberg

Today marks one year that Joseph has been in prison. Take a moment to send him a card or letter to make sure he’s still feeling support! Joseph Buddenberg #12746-111 FCI Victorville Medium I P.O. BOX 3725 Adelanto, CA 92301

ALF Sabotages Hunters in Tuscany (Italy)


Another Carolina Anarchist Bookfair (ACAB) this Weekend in Asheville, NC

Come out and visit with Press Office staff at the Another Carolina Anarchist Bookfair (ACAB) this weekend in Asheville, NC. Great learning seminars and a chance to hear the (in)famous Ward Churchhill speak on Saturday evening.   Download PDF of this flyer: acab-poster

Dr. Jerry Vlasak interviews Walter Bond, The ALF Lone Wolf

Dr. Jerry Vlasak, Founder of the North American Animal Liberation Press Office, interviews Walter Bond, the Animal Liberation Front Lone Wolf…Click the play button below to listen to the podcast.

FOIA Docs Reveal an FBI Investigation into an Animal Rights Organization It Considers a Terrorist Group

The FBI has been keeping an eye on the Animal Liberation Front for decades. This story appears in the May issue of VICE magazine.  In December 2012, two front-desk clerks at the Inn at Little Washington (pictured above), a posh hotel and restaurant in Washington, Virginia, received some strange and threatening phone calls. “All hell …

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11 Rabbits Liberated from Breeder in Sweden

Received anonymously: It has been reported that 11 rabbits have been liberated from a breeder keeping them in tiny cages, they were living in their own feces and rarely had food or water during the week we watched them. The mother to 7 babies was in a leaking cage and when liberated the babies were …

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11 Rabbits Liberated from Breeder in Sweden

Received anonymously: It has been reported that 11 rabbits have been liberated from a breeder keeping them in tiny cages, they were living in their own feces and rarely had food or water during the week we watched them. The mother to 7 babies was in a leaking cage and when liberated the babies were …

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ALF Hacks Branfere (France) Zoo Website

The website of the Branféré zoo ( has been hacked by the Animal Liberation Front.

ALF Smashes Butcher’s Windows in Sweden

Received anonymously: Butcher shop in Sweden has been attacked with butyric acid twice in the past month, the windows have been smashed and A.L.F tagged. Below you can see the disgusting shop owner mourning his murder shop.

ALF Sweden Destroys Hunting Towers

Received anonymously: Many hunting towers have been destroyed in both the east and west of the Swedish woods during this winter/spring. The nature and all life is under attack – join the fight against this tyranny before it’s to late! For Total Liberation ALF Sweden