Hunting Huts Targeted in Italy

Received anonymously: In late July, huts used by hunters near Pisogne (Val Camonica) were vandalized. Doors and cages were damaged, and insults were carved into the paint on cars belonging to hunters. Officials have blamed the vandalism on anti-hunting activists.

Open Rescue of Hens in Czech Republic

report from (click here for more photos from the rescue): “Open rescue XXXII (July 2017) & Support Fermare Green Hill It was a clear night. We slowly waded through the wet grass to the grounds. In twenty halls there were tens of thousands of imprisoned birds. The patrols were on their spots, the connection was on …

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Close Call for ALF/ELF Activists in California

Received anonymously: CALIFORNIA – Early in the morning of 27 July 2017, en route to the sabotage of housing developments in the rural Central Valley,* A+ELF volunteers were pursued roughly two miles on foot by local law enforcement squad cars through trails and city streets, presumably for suspected trespassing or even robbery. No volunteer was …

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Close Call for ALF/ELF Activists in California

Received anonymously: CALIFORNIA – Early in the morning of 27 July 2017, en route to the sabotage of housing developments in the rural Central Valley,* A+ELF volunteers were pursued roughly two miles on foot by local law enforcement squad cars through trails and city streets, presumably for suspected trespassing or even robbery. No volunteer was …

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Hunting Towers Felled in Thurgau (Switzerland)- Instructions Included!

Received anonymously: (translation) HUNTING IS MURDER In Thurgau, in the middle of July, several hunting towers fell victim to us. The perches were sawed, decorated with slogans, taken apart, distributed in the forest, and so on. Also a feeding place that served to attract wild pigs in the night, to target them then from the …

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Hunting Towers Felled in Thurgau (Switzerland)- Instructions Included!

Received anonymously: (translation) HUNTING IS MURDER In Thurgau, in the middle of July, several hunting towers fell victim to us. The perches were sawed, decorated with slogans, taken apart, distributed in the forest, and so on. Also a feeding place that served to attract wild pigs in the night, to target them then from the …

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Butcher Sabotaged by ALF in Chile

Received anonymously: (translation) Extending the threats and hostilities against those who exploit animals and those who benefit from their deaths in places that sell corpses, such as butcher shops. We decided to annoy one in particular. Somewhere in Santiago some time ago, we spraypainted, blocked its main access and left threats, among other things, thus …

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Butcher Sabotaged by ALF in Chile

Received anonymously: (translation) Extending the threats and hostilities against those who exploit animals and those who benefit from their deaths in places that sell corpses, such as butcher shops. We decided to annoy one in particular. Somewhere in Santiago some time ago, we spraypainted, blocked its main access and left threats, among other things, thus …

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Snares Destroyed in UK

anonymous report, from Unoffensive Animal (click here for video from the action): “Yesterday whilst set surveying for the upcoming badger cull we found six snares surrounding a dead pheasant in both sides of a pheasant pen fence. We made sure all snares were properly disposed of. We will keep the fight against oppression. Until everybody is free.”

Fox Liberated from Trap in UK

reported by the Hunt Investigation Team (click here for video from the rescue): “Not this one. Not this time…. Fox rescued from Large mammal trap. Peak District National Park.”

Hunting Traps Destroyed in UK

anonymous report, from Unoffensive Animal: “We had a great time set surveying. Came across a shooting hide 10m from an active badger set. Then the pixies arrived”

25 Hens Liberated in France

Received anonymously: On the night of July 22, vegan activists set free 25 chickens and hens from an egg laying hen breeding farm. One of these exploited hens is in bad shape, but she is in veterinary care. V.A French: Dans la nuit du 22 Juillet; des activistes veganes ont libéré 25 poussins et poules d’un élevage de …

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Animal rights groups (Huh?) announce $11K reward for clues leading to arrest of suspects of Minnesota mink release

Fur Commission USA (541) 595-8568 is offering $10,000 and Tri-County Crime Stoppers is offer $1,000 for information about how more than $750,000 worth of mink were released from Lang Farms near Eden Valley Gulf News AP Eden Valley, Minnesota: A fur trade organisation is among two groups offering a total of $11,000 reward for information …

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Female hunter is found dead after apparent suicide ‘following online threats from animal rights activists

Melania Capitan, 27, posted photos of her hunting activities on social media The online star reportedly killed herself and left a suicide note to friends This comes after it was reported that the internet star was threatened online  Even after her death, her Facebook profile was inundated with messages praising the tragic news. One person …

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Chickens Liberated From Industrial Farm in Spain

Received anonymously: Click here for video from the rescue: LAST NIGHT WE DID A RESCUE IN BROILER SHEDS.. THE LIVING CONDITIONS OF THESE CREATURES IS UNTHINKABLE… THE HEAT IN THERE UNBEARABLE…AND THE STENCH. Their TINY bodies (still not injected with saline as that happens in the slaughter get more money from THE consumer) unable …

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