Baby Chicken Saved in Czech Republic

report from (click here for more photos from the rescue): “Open rescue XXXIII (July 2017) My friend told me that she lives in a flat with a huge terrace and that she could give a home to a duck or a chicken as her flatmate. So we went out for one chick. As many times before …

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Baby Chicken Saved in Czech Republic

report from (click here for more photos from the rescue): “Open rescue XXXIII (July 2017) My friend told me that she lives in a flat with a huge terrace and that she could give a home to a duck or a chicken as her flatmate. So we went out for one chick. As many times before …

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Fish Shop Sabotaged by ALF (France)

Received anonymously: (translation) Aquatic animals are unfortunately often forgotten; little empathy exists for their plight. Their massacre is enormous; we do not hear their cries but the suffering and agony they endure is terrible. They are considered merchandise, they are spoken about in tons … not as individuals. That’s why on the night of August …

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[Update] from Walter Bond being Released from SHU…!

We received a communiqué directly from Walter Bond about his release from SHU On Father’s Day there was an altercation amongst the Puerto Ricans here at FCI Greenville. Me and 5 others were detained and held in the Special Housing Unit (SHU, or the hole) under investigation for assault. I was under investigation for about …

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2000 Mink Liberated in Sweden

According to media reports, during the night of August 2-3 more than 2,000 mink were released from Söndregårds mink farm in Glommen.

Salmon Liberated in Stockholm (Sweden)

Received anonymously: Outside Stockholm, Sweden: Thousands of salmons where released from their cages in the ocean as the nets where destroyed. Fish are friends, not food.

Fur Shop in Stockholm Targeted Repeatedly by ALF

Received anonymously: Stockholm, Sweden. In one month, a fur and leather store in central Stockholm was targeted by the ALF several times. Activists sprayed the windows and on the building and their locks were glued.

Fur Shop in Stockholm Targeted Repeatedly by ALF

Received anonymously: Stockholm, Sweden. In one month, a fur and leather store in central Stockholm was targeted by the ALF several times. Activists sprayed the windows and on the building and their locks were glued.

ALF/ELF Defends Forests in Chile

anonymous report (translation by Earth First! Journal): “As action cells we believe that the distribution of propaganda is necessary in the cities, towns, and forests wherever we are. In this case we speak of propaganda against those who exploit the land, propaganda against the devastation that carries with it the monocrop plantations of pine and eucalyptus. …

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Locks Glued at Meat Market (Chile)

According to an anonymous report on, early on July 30 the ALF attacked a meat market in Ñuñoa (Santiago). Locks were glued, “ALF” spray-painted and pamphlets were thrown on the sidewalk in front of the store. Spanish: La madrugada del domingo 30 de julio, una celula del frente de liberación animal ataco nuevamente una carnicería …

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50 Hens Liberated (Sweden)

“Decoy” Birds Freed in Southern France

Received anonymously: (click here for video of the release) South of France On the night of July 30, vegan activists released birds (magpies, jackdaws) used as decoys by a hunter. V.A French: Sud de la France Dans la nuit du 30 juillet, des activistes véganes ont libéré des appelants (pies, choucas de tours) détenus par un chasseur. V.A

“Decoy” Birds Freed in Southern France

Received anonymously: (click here for video of the release) South of France On the night of July 30, vegan activists released birds (magpies, jackdaws) used as decoys by a hunter. V.A French: Sud de la France Dans la nuit du 30 juillet, des activistes véganes ont libéré des appelants (pies, choucas de tours) détenus par un chasseur. V.A

Windows Broken at Fur Shop in Braunshweig (Germany)

Received anonymously: During the night of July 3-4, stones were used to break the windows of a fur and leather store in Braunschweig (Lower Saxony).

Windows Broken at Fur Shop in Braunshweig (Germany)

Received anonymously: During the night of July 3-4, stones were used to break the windows of a fur and leather store in Braunschweig (Lower Saxony).