Received anonymously: Spain 9 sheep rescued from a farm (All lambs..) Two days ago ALF.. Until all cages And farms are empty And abolished
Nov 18
Don’t Confuse Rebellion with Terrorism
Camille Marino November 4, 2017 Traditional guerrilla warfare is a strategy. It is where a small group of combatants employs irregular tactics in an effort to effectively combat a larger, well-equipped military. When the US invaded Viet Nam, the northern villagers were unable to fight toe to toe with our armies. To skew the odds …
Nov 18
Open rescue of 25 Hens (Czech Republic)
Report from (click here for more photos from the rescue): Open rescue XXXVI (November 2017) & In the memory of Britches + 467 We rescued 25 hens. They will not die in the cage nor in the slaughterhouse. We took them to the transfer place and from there to their new homes. Now they can spread …
Nov 17
Why We Need to Take Animal Cruelty Much More Seriously
CounterPunch by WENDY WOLFSON – KEN LEVY On Nov. 5, Devin Patrick Kelley walked into a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, fired at least 450 rounds from his AR-15, and ended up killing 26 people and injuring 20 more. At first glance, this was just one more mass shooting that could not have been anticipated …
Nov 16
I released 2,000 minks from a fur farm. Now I’m a convicted terrorist
Kevin Johnson ‘‘I am a terrorist not because of what I did, but because the government dislikes why I did it.” The FBI says animal rights activists are America’s greatest domestic terrorism threat. This endangers activists – but makes big pharma and agriculture happy People usually laugh when I tell them I am a convicted terrorist. I try not …
Nov 14
Alabama girl, 15, is accidentally shot dead while hunting deer just days after her grandmother dies
By Snejana Farberov For A high school sophomore from Alabama has been killed during a hunting accident in Alabama. Alyssa Scott, 15, of Oak Grove, was fatally shot Monday evening about 20 miles southwest of Birmingham. Jefferson County Sheriff’s deputies say Scott and an adult family friend had been on a youth hunt in the …
Nov 14
Four Milk Trucks Destroyed by Arson (Finland)
Received anonymously (photos: 14.11.17 We wanted to dedicate this action to all our kidnapped friends, or those who have been kidnapped once, by setting fire to 4 trucks from one of the biggest milk companys in finland named valio. The action took place in a city named tampere in the early morning hours of this tuesday. Many …