Hunting Tower Destroyed (France)

Received anonymously: On the night of december 24th, a hunting tower has been destroyed, and ‘STOP SPÉCISME’ (STOP SPECIESISM) has been spray painted on it.” French: Le soir du 24 décembre, une tour de chasse a été détruite, et un ‘STOP SPÉCISME’ a été tagué dessus.

Dozens of Hunting Towers Destroyed (Italy)

According to an anonymous report on, dozens of hunting towers have been destroyed in Veneto, Italy. “ALF,” “Murderers” and other messages were painted.

Santa Clause Liberates 18 Chickens (Austria; Video included)

Translation of a report by the Association against Animal Factories (VGT); click here for video and more photos from the rescue: 18 chickens were saved from a farm thanks to anonymous animal rights activists. Photos and video anonymously leaked to VGT shows an animal rescue at a typical barn egg farm in Austria. The only purpose of …

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Santa Clause Liberates 18 Chickens (Austria; Video included)

Translation of a report by the Association against Animal Factories (VGT); click here for video and more photos from the rescue: 18 chickens were saved from a farm thanks to anonymous animal rights activists. Photos and video anonymously leaked to VGT shows an animal rescue at a typical barn egg farm in Austria. The only purpose of …

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Ladder Trap Sabotaged (France)

Received anonymously: Last night, in France. A ladder trap has been sabotaged in several areas with a bolt cutter, and ‘Stop Speciesism’ has been tagged on it. Ladder traps are used to draw crows in it and let them starve to death (or kill them in a other way). The trap is baited, crows land on the …

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Ladder Trap Sabotaged (France)

Received anonymously: Last night, in France. A ladder trap has been sabotaged in several areas with a bolt cutter, and ‘Stop Speciesism’ has been tagged on it. Ladder traps are used to draw crows in it and let them starve to death (or kill them in a other way). The trap is baited, crows land on the …

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Sabotage Before Meeting about Genetically Modified Animals (Spain)

Received anonymously from ContraMadriz (translation): Tuesday, November 27, the day before the start of the course ‘introduction to research on genetically modified animals’ that took place at the official veterinary school in Madrid, the door of the building was glued, the facade and ground were painted, and posters against genetic research were pasted. The State has been …

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Sabotage on Behalf of Wild Lynx (Sweden)

Received anonymously: Västmanlands länsstyrelse (Västmanlands county administrative) have allowed hunting on two lynx next spring. There are very few lynx left in Sweden, this only got allowed because of the amount of hunters that are politicians/manipulate politicians. We glued 4 locks and covered one of the entrances with red paint. We will attack them plenty …

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ELF/ALF Propaganda in Memory of Fallen Warrior (Chile)

Received anonymously from contra info (translation): As was already announced, the first coordinated statement from the ALF/ELF in Temuco, $hile. December 11, 2018, exactly 5 years since the death of Sebastián Oversluij in combat. This coordination is a minimal tribute to his memory. On the night of December 11 our hearts and minds turned to another anniversary …

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“Blood Farm Syntex” Vivisectors Website Hacked, Customer Information Exposed

Received anonymously: The website of Syntex, one of the largest producers of pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG), was hacked and information about thousands of its customers leaked. PMSG (also known as eCG, equine chorionic gonadotropin) is a hormone extracted from the blood of pregnant horses. The hormone is sold to pharmaceutical companies who manufacture PMSG-based …

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ALF Attacks Fur Shop in Birmingham (UK)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: Reindeer fur seller Birmingham Xmas market. Attacked with red paint by ALF

ALF Attacks Fur Shop in Birmingham (UK)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: Reindeer fur seller Birmingham Xmas market. Attacked with red paint by ALF

Chickens Liberated from Research Farm (Argentina)

Received anonymously: Chickens were liberated from a research farm at an agricultural university in Argentina. The facility was also damaged. Spanish: Liberación de ‘gallinas y pollos’, y destrozos en la universidad de agronomía. No nos quedamos inmóviles ante la explotación animal, sobre todo cuando predomina el veganismo de dieta o pasivo. Hay explotación de animales …

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Fur Shop Vandalized by ALF in Gothenburg (Sweden)

Received anonymously: Two angels, a shop that sells fur in Gothenburg, had their windows sprayed with red and locks and windows glued the night between 14-15 december. Fur is never fashion! Fuck fur #alf

Hunting Website Hacked

Received anonymously: (before and after images):                 Hack & Deface