ALF Destroys 8 Hunting Houses in France

Received anonymously: In mid-October in France, ALF members destroyed 8 hunting houses as well as all devices to attract and kill animals. In his homes were found cartridges, knives, ignition devices, and glue traps … Hunters remain the only individuals who do not notice that there are almost no more birds except those raised and …

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ALF Destroys 8 Hunting Houses in France

Received anonymously: In mid-October in France, ALF members destroyed 8 hunting houses as well as all devices to attract and kill animals. In his homes were found cartridges, knives, ignition devices, and glue traps … Hunters remain the only individuals who do not notice that there are almost no more birds except those raised and …

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Open Rescue of 22 Chickens (Czech Republic)

Report from (click here for more photos from the rescue): Rescue Action L (October 2019) Lukas helps me to pull myself up to the window. It’s a small window and the nails are protruding out of its old frame. About two meters below me I see the chicks. I climb down to them, stand there for …

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Open Rescue of 22 Chickens (Czech Republic)

Report from (click here for more photos from the rescue): Rescue Action L (October 2019) Lukas helps me to pull myself up to the window. It’s a small window and the nails are protruding out of its old frame. About two meters below me I see the chicks. I climb down to them, stand there for …

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4 More Hunting Towers Destroyed by Fire in Celle, Germany

According to media reports, “militant hunting opponents” are suspected of being behind the destruction of numerous hunting towers near the city of Celle in recent months. Four hunting towers were set on fire in the last week alone.

4 More Hunting Towers Destroyed by Fire in Celle, Germany

According to media reports, “militant hunting opponents” are suspected of being behind the destruction of numerous hunting towers near the city of Celle in recent months. Four hunting towers were set on fire in the last week alone.

Hundreds of Captive Partridges Set Free in France

Received anonymously: Being great adepts of night walks in the woods (where we often find facilities belonging to awful humans scumbags like our target today), in the middle of the night in the center of France we stumbled upon giant pens where partridges destined to be massacred by hunters were sequestered. We decided to help …

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Hundreds of Captive Partridges Set Free in France

Received anonymously: Being great adepts of night walks in the woods (where we often find facilities belonging to awful humans scumbags like our target today), in the middle of the night in the center of France we stumbled upon giant pens where partridges destined to be massacred by hunters were sequestered. We decided to help …

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Goats, Rabbits Liberated in Switzerland

Receiveded anonymously: Switzerland – End of September Three young goats and two rabbits destined to death were rescued and brought to a safe place. We couldn’t stay still watching them incarcerated in tiny spaces while bred to become pieces of meat. With this action we want to send a solidarity sign to Matthias who is …

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15 Chickens Liberated in Catalonia (Spain)

Received anonymously (see above, or click here to view video from the action): 15 CHICKENS SAVED (Tarragona, Catalonia-Spain) All have gone to good homes

ALF Liberates Guinea Pig, Action Dedicated to Mirabelle and Matthias (UK)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: A guinea pig living in less than a square meter hatch was spotted and aided free. Upon inspection, we realised he was not walking at all, probably due to the wire mesh ground, and their nails were as long as ten centimetres. He seemed happy to get attention, so whilst driving …

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ALF Liberates Guinea Pig, Action Dedicated to Mirabelle and Matthias (UK)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: A guinea pig living in less than a square meter hatch was spotted and aided free. Upon inspection, we realised he was not walking at all, probably due to the wire mesh ground, and their nails were as long as ten centimetres. He seemed happy to get attention, so whilst driving …

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ALF Targets Leather Shop (Again) in Sweden

Received anonymously: On the night of the October 11th the leather shop Skinn city (that also sells fur and down) got attacked again by the A.L.F. They had not yet bought a new window to their door since the last time we gave them a friendly visit. This time we striked harder! We smashed the fuck out …

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National Farmer’s Union Website Hacked (UK)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: The National Farmer’s Union servers that were used for live tracking of shooters during the badger cull was hacked. The servers hosted the information and location of shooters in the badger cull zones in the UK. By taking them down, it left the hunters unable to let the NFU know where …

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ALF Defaces McDonalds in Delafield, Wisconsin

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: Delafield, Wisconsin USA. Anti speciesist action was taken against a McDonalds in ‘America’s Dairyland’. The locals are some of the most grim, unfeeling, and uncaring speciesists in the states. We are doing what little we can to throw a wrench in their gears. Multiple messages were painted on the sides of …

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