Category: Press Releases

Tarlows Furs Calls It Quits After Locks Glued and Walls Painted

For Immediate Release November 9, 2007 Santa Clara, California Fur Store to Close After Activist Attack Tarlows Furs Calls It Quits After Locks Glued and Walls Painted Los Angeles- In an email received Thursday by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office, the owner of the building housing Tarlow’s Furs in Santa Clara, California claims …

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Sabotage at Residence of UCLA Vivisector Edythe London

For Immediate Release October 29, 2007 Sabotage at Residence of UCLA Vivisector Edythe London Targeted for Addicting Animals to Nicotine, Methamphetamines Los Angeles- Primate Vivisector Edythe London was added to the roster of animal abusers at UCLA targeted by the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) for her role in torturing non-human animals to death in outdated …

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Moravek Biochemicals Terminates Business With Notorious Animal Lab HLS

For Immediate Release October 1, 2007 Moravek Biochemicals Terminates Business With Notorious Animal Lab HLS Executive Paul Moravek Convinced As Animal Cruelty Exposed Fullerton, CA: In an email last night to the North American Animal Liberation Press Office, Paul Moravek, owner and vice-president of Moravek Biochemicals, supplier of radioactive chemicals to Huntingdon Life Sciences, stated …

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Executive’s Home, Cars Vandalized; Supplier to Notorious Animal Testing Laboratory

For Immediate Release September 27, 2007 Executive’s Home, Cars Vandalized; Supplier to Notorious Animal Testing Laboratory Huntingdon Life Sciences Supplier Moravek Biochemicals Is Targeted Orange County, CA: In an anonymous communique received by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office, the Animal Liberation Front claims to have ruined the paint jobs on an executive’s luxury …

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6000 Captive Mink Released From Newfoundland Prison

For Immediate Release September 20, 2007 6000 Captive Mink Released From Newfoundland Prison Animal Liberationists Target Renowned Animal Abuser and Profiteer Harcourt, Newfoundland- As many as 6000 captive mink were released from the Harcourt Mink Farm, located 1 kilometer east of Ryders Brook Bridge, off of Route 232, on Trinity Bay along the eastern coast …

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Huntingdon Life Sciences Suffers Renewed Attacks by Animal Rights Activists

For Immediate Release September 12, 2007 Huntingdon Life Sciences Suffers Renewed Attacks by Animal Rights Activists Jailing of Protestors in US and Britian Spurs On Underground   Washington, DC and Los Angeles: In anonymous communiques received by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office, the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) and others have claimed attacks on …

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Activists Tamper With Anti-Septic Product Savlon

For Immediate Release August 31, 2007 Activists Tamper With Anti-Septic Product Savlon Huntingdon Life Sciences Customer Novartis Is Targeted United Kingdom: In an anonymous communique received by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office, the Animal Rights Militia claims to have tampered with more than 250 tubes of Savlon anti-septic in the United Kingdom in …

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Warning Issued to Oregon Health Sciences Vivisector

For Immediate Release August 2, 2007 Warning Issued to Oregon Health Sciences Vivisector Stop Killing Infant Primates and Wasting Millions on Uselss Smoking Research Lake Oswego, OR- In an anonymous communique received by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office, activists claim to have visited the home of Oregon Health Sciences primate vivisector Eliot Spindel, …

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UCLA Vivisector Again Targeted for Animal Abuse

For Immediate Release July 30, 2007 UCLA Vivisector Again Targeted for Animal Abuse Activists May Have Mailed Package to Arthur Rosenbaum Los Angeles- UCLA primate vivisector Arthur Rosenbaum has again been targeted by activists protesting animal cruelty. In a communique received by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office, activists claim to have mailed “an …

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Spray Paint and Broken Windows Greet Cruelest of Restaurateurs

For Immediate Release July 14, 2007 Austin Activist Taking Veal and Foie Gras Purveyors to Task Spray Paint and Broken Windows Greet Cruelest of Restaurateurs Austin, TX- At least one Austin activist is taking a hands-on approach to holding restaurateurs serving veal and foie gras responsible for the unfathomable cruelty they perpetuate. At least seven …

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UCLA Vivisector Has Neighborhood Evacuated Twice in Four Days

For Immediate Release July 10, 2007 UCLA Vivisector Has Neighborhood Evacuated Twice in Four Days Bomb Threat and Suspicious Device Further Highlight Useless and Cruel Experiments on Non-human Primates by Arthur Rosenbaum Los Angeles- Twice in four days the neighborhood of UCLA Primate Vivisector Arthur Rosenbaum was evacuated, first for a bomb threat and again …

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Ecosaboteurs in Northwestern US Trip Over Each Other to Snitch

For Immediate Release June 04, 2007 Ecosaboteurs in Northwestern US Trip Over Each Other to Snitch Four Sentenced Thus Far Have All Turned State’s Evidence Four activists who have confessed to a series of arsons in the northwest US on behalf of animals and the environment have been sentenced to 3 to 13 years, each …

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Former Rescuers Target LADAS Volunteer Coordinator for Incompetence

For Immediate Release May 30, 2007 Animal Volunteers Change Strategy Former Rescuers Target LADAS Volunteer Coordinator for Incompetence Los Angeles- Volunteers used to caring directly for abandoned or abused animals switched tactics last week, deciding instead to hold LA Department of Animal Services (LADAS) Volunteer Coordinator Heidi Hubner responsible for the gross incompetence that kills …

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Seal Killer’s Boat Burns, Sinks at Newfoundland Dock

For Immediate Release April 17th, 2007 Seal Killer’s Boat Burns, Sinks at Newfoundland Dock Port au Choix, Newfoundland – In a thus-far unclaimed action, a 65-foot boat used by Newfoundlander Ben Gould and his crew who club baby seals to death, burned and sank last Friday morning at its dock in Port au Choix. Gould …

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Another Wachovia Securities Executive Attacked by ALF in Portland

For Immediate Release April 17, 2007 Another Wachovia Securities Executive Attacked by ALF in Portland Firm Invests in Huntingdon Life Sciences’ Customer GlaxoSmithKline Portland: In an anonymous communique received by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office, Animal Liberation Front (ALF) activists have claimed an attack on a second Wachovia Securities executive in one month’s …

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