Category: Press Releases

Animal Liberation Front Delivers Incendiary Devices to Four Utah Vivisectors Actions Dedicated to Jailed Animal Liberationist Prisoners

For Immediate Release Salt Lake City, UT: In an anonymous communique received by the Press Office yesterday, the Animal Liberation Front claims to have placed an incendiary devices at the homes of four University of Utah vivisectors, as well as vandalizing their homes and nearby vehicles. Robert H. Lane, Jennifer Ichida, Allesandra Angelucci and Paul …

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FBI Raids Animal Activist House in Utah Search Warrant Relates to Iowa Investigation of 2004 Animal Liberation Front Raid on Laboratory

For Immediate Release Salt Lake City: FBI agents and law enforcement from multiple agencies raided a well-known activist group house in Salt Lake City on Monday in connection with an investigation of Animal Liberation Front (ALF) crimes in Iowa. Details are still emerging, but it is clear that the warrant was issued by the Southern …

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Animal Holocaust Denier, Author Lierre Keith Pied at Conference Speech of anti-vegan antagonist shut down by masked pie throwers in San Francisco

For Immediate Release San Francisco, CA: Author and animal holocaust denier Lierre Keith was ambushed by three masked activists while speaking at the San Francisco Anarchist Bookfair on Saturday. In the as-yet unclaimed action, Keith was physically stopped, in the middle of her speech in the main auditorium at the County Fair Building in Golden …

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Animal Liberation Front Delivers Incendiary Device to Scripps Primate Vivisector Howard S. Fox Addicts Primates to Meth, Then Infects Them with SIV Virus

For Immediate Release La Jolla, CA: In an anonymous communique received by the Press Office yesterday, the Animal Liberation Front claims to have placed an incendiary device in the vehicle of vivisector Howard S. Fox of Scripps Research Institute. Fox is infamous for addicting non-human primates to methamphetamines, infecting them with the Simian Immunodeficiency Virus …

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8 Reasons the Iowa A.L.F. Investigation is a Fraud Five years after the Animal Liberation Front raids the University of Iowa, the government launches a prosecution that is a fraud on its face

by Peter Young In late-2004, morning workers arrived at the Spence Laboratories to find $450,000 in damage to equipment and 401 animals missing. Graffiti left at the scene read “Science Not Sadism” and “Free The Animals”. In a long communique , the Animal Liberation Front (A.L.F.) took credit. Just before the 5-year statute of limitations …

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Carrie Feldman moved to solitary confinement, continues to refuse testimony to grand jury investigating the A.L.F We just received word Carrie Feldman has been moved again, this time to Dubuque County Jail. She is being held on 23-hour lockdown. Carrie is now in “segregation”, doublespeak for solitary confinement. This is a tactic used by desperate prosecutors to coerce compliance in prisoners, in this case Carrie’s testimony regarding what prosecutors believe …

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Upcoming Animal Liberation Conferences in North America

by Peter Young Several upcoming conferences are worth noting for their willingness to represent the diversity of tactics employed in the animal liberation movement: Animal Liberation Forum 2010 CSU-Long Beach, Long Beach CA April 15th – 18th Animal Liberation Forum 2010 is a FREE 4 day conference in Long Beach, CA calling for a total …

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Judge Rules That Animal Liberation Front Is Not a Gang Activist Kevin Olliff Remains Jailed Anyway on $460,000 Bail “The ALF does not meet the legal requirements to be considered a gang. Their primary goal is to save animals, not commit crimes.” –Los Angeles Municipal Court Judge David S. Wesley On January 26, 2009 Judge David S. Wesley ruled that the Animal Liberation Front is not a “gang.” The government had tried to …

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Just in Time for the New Year: Announcing the release of the largest update of fur farm addresses in nearly 15 years.

After five months of research and investigation, VoiceoftheVoiceless announces the release of a landmark document: The Blueprint – the largest update of fur farm addresses in nearly 15 years. The Blueprint: Fur Farm Intelligence Project Report is the product of a two-month, 13,000-mile investigation of over 75% of the fur farms in the country. It …

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Jeff Leurs Released from Prison

This morning (Dec 16) in Portland, Oregon, Jeff walked out of prison a free man. A press release of information is available here: But there’s really not much else to say because we are too busy celebrating! Join us in the celebration! You helped make this possible, you helped Jeff make it through the …

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Quotes of the Week Brought to you by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office

The quotes below by animal abusers should remove any remaining doubt among our dear readers that direct action is an extremely effective tactic in stopping the exploitation, torture and murder of sentient non-human animals: “It [action by animal liberationists] is changing the kind of work people will do in the future,” he says. “If students …

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P. Michael Conn is a Liar

By Rick Bogle I hope by now you’ve had a chance to watch and digest the CNN segment on “animal testing.” The host was pretty weak, and whoever did the ahead-of-time preparations is probably deeply in debt since they more than likely believe every advertiser’s wild claim. They, and thus the host, swallowed hook, line, …

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As Public Support for Vivisection Wains, Alliance for Progressive Science Counters Animal Abusers’ Attempt at Resurgence

For Immediate Release Dr. Steven Best, Philosopher Dr. Jerry Vlasak, NAALPO Press Officer Jason Miller, Thomas Paine’s Corner, NAALPO Press Officer Camille Marino, Negotiation Is Over In January 2006, 16-year-old Laurie Pycroft formed the “Pro-Test” movement in the UK to rally public support for vivisection in the face of vocal animal rights opposition. The group’s …

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LA Times Advertisement, Billboard Confirm UCLA Desperation Animal Abusers Refuse to Debate Issues, Spend Big to Counter Exposure of Their Atrocities

October 18, 2009 LOS ANGELES: In an unprecedented display of desperation, UCLA vivisectors have taken out a full-page paid advertisement in Sunday’s Los Angeles Times to decry not the suffering of the thousands of innocent animals they torture and kill annually, but the lousy media attention they have received recently as activists have exposed their …

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Primate Importer Mathew Block Under Attack Prison, Fines and Lies Are His Stock-in-Trade

After the Animal Liberation Press Office press release this week publicizing the ALF action against notorious primate importer Mathew Block and his wife Brooke, the New Times in Broward/Palm Beach wrote an article reminding their readers of Block’s previous criminal conviction, 13-month sentence and $30,000 fine for smugglingorangutans from Indonesia. Read the article here. The …

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