Category: Press Releases

Welcome to the Newest Animal Liberation Press Officer, Gregston Van Pukeston

The North American Animal Liberation Press Office is very pleased to announce the appointment of our newest Press Officer, Gregston Van Pukeston. Greg has served for quite some time as a press office Advisor and liaison with environmental action groups, and is a journalist affiliated with R9 Media. Greg is a notable activist in his …

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Institute for Critical Animal Studies Publishes Interview with Press Officer Will Hazlitt

Hello Friends of ICAS, We have a few exciting things we would like to share. 4th Annual ICAS Africa Conference for Critical Animal Studies has been put on hold for the moment for the reason to work with all the presenters and organizers schedules better. 4th Annual ICAS Oceania Conference for Critical Animal Studies has …

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The Press Office Will Be Tabling at Hudson Valley Earth First!

The Press Office Will Be Tabling at Hudson Valley Earth First! Crust of the earth vol 2 benefit show!

June 11- International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason and Long Term Anarchist Political Prisoners

June 11 was the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason and Long Term Anarchist Political Prisoners. To mark it, take some action! Write to a prisoner, go to a local event, join a solidarity committee or prison abolition group or start planning next year’s event! “For June 11th, 2015, we emphasized transition in the struggle and in …

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Kevin Olliff (Johnson) Released from Prison

In July 2014, Kevin and Tyler were indicted on federal charges. In February 2016, Kevin was sentenced to three years in federal prison. In March 2016, Tyler was sentenced to time served. Kevin was released from prison in May 2016. You can now write to him at the halfway house at: Kevin Johnson c/o Beit T’Shuvah …

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New Liberationist Prisoner Joseph Buddenberg

Joseph Buddenberg #12746-111 USP Lompoc U.S. Penitentiary 3901 Klein Blvd. Lompoc, CA 93436 USA Nicole Kissane In early 2016, Joseph Buddenberg and Nicole Kissane signed non-cooperating plea agreements in which they pled guilty to Conspiracy to Violate the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act. Joseph and Nicole were accused of releasing thousands of animals from fur farms, …

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“Green Scare” Prisoner Rebecca Rubin Freed from Prison

Rebecca Rubin was released from prison in April 2016. In January 2014, Rebecca was sentenced to five years in prison for her role in extra-legal actions to target animal and environmental abuses. “Green Scare” Defendants The term “Green Scare,” alluding to the Red Scare of the 1940s and ’50s, refers to legal and extralegal actions taken by …

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New Prison Photos of Marius Mason

Recently, Marius was able to receive visits from friends and family.  Above is Marius with his two children, Ari and Andre.  Below is Marius with long-time friends David and Peter. If you knew Marius previous to his arrest you may be eligible to visit! Please contact Marius’ support group to find out more:

July 7 – 10: Free Animal Lib Workshop Update, Hotel Share Available

The Alliance to Win Animal Rights (At War) announced our first FREE “Escalation Workshops” last month which will be held at the home of a director of Eleventh Hour for Animals in Wildwood, Florida from July 7 – 10. For full details, please see our announcement HERE. This is purely a grassroots effort designed to …

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Kevin Johnson Sentenced

Kevin Johnson #47353-424 MCC Chicago Metropolitan Correctional Center 71 West Van Buren Street Chicago, IL 60605 USA Tyler Lang Tyler has been released on bond. In February 2016, Kevin Johnson was sentenced to three years in federal prison. Kevin (Kevin Olliff) and Tyler Lang are animal rights activists who were arrested in August 2013 in …

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Free 3-Day Grassroots Escalation Workshops in Florida (July 7 – 10)

“We can’t rally the troops because we have no troops.” -Walter Bond, 2012 We’re taking control of our own movement and invite you to join the revolution. At War is prepared to build a grassroots army equipped to establish itself in our own communities. We need grassroots networks that have the ability to mobilize offline, …

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Animal Liberation Front – Multiple International Direct Actions

For Immediate Release January 25, 2016 Animal Liberation Front – Multiple International Direct Actions Argentina – December 29th, 2015 LIBERATION OF RABBITS AND SABOTAGE AT NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LA PLATA Received Anonymously “On the campus where the college of agriculture is, there is an experimental farm which has goats, pigs and rabbits. These are for …

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Marius’ Birthday- January 26

January 26th is Marius Mason’s birthday!  This is a wonderful time to send him a card of support.  Write him about your winter adventures, projects that inspire you, if you are planning or attending a January 22nd event. For more information on writing Marius see the Support Page.  Remind him that he is not alone!  …

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One Vegan Meal

You saved about 3,000 gallons of H20 It takes a lot of water to grow the grain to feed animals used for food, beside what they drink. You saved about 16 pounds of grain We put far more energy into animals per unit of food than we do for any plant crop. Animals consume much …

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NAALPO Adds Two Advisors, Reaching out to International, Environmental Movements

The North American Animal Liberation Press Office is expanding coverage and building coalitions, and is excited to welcome two new advisors to our staff. Soon we will begin expanded international coverage of animal liberation activities, and include direct action concerning other radical movements that relate to animal liberation. Stay tuned! Yesim Nurova Press Officer Advisor …

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