Category: News Articles

The Moral Atrocity of Factory Farming and Why We Must Not Look Away

Journalist Marina Bolotnikova argues that factory farming is a fascist industry in which violence and domination of animals is justified without argument. Current Affairs 11 August 2022 Current Affairs is proud to be a publication that takes animal rights seriously. From our lighthearted looks at manatees, ants, and cats, to our more serious pieces on the Orwellian language of the factory …

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An Extreme Voice from the Past Resurfaces

Dr. Jerry Vlasak, Who Has Repeatedly Proposed Killing Scientists, Seeks to Inspire the Next Generation of Animal Activists July 15, 2022 Americans for Medical Progress (Front Group for Vivisectors) Animal rights extremist Dr. Jerry Vlasak resurfaced earlier this summer  to take part in a workshop hosted by Animal Activism Mentorship (AAM), a group which seeks …

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Husband of Ontario animal activist killed during protest files $5M lawsuit

Regan Russell died in June 2020 after being hit by a truck outside a pork plant in Burlington, Ont. Liam Casey · The Canadian Press · Posted: Jun 27, 2022 7:55 AM ET | Last Updated: June 27 Every Monday, Mark Powell drives to the Burlington, Ont., pork plant where his wife died to give water to pigs on …

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Eco-activist and former international fugitive Joseph Dibee pleads guilty in 1997 Oregon arson

By Conrad Wilson (OPB) Prosecutors say Dibee was a member of the Earth Liberation Front and Animal Liberation Front, which the U.S. Department of Justice has held responsible for acts of domestic terrorism. An environmental and animal rights activist pleaded guilty Thursday to decades-old federal arson charges, including involvement in a 1997 central Oregon fire that destroyed …

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Lessons of radical activism from the animal rights movement

Opinion Piece By Dusan Pajovic DiEM25.orgActivism Animal Rights Dusan Pajovic takes a look at some of the methods used by the animal rights movement and whether they could be applied to other activist causes  The Animal Rights (AR) movement is one of the fastest growing social justice movements in history. There are now a number of groups …

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Joseph Dibee agrees to plead guilty to decades-old charges of environmental extremism

The U.S. Department of Justice alleges Dibee was a member of the Earth Liberation Front and Animal Liberation Front, which engaged in acts of “domestic terrorism.” By Conrad Wilson (OPB) A Washington man who belonged to environmental groups and was accused of activism-motivated attacks in Oregon in the late ‘90s before fleeing the country has agreed to …

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‘I found out my best mate’s a spycop’

Morning Star (UK) Animal rights activist Daryl Dixon speaks to the Star after discovering his friend in the 1980s was an undercover copper AN ANIMAL rights activist has spoken out about his shock at recently discovering his best mate in the 1980s was actually a police spy. The officer, known only by his cover name …

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U.S. House Passes Sweeping Ban on Mink Farming Citing Cruelty and Contagion Risks

Legislation comes after hundreds of mink farms experience SARS-CoV-2 Outbreaks Washington, Feb. 04, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, in voting to approve the America COMPETES Act, the U.S. House of Representatives included a provision to ban mink farming throughout the United States, signaling disapproval of an industry that harms and kills animals for their pelts, …

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Can a Non-Lethal Eco-Terrorism Strategy Pay Off?

With natural shocks becoming increasingly common due to climate change, the specter of future eco-terrorism looms much more prominently. By Elizabeth Dykstra McCarthy Fair Observer In 2025, the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh is hit by a killer heatwave. The astronomical temperatures resulting from solar radiation kill 20 million people. In the wake of this climate …

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An Animal Rights Activist Saved a Sick Baby Goat From a Farm — and Faces Years in Prison

Wayne Hsiung faces felony charges — an escalation in the government’s war against those who would put the value of life ahead of property. The Intercept Natasha Lennard IN RECENT YEARS, especially since the Black liberation uprisings of 2020, the government has devoted considerable resources and time to the persecution of anti-racist, antifascist activists. The state has disproportionately targeted the far …

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France bans wild circus animals and mink farms, but not bullfighting

Performances involving wild animals will be prohibited in two years, in legislation hailed by campaigners The Guardian The French parliament has voted to end the use of wild animals in live circus shows and outlawed mink farming, in new animal rights legislation hailed as a step forward by campaigners. Performances of wild animals such as …

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British Columbia Fur Ban (Canada)

From our comrade, Joseph Buddenberg: Some really good news out of Canada after an activist campaign to shut down fur farms in the province of British Columbia. This new policy includes a permanent ban on breeding mink and live mink on farms by April 2023. This was made to  allow the nine mink farms …

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Joaquin Phoenix repping the Animal Liberation Front at the New York Film Festival

Ireland Bans Fur Farming

Patreon The Irish Parliament has voted to ban fur farming. The ban takes effect in 2022. There are approximately 120,000 mink on three farms in counties Laois, Donegal and Kerry. This ban will save the lives of countless animals.  

Over 110,000 UK gun owners’ details leaked by animal rights activists By Emma Soteriou The names and addresses of over 110,000 UK gun owners have been leaked by animal rights activists. Authorities are investigating the data breach linked to selling platform Guntrader. It saw 111, 295 users’ details released in July, with activists sharing the details on a blog, according to tech website The Register. …

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