Category: Essays

The Importance of Straightedge – Vegan Hardline by Walter Bond

Part of having a revolutionary mentality means we examine our beliefs and actions and then discard those which don’t fit in the world in which we want to live. We first make this change in ourselves and then initiate that change in the world around us. I want to live in a world where the …

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A Mother’s Reflection – by Walter Bonds Mother

My name is Mickie. Walter Bond is my son. He is a Prisoner Of War for his defense of the Animal Nations. He has been reviled by the press and by those who do not wish to have their consciences tampered with, thereby allowing them to continue to accept the blindness society needs in order …

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Final Statement to the Court in Utah – By Walter Bond

On October 13, 2011 Walter Bond was sentenced to 87 months in prison for the ALF arsons in Utah. This new sentencing will run consecutive with his time in Colorado. This gives Walter a total of 12 years for his actions as the ALF Lone Wolf. Final Statement to the Court in Utah I’m here today …

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“Really, A Mouse or Your Child? Really?” Johnnie Walker Wisdom, Only Less Inebriating

What is most galling about those vociferously opposed to animal liberation and animal rights, particularly those who are in favor of continued use of non-human animals in medical research and vivisection, is their seeming inability to marshal any substantive facts in defense of their position. Leaving aside the fact that their position is basically indefensible, …

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Plant Seeds or Plant Bombs? by NAALPO Advisor Steve Best, PhD

Plant Seeds or Plant Bombs? by NAALPO Advisor Steve Best, PhD And so, I suggest, instead of planting seeds, we need to plant bombs. We have to ignite and trigger explosive forces of anger, discontent, awareness, resistance and transformation, or we are going down the same road of extinction every human (Homo) ancestor went down, …

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Camille Marino: Ethical Veganism Doesn’t Help Animals

Published on the blog Let Them Eat Meat Camille Marino is the founder and Senior Editor of Negotiation is Over and is on the Advisors and Speakers Panel of the North American Animal Liberation Press Office. NIO strives to be an instrument of defiance, disruption, disobedience, subversion, creative and aggressive grassroots action, and a catalyst …

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Our Task by Steve Best, PhD.

The “animal rights movement,” such as it is, poses a fundamental evolutionary challenge to human beings in the midst of severe social and ecological crises. Can we recognize that the animal question is central to the human question? Can we grasp how the exploitation of nonhuman animals is implicated in every aspect of mental, social, …

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Green is the New Rage – By Walter Bond

Please do not consider me a “Green Scare” defendant and please do not become scared to be “Green.” Better yet, please do not be scared to be militant, or outspoken, or an activist for the legal aboveground or clandestine underground.  Still better, don’t give in to state-sanctioned fear. Once you do, you’re being reactive and …

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Animal Liberation Press Office Interview with RISE and Press Officer Nicoal Sheen

Published from RISE I’ve always been interested in activism. Being sympathetic towards animals and the animal rights movement, I’m always really interested to find out more about these things, and spend a lot of time researching issues, talking to people, reading about debates and people’s different opinions and points of view, and finding out about …

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Supreme Vegan Power – By Walter Bond

Consumerism truly has affected our ethics and the ways in which we behave. Even many that think themselves progressive, liberal or fire-breathing anarchists. We are taught by advertisers to think in terms of profitability instead of principle. For instance, when it comes to Veganism many people I have met like to debate its validity of …

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Vegan Wolf Tribe By Walter Bond, Press Officer

Read more of Walter Bond’s writings at: Well, my sentencing is right around the corner and the last 12 months of my life have been interesting ad tumultuous to say the least. A good friend once told me “People that live best and are the most well received are those that represent themselves exactly …

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How Rebecca Rubin Became a “Most Wanted” Woman The Accidental Terrorist

By PETRA BARTOSIEWICZ CounterPunch “…people’s movements of resistance against deprivation, against unemployment, against the loss of natural resources, all of that is termed ‘terrorism.’” – Edward Said The only known photograph of Rebecca Rubin is a headshot that looks like it was taken for her driver’s license. She’s wearing a plain gray sweatshirt, her long …

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AETA and the Assault on Academic Freedom By David Naguib Pellow

Radical Earth and animal liberation movements have gained considerable visibility in recent years for causing significant property and economic damage to laboratories, slaughterhouses, power lines, ski resorts, fur farms, timber operations and industrial agricultural and farming facilities through arson, sabotage (ecotage), animal liberation and vandalism. More importantly, activists have questioned what they view as the …

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X To Whom It May Concern X by Walter Bond

Writing from Golden, CO Jail I was raised in a household of drug and alcohol abuse. My biological father, Mark Zuehlke, was a Vietnam vet that came back from the war and got heavy into cocaine, amphetamines and outlaw biker gangs. My mother Minerva Marie Montanzo Domench was raised in Ford Apache, Bronx and born …

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I Am the ALF “Lone Wolf” by Walter Bond

From Golden, Colorado jail[Note: Walter Bond in now available for media interviews- contact the warden at the Golden Colorado jail at (303) 271-5444 or ] On April 30, 2010 at 3:30 am I burned the Sheepskin Factory in Denver, Colorado to the ground. I did so strictly following Animal Liberation Front (ALF) guidelines to …

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