Category: Essays

The Freedom Fighters of the Animal Liberation Front

by Will Hazlitt, Press Officer North American Animal Liberation Press Office Recently I had the opportunity to have some lengthy discussions with a pair of  self-termed “journalists.” Both conversations were interesting and unsettling at the same time. First of all, when did a ‘reporter,’ as defined by the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language …

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Embracing Tactical Violence in the Struggle for Animal Liberation

North American Animal Liberation Press Office By Camille Marino In a recent critique of tactical violence, James McWilliams writes: It’s commonplace to denounce the lunatic fringe of the animal rights movement for its advocacy and, at times, perpetuation of violence. This denouncement makes perfect sense and is something that anyone who cares about the fate …

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-Words You Understand- by Abdul Haqq

  Constantine wire, grey walls, fences and bars. Locked in a cage, dehumanized. Like an Animal, as if they deserve this hell anymore than I do. Talking to the Outside is like shouting down an empty well. You imagine there is someone at the other end, or something listening to you. But in your heart …

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“Total liberation provides agency for all” – Press Officer Nicoal R. Sheen

English Version of Interview conducted by Dobrusia at Lajke, a feminist/animal liberationist blog (see interview translated in Polish here) Can you say something about you and the projects you’re involved in at the moment? I am a full time activist for animal liberation and ecofeminism. I currently hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Comparative Politics, focusing …

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Violence and Animal Rights (see Press Office rebuttal below post)

By James McWilliams It’s commonplace to denounce the lunatic fringe of the animal rights movement for its advocacy and, at times, perpetuation of violence. This denouncement makes perfect sense and is something that anyone who cares about the fate of animals in modern society must do.  There’s no room for violence–against people or property–in the …

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Schneier on Security

A blog covering security and security technology. Laptop Security while Crossing Borders Last year, I wrote about the increasing propensity for governments, including the U.S. and Great Britain, to search the contents of people’s laptops at customs. What we know is still based on anecdote, as no country has clarified the rules about what their …

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Animal Liberation Prisoner Jordan Halliday on Grand Jury Resistance

To All My Friends, First, I just want to say thank you for all the support. Even a simple post card that says “Thinking of you” can brighten an inmates day. I look forward to making many more friends and also having much correspondence with all of you. I would love to promise a response …

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Servants of the Truth – by Abdul Haqq (formerly Walter Bond)

‘The time has come for an Ideology and for a movement that is both physically and morally strong enough to do battle against the forces of evil that are destroying the Earth (and all life upon it). One that cannot be bought nor led astray by temptation, a movement free of the vices that sedate …

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Steven Best and Peter Young on Radio Active

Perhaps it’s a blogger cop-out, but I have to do it. Instead of writing something myself I am posting an amazing interview with Steven Best and Peter Young that recently aired on a Salt Lake City radio show, Radio Active on KRCL. It is seriously good. Why else would I have had a 45 minute …

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The Iowa Dirge – by Justin Van Kleeck

I hear so many screams Bestial cries Of terror and pain Cut off choked out throttled shocked into silence. And death. Death in obscurity and shadows Produced on an assembly line Manufactured in factories, Industrialized Commodified Widgets of flesh, blood, feather, bone Clipped beaks Docked tails And pools of blood and feces To bathe in …

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On Analogies as Advocacy Tools: Some Thoughts on Appropriation – by Because We Must

“We only feel comfortable bringing up lynching and the Holocaust and epidemic gender and sexual violence because they are easy tools to appropriate. It’s easy to be against them, but not so easy to understand the specific conditions that support them, or the implicit attitudes that continue to inform them even in people with the …

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Poem for the ALF Twas the night in the fur farm

Twas the night in the fur farm In my prison I lie Deprived of freedom No one heard my cry I used to live in the forest Where I’d roam wild and free And do all the things That came natural to me One day I was roaming In a trap I got caught I …

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Daniel McGowan Goes to the Oscars!

Daniel McGowan Goes to the Oscars! Well, not really, but, the film made about Daniel’s case, If a Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front, was nominated for Best Documentary Feature this year! Although Daniel will not be able to see the film until his release, he is excited to know the film …

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Music and the Animal Liberation Movement – by Josh Eldridge

I’m from a small town. The place I grew up had less than 1,000 people living in it and it was very uncommon to have a meal – any meal – that didn’t have meat in it. There was no vegetarians or vegans but there was music and that’s what I clung to. Music opened …

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Interview with Walter Bond by Paula Ricciulli for the Columbian Magazine Cartel Urbano

Do you think there will be a time when mankind stops relying on Animals? I think there will come a time when humanity either stops using Animals’ dead bodies for food, research, clothing and all other reasons or humanity will reap the consequences of environmental destruction due in large part to Animal agriculture and industrialized …

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