Category: Essays

What We Must Do To Win, by Anonymous

There are two big issues that are preventing us, animal liberation activists, from being as effective as we can be right now. First, we lack coordination, especially here in the United States. We go and protest a restaurant once and never go back. We go and leaflet outside a target and never go back. We …

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The Arsonist of Animal Liberation Revolution

Posted by Negotiation Is Over on June 21, 2014 Editorial Note: This article was originally published for our Spanish-speaking friends under the title EL INCENDIARIO DE LA REVOLUCIÓN ANIMAL. And, since it is such an outstanding and inspirational piece of work, NIO has taken the liberty of translating it into English so that we may …

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Guns made civil rights possible: Breaking down the myth of nonviolent change

A crucial part of the struggle’s been forgotten: how armed self-defense protected activists from white supremacists Charles E. Cobb Jr., for Salon Excerpted from “This Nonviolent Stuff’ll Get You Killed: How Guns Made the Civil Rights Movement Possible” We who believe in freedom cannot rest until it comes.
— Ella Baker I have never subscribed to …

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Running from the Devil- An interview with grand jury resister Steve Jablonski

CrimethInc. If you were contacted by the FBI, what would you do? Do you know who you would call? Would you be able to find a lawyer? Would you quit your job? Would you talk to your partner, your comrades, your parents? More importantly, would you talk to the government? If the FBI informed you …

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BMJ: Is animal research sufficiently evidence based to be a cornerstone of biomedical research?

Analysis BMJ 2014; 348 doi: (Published 30 May 2014) Cite this as: BMJ 2014;348:g3387   Correspondence to: P Pound pandorapound{at} Public acceptance of the use of animals in biomedical research is conditional on it producing benefits for humans. Pandora Pound and Michael Bracken argue that the benefits remain unproved and may divert funds from …

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Begging for crumbs from the master’s table

Posted by Negotiation Is Over on April 19, 2014 by Camille A. Marino Disturbingly, my colleague in Rome reports this morning that “vivisection in Italy has increased radically despite that tens of thousands of people rallied in the streets last year.” And I remain among the activists in the states who continue to admire campaigns …

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This is why…. by Walter Bond

-A teener of meth gets melted in glass, well after the mini-butane torch comes off it. The yellowish white smoke lasts. The rock melts down into a clear chemical drop and he inhales the poison until lung expansion stops, and the anhydrous ammonia makes him cough it. This is why he lost his job, this …

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Reunions and Cupcakes, by Walter Bond

When I was a child things were a fucking mess. I won’t dishonor my family by exposing all the gory details but believe me when I say that I have seen every kind of debauchery brought on by addiction. I have cried every kind of tear and lived through every kind of poverty and cycle …

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Jonathan Pieslak, Phd and Professor of Music interviews Walter Bond

Jonathan Pieslak, Phd and Professor of Music interviews Walter Bond about Vegan Straight Edge, Hardline, the ALF and the Music and politics behind the movement! Jonathan Pieslak-I’m Curious as how you first became interested in radical environmentalism and Animal Liberation. Could you describe what attracted you to the movement and how you became involved? Also, …

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Earth First Means Social War: Becoming an Anti-Capitalist Ecological Social Force

by Liam Sionnach Glossary of Terms affect: 1. A material influence or alteration that produces empowerment. 2. To act upon (as a person or a person’s mind or feelings) so as to provoke a response; influence. Affective struggle changes those struggling, as well as the world around them. effect: The power to produce external results. …

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Patterns of Oppression by Walter Bond

Whenever we the human race set about oppressing another group from within or from outside our own species the justifications we use are not only similar in design but often times exact verbatim. There is a fairly intricate pathology to how we determine the otherness of different groups. Unfortunately, it is far to complex for …

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Josh Eldridge on Animal Liberation

What’s In A Name Anyway? Would you consider Martin Luther King Jr. a terrorist? How about Mohandas Gandhi? Maybe the Suffragettes or those who participated in the Boston Tea Party? Those Salvation Army workers always seemed like a bunch of no-good terrorists to me. Obviously, I’m being facetious but the point is very simple. Why …

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Walter Bond: The Roots Of Compassion

According to the Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary 11th edition the definition of the word “compassion” is: “Sympathetic consciousness of others’ distress together with a desire to alleviate it”. Very well, by the definition thus given we see right off the bat that compassion is more than just a feeling, or a pretentious connection with others’ pain. …

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Fred Coulston, still dead (Primate Freedom Project)

It’s been years. Eleven years actually. And it’s how people are remembered. Eleven years ago some of the horror at Alamogordo was ending. Despite years and years of animal cruelty violations, the USDA finally closed the infamous Coulston laboratory where unspeakable cruelty was inflicted on our closest relative, the chimpanzee. We’ve all heard about the …

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​What will happen after animals are legally recognized as persons?

by George Dvorsky The first real attempt to see chimps legally recognized as persons may have failed, but it’s an historic case that undoubtedly represents the first of many to come. It’ll only be a matter of time before chimps and other animals are no longer seen as mere property, but rather as subjects worthy …

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