Category: Communiqués

Bait Traps Destroyed

Communiqué from Unnamed Activists Date: September 14, 2011 Institution Targeted: Various Businesses Received anonymously: Midwest, USA – Hundreds of rodent ‘bait traps’ have been smashed and destroyed. These traps contain poison. The traps are manufactured by companies like Orkin, and are usually black or grey in color, and line the perimeters of buildings in every …

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KFC Burned, Turtles Freed

Communiqué from the Frente de Liberación Animal Date:September 13, 2011 Institution Targeted: KFC, Unnamed Turtle Captor Received anonymously: We claim the following actions in support of Luciano Pitronello : -Liberation of two turtles that were held in captivity. They were released into a large lake where they can now live freely. -We sprayed 4 liters …

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Elk Farm Fences Cut

Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: September 01, 2011 Institution Targeted: Damascus Elk Farm Received anonymously: On the night of August 29th, a small band of animal liberationists crept quietly onto the property of Damascus Elk Farm located at 23255 SE Highway 212 in Clackamas, OR. This farm raises dozens of Roosevelt Elk for …

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Board Shop Smashed

Communiqué from the Animal Rights Militia Date: August 01, 2011 Institution Targeted: California Board Shop Received anonymously: July 29 2011. Vandalism at BoardShop. United States, California, Sebastopol The local boardshop owner is a scumbag who was selling leather shoes at his store. He wouldn’t reason with me. I told him to leave town. I put …

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Vancouver Fur Shop

Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: June 27, 2011 Institution Targeted: Speiser Furs Received anonymously: Tonight we took action against one of Vancouver’s cruelest businesses- SPEISER FURS. We brought a backpack with us and in it was an industrial pressurized chemical sprayer with a two foot long spraying wand.  We inserted the spraying wand into …

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Burger King Billboard

Communiqué from Unknown Activists Date: June 6, 2011 Institution Targeted: Burger King Received anonymously:

Snowflake Furs Repainted

Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: May 15, 2011 Institution Targeted: Snowflake Furs Received anonymously: On the night of Saturday May 14th Snowflake Furs in Vancouver BC was vandalized with red paint. Animal abusers are not welcome in our city. -Animal Liberation Front

Hunting Graffiti in Canada

Communiqué from Unnamed Activists Date: May 8, 2011 Institution Targeted: Hunting Received anonymously: April 30, Kamloops, BC, Canada

Primate Facility Blockaded

Communiqué from Unnamed Activists Date: May 8, 2011 Institution Targeted: Primate Products and Scripps Biotech Received anonymously: May 8, 2011 A message was sent this morning to Primate Products and Scripps Biotech at a remote * primate testing and breeding facility in Hendry County… A road blockade appeared earlier this morning, obstructing potential participants in …

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Alligators Liberated

Communiqué from The Resistance Date: May 6, 2011 Institution Targeted: Florida Alligator Prison Received anonymously: Somewhere in Florida on May 1, a 14-foot alligator, was liberated from his pit of despair where he was a caged tourist attraction. He was imprisoned in a shallow pool of stagnant green water, no pump, no food, unable to …

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UCLA Vivisectors Attacked

Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Brigade/Justice Department Date: May 3, 2011 Institution Targeted: UCLA Primate Vivisection Received anonymously: On Monday April 25th observing laboratory animal liberation week we joined forces with another cell and sent UCLA monkey experimenters Joaquin Fuster at [deleted] Pesquera Dr. in Los Angeles and Edythe London living at [deleted] Edgeley Place …

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Sled Dog Massacre Avenged

Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: March 30, 2011 Institution Targeted: Outdoor Adventures, Canadian Government Received anonymously: On the night of March 29th in Whistler BC, the ALF decided to do what the Canadian government should have done in the first place, punish Outdoor Adventures for ordering the deaths of 100 used up sled …

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Cyber-Attack on Furrier

Communiqué from the ‘Fuck American Legend’ Foundation Date: March 19, 2011 Institution Targeted: American Legend Furriers Received anonymously: This is an open letter to American Legend. On Tuesday March, 15th and Wednesday March, 16th there was a cyber protest against your company’s web sites. We hit your web servers with a distributed denial of service …

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Seaquarium Paint Job

Communiqué from Unnamed Activists Date: February 28, 2011 Institution Targeted: Miami Seaquarium Received anonymously: During the night of February 25, a sign was covered in paint near the entrance to the Miami Seaquarium.

Police Station Bombed

Communiqué from the Frente de Liberación de la Tierra Date: February 13, 2011 Institution Targeted: Mexican Police Received anonymously: …Who votes for them? Who bows their head in respect to them? Who admires them and wants himself, or at least his children, to be like them? Who keeps quiet in front of the gross injustices …

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