Category: International Communiqués

ALF Topples 50 (Fifty!) Hunting Towers in Sweden

Received anonymously: 50 hunt towers destroyed in south west Sweden in solidarity with the moose and against the bloody moose hunt that starts now. Hunts are cunts / ALF

Piglet Liberated by ALF in North UK

Received anonymously, from Unoffensive Animal: August 2017, North UK 3 ALF activists enter a pig farm in the north of England and liberate an 8 week old piglet from suffering. Her brothers and sisters won’t be as lucky as her. She now gets to live her life out safe at the far end of the country.

Anti-Bullfighting Slogans Painted in Carcassonne (France)

Received anonymously: Anti-bullfighting slogans were painted on municipal buildings, and two municipal vehicles were vandalized, in Carcassonne during the night of August 25-26, days before bullfights were to be held in the town.

Thousands of Salmon Released from Cages in Sweden

Received anonymously: In Dalarna, Sweden: 29/8. Thousands of salmon were released from their cages in the ocean/river as the nets were destroyed. Aquatic animals are often forgotten; little empathy exists for their plight. Their massacre is enormous; we do not hear their cries but the suffering and agony in the cages is enormous. Fish are …

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Swedish Mink Insurrection (Smaland)

Received anonymously:   MINK INSURRECTION IN SMALAND On the night between Saturday and Sunday, 26-27 August, thousands of minks got assistance in their escape from a prison, a minkfarm. A hundred something of them moved by getting transported directly to the forest, where they for the first time could feel solid ground beneath their paws. …

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ALF Sabotage at Slaughterhouse in Sao Paulo

According to a report on Vozes Em Luto, ALF activists painted messages on a pig slaughterhouse in Suzano (São Paulo) in the early hours of August 26.

Crows, Magpies Rescued from Traps in UK

Received anonymously from Hunt Saboteurs Association (click here for video of the rescue): Footage given to us shows saboteurs rescuing crows and magpies from a ladder trap. Ladder traps are used by gamekeepers to kill corvids in large numbers, whereby the birds can fly in through gaps in the roof of the trap but are unable to …

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Hunting Tower Toppled in Sweden

Received anonymously:   Småland, Sweden. Monday 14th of August.

Deer Liberation Front Frees 100 Deer from Captivity (Fribourg, Switzerland)

Received anonymously: (translation by Earth First! Journal) Deer Liberation Front attacks! On the night of August 6, the gratings of a breeding farm of the State Agricultural Institute of Fribourg were cut and about a hundred deer were able to escape and find refuge and relative freedom in the forest. These animals, whose ancestors lived in …

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Quail Liberated in UK

Received anonymously: East UK Two quails liberated // solidarity liberation and report. The night of the 13th we entered a quail’s eggs production facility. Security measures were weak and the animals shown feather loss and blood from infections. We didn’t doubt but to take two beautiful quails with us who will now live a life …

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2 Sheep Rescued by ALF (UK)

Received anonymously: HIT REPORT – NORTH OF ENGLAND, AUGUST. ALF entered a farm in the middle of night and liberated two 6 month old sheep destined for slaughter just one week later. These sheep will now live their lives free from harm in an undisclosed location. SOLIDARITY TO ALL ALF WARRIORS. UNTIL EVERY CAGE IS …

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Fur Shop Visited by ALF (Sweden)

Received anonymously: A fur & leather store was visited by the A.L.F on the night of august 9. This is the 7th attack in 1 month. The same night the owners house also got a visit; windows smashed, two cars was destroyed, letters received (with bullets in them) and paint was thrown at the house/cars …

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Baby Chicken Saved in Czech Republic

report from (click here for more photos from the rescue): “Open rescue XXXIII (July 2017) My friend told me that she lives in a flat with a huge terrace and that she could give a home to a duck or a chicken as her flatmate. So we went out for one chick. As many times before …

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Fish Shop Sabotaged by ALF (France)

Received anonymously: (translation) Aquatic animals are unfortunately often forgotten; little empathy exists for their plight. Their massacre is enormous; we do not hear their cries but the suffering and agony they endure is terrible. They are considered merchandise, they are spoken about in tons … not as individuals. That’s why on the night of August …

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2000 Mink Liberated in Sweden

According to media reports, during the night of August 2-3 more than 2,000 mink were released from Söndregårds mink farm in Glommen.