Category: International Communiqués

Four Hunting Towers Destroyed in Sweden

Received anonymously: Four hunting towers were destroyed in southern Sweden. Let’s make hunting history! Hunt Saboteurs Sweden HSS  

20 Baby Chickens Liberated by ALF (Midlands, UK)

Received anonymously, from December, Midlands UK ALF entered a chicken meat farm during the night and liberate 20 two week olds chicks from a life of suffering before they are slaughtered at 42 days old. These 20 will live a life full of love and freedom, away from the people who wish to bring them …

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ALF Destroys 4 Hunting Towers (Germany)

anonymous report, from; click here for video of the action: 17th December, Hambacher Forest. On our walks outside of the forest we have discovered that a sand and stone mine is allowing hunters to murder animals. Four towers fell today, and not just the towers, but their machinery will be targeted if they allow this murdering behaviour. …

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Duck Liberated in Chile, In Honor of Walter Bond

Received anonymously, from (translation): A new life h   as been rescued, from a horrible place where his life depended on his liberation… Without delay. Images from his release from the box to his beautiful and loving life where he will never see a cage again!!!! All help and support is appreciated. Dedicated to the resistance …

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Hunting Towers Destroyed (Germany)

Received anonymously, from 12th December, Hambacher forest. Hunters are dickheads so every time we stumble upon a new shooting meadow, another shooting tower falls. Those small enough to carry are used as barricades. The rest are left completely useless, sometimes hanging off trees without legs, sometimes laying down like the fallen statues during Columbus Day. …

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Rabbits Liberated in Veneto (Italy)

Received anonymously, from (translation): Activists entered an intensive breeding farm in Veneto and freed many rabbits from their cages. Now they are safe and will live their lives away from exploitation and cruelty.

7 Hunting Towers Destroyed, Meurthe-et-Moselle (France)

According to an anonymous report on, seven hunting towers were destroyed by activists in Meurthe-et-Moselle.

Hunting Towers Destroyed, Rail Line Disrupted in Hambacher Forest, Germany

Received anonymously, from 26th November, Hambacher Forest. I couldn’t leave that fourth tower standing. Now it rests calmly on the ground. Fuck RWE and fuck speciesism. A lone owl, this time with some other forest friends. 24th November, Hambacher Forest After the court’s decision to cut the remains of the forest and a call from …

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Rabbits Liberated from Zoo in Sweden

Received anonymously: two bunny brothers saved 3 months ago from a zoo. they weren’t cute anymore and would have been euthanized if we didn’t take them. They have 3 more brothers that already have homes and these two are staying with us. mid of September

Bulgarian Meat Shops Sabotaged

Received anonymously, from Unoffensive Animal: The buildings of several companies, whose headquarters are located in Plovdiv, came across sprayed messages last Saturday morning. The windows of one of the most profitable meat shops in town was flooded with red paint. The vinyls of the supermarket are also ruined. At the same time another meat shop …

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Eleven Rabbits Liberated in Czech Republic, Support Walter Bond!

report from (click here for more photos from the rescue): Open rescue XXXVII (November 2017) & Support Walter Bond A rabbit mom gives birth eight times every year. She does not want to but she has to. Each time there will be 7-10 little rabbits. After 78-82 days they are declared mature enough for …

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9 Sheep Rescued by ALF (Spain)

Received anonymously: Spain 9 sheep rescued from a farm (All lambs..) Two days ago ALF.. Until all cages And farms are empty And abolished

Hunting Towers Destroyed in Valais (Switzerland)

According to an anonymous report on, several hunting towers were destroyed by activists (“FAC” = Front Anti Chasse/Anti Hunting Front) in Valais, Switzerland.

Open rescue of 25 Hens (Czech Republic)

Report from (click here for more photos from the rescue): Open rescue XXXVI (November 2017) & In the memory of Britches + 467 We rescued 25 hens. They will not die in the cage nor in the slaughterhouse. We took them to the transfer place and from there to their new homes. Now they can spread …

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5 Chickens Liberated by ALF (Midlands, UK)

Received anonymously, from Unoffensive Animal: November, Midlands UK. ‘5 chickens liberated from slaughterhouse by ALF activists. Now safe and sound in a new home.’