Received anonymously (click here for video from the action): On the 19th of August activists entered a fur farm during a protest in Hjo, Sweden. 5000 mink were freed from their cages and so far no one has been charged for the action. Activists covered the farmers home in stickers to remind him that someone will always …
Category: International Communiqués
Aug 20
Rabbit Liberated by ALF (UK)
Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: In Derbyshire on Tuesday the 14th August a rabbit was liberated from solitary confinement in a hutch much too small that hadn’t been cleaned out for god knows how long. There was urine and inches of faeces all over it – all this coupled with the warm weather creates perfect conditions …
Aug 14
ALF Liberates 13 Chickens and Ducks (UK)
Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: In the middle of the night and after making sure that the farmer and the dog were fast asleep, we accessed a rare breed bird farm. From golden pheasants to peacocks, any kind of bird that could be purchased as an ornament for a garden somewhere in a posh house was …
Aug 13
(No title)
Aug 12
3 Shooting Towers Destroyed by ALF (Somerset, UK)
Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: 8th August, Somerset UK. We emerged from the night and tore down 3 hunting towers. Animals are not your play things to be killed for ‘fun’, they are not commodities for you to exploit as you wish. We will not allow your murderous assaults on nature to continue. ALF is watching …
Aug 09
Rats and Frogs Liberated from Vivisection Laboratory (Chile)
Received anonymously from (translation); click here for video from the action: We decided to enter the animal research facility of the Department of Biology at UMCE (ex pedagogical) in order to snatch from the hands of torturers and future teachers a group of ‘laboratory’ frogs and rats who were confined in an unhealthy space, where the cages were …
Aug 08
Circus Signs Removed (Sweden)
Received anonymously: Cirkus Olympia All their signs about the show are taken down and then recycled at the recycling station. About 40 signs and then left a message where they will park their animals tomorrow ‘welcome -Djurfront’ Fuck those animal abusers!! Now it looks like the show is cancelled! Picture borrowed to show how big …
Aug 07
Arson Attack Destroys Ticket Booths at Zoo (France)
Received anonymously from Peaugres (Ardèche) : Cages that we call liberty. A thought for all people, whether they are locked in cages or not, who would like to see them destroyed, aware that these are not only material. In our thoughts are also all living creatures that animate our desires to destroy as it does …
Aug 04
Dog Rescued by ALF in Italy
The ALF rescued a neglected dog from a home in Italy. Italian: Una villa sfarzosa con cancellate in ferro battuto e addirittura le iniziali del proprietario scolpite sul pavimento, sfarzosa ma completamente abbandonata. Nel giardino, tra immondizia e erba incolta, nel più totale degrado, prigioniero in una gabbia di pochi metri quadrati c’era lui. Solo …